Today’s Reading: James 3-5
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Here you can see the ruins of what some consider to be the Pinnacle of the Temple in Jerusalem. This is the southwest corner of the Temple Mount. It may have been to this height which Satan brought Jesus in the time of Jesus’ temptation. Jesus, the Man, did as James said. He submitted to God, resisted the devil, and the devil fled from Him! According to the Jewish historian, Josephus, James was executed by the authority of Ananus, High Priest, by being thrown off of this pinnacle.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: James 4:7, 5:16
Therefore, submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you…Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.
James 3 focuses on that “little member that boasts great things,” the tongue. James has a definition of a “perfect man” as “one who does not stumble in word” (the tongue). It’s encouraging to note that James is human as he says, “We [includes himself] all stumble in many things.” James tells us that “No man can tame the tongue.” So-o-o do we just give up? Never!!! Our key verses have the answer as to how not to be “hung by the tongue!” Firstly, “Resist the devil.” Secondly, “Confess.” Thirdly, “Pray!” Fourthly, we should daily present our bodies (that would include our tongues) as living sacrifices, “Holy acceptable to God!” (Romans 12:1).
James 4 exhorts us to “Lament and mourn and weep!” When is the last time we experienced this depth of sorrow over our sins? “Repent” was in the first recorded words of John the Baptist (Matthew 3:1-2) and Jesus (Matthew 4:17), as well as in Peter’s response to the question he was asked on the birthday of the Church! (Acts 2:37-38). Pastor James teaches, “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up!”
James 5 will spill over into my PERSONAL WORDS section below.
Lord God, I ask for Your free gift of grace so I may learn daily to give over to You all the members of my body, in particular, that unruly member, the tongue. Thank You, Jesus, for the gift of Your brother, James, as a Pastor to the Church of all times and all places. I pray for these mercies from Your most gracious hand, in Your Name, Jesus, Amen!!!
James 5 – I always look for words which are repeated such as “be patient” (twice). This blog is intended to help “establish” our “hearts” (5:8). May it be so for us all! Now I encourage everyone to read again James 5:13-16. The Pastor gives the protocol for a joyful, clean and healthy life. In my years as a Pastor, I put this into practice constantly. Every Sunday the Elders and I would offer to pray over anyone desiring healing. We would place olive oil on those asking for anointing. Many testified to God’s healing power. When I began travelling as an Evangelist in the 1970s, I would insist that Pastors and Elders be involved in praying for the sick. For a period of five years, from about 1972 to 1977, I would ask who in the congregation had a medically documented healing. If so, I asked people to stay behind to tell me about it. I discovered approximately 40 people who had confirmation from their doctors which attested to a miraculous cure. I asked each one, “Who prayed for you and where were you prayed for?” Of course many said that people everywhere were praying for them. Then I would ask them, “Were you prayed for and anointed with oil by your Pastor and the Elders of your local Church?” In 100% of these cases the answer was, “Yes!” For this reason I discourage people from traveling many miles to be prayed for by an evangelist. The evangelist’s job (like Billy Graham) is to get people to believe in Jesus for the salvation of their never-dying souls. The job of the Church is to do as Pastor James instructs us. Amen! Amen! and Amen!!!
Yours, as an Assistant Pastor to James, Jerusalem’s first Pastor,
P.S. I’ve personally experienced God’s power to heal when I was a 19-year-old college student. I was prayed for by fellow students, and as the Doctors would not allow me to be moved from my dorm room, two Pastors/Teachers came into my room. They prayed fervently because the medical doctors had told them that I would be “carried out feet first,” or in other words, they expected me to die. I don’t have room here to give the details, but it’s sufficient to say that as they anointed me and laid their hands on my head, my 105+ fever dissipated. I was delirious, but at the same time it was like a beautiful cooling shower was falling on me. I got up, dressed, got in my ’47 Plymouth car, and drove to the hospital Emergency Department. I announced that I was well and that God had healed me. I did elect for surgery which would make it impossible for the same thing to happen again. I benefited from God’s healing power and from the good works of skilled medical practitioners. James is my very, very Senior Pastor! Amen again!!!
The scripture of James is so meaningful to me, this morning. God’s timing is quintessential. Praise God, for He knew the work David would carry out as a faithful servant, and we remain forever blessed. May we all be inspired to be living examples of hope to others in an often daunted world. Let us be vehicles of His love. Blessings fellow saints in the Lord
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Phil 4:4 ESV
Jesus Lover Of My Soul – Hillsong- Darlene Zschech
Experienced answers to James 4.7
Shortly after I began my journey with David and 100 Words,this poem ‘came to’ me and I felt that it was a message for David (where I am only the messenger) and that,if it was intended for him,he would recognize it and know it as such.
I could have shared all of today’s scripture on FB today but just picked 2 segments but include the link to all of it.We sing at 2 in East Cumberland Lodge at 2 and it’s 1245 and I need a shower so gotta run.God bless
Catch The Fire (4 David Mainse)
Though you have walked many oceans
And spread My word to many nations,
I saw in you and your devotions
A servant of joyous exhalations.
You have not asked for earthly wealth,
But just to be my most humble voice
And when adversity was kept in stealth
You still worshiped Me out of free choice.
So out of free choice I give you
More time upon the stage of learning,
Whereby My word you show to be true
And catch the fire that’s forever burning.
G W(Bill) Marshall / 01 February, 2014
Amen, Bill!
Sorry for not letting you know sooner, about my husbands’ back surgery which was one week ago today. He got home on Friday around 5:40 pm. It has been hectic ever since, athough the surgery went well, he is having bathroom problems both ways. I am the one who has to use a catheter every 4 hours hours. As well I have to make sure I give him his Meds at the proper times. Today a girl is here washing him which is a big help. I might not be on the comments too much as I am kept busy. I still read my scriptures and Pastor David’s comments not always in the mornings. I appreciate all your prayers thank you very much. The scripture today was very encouraging. Bless all of you reading this blog. Eleanor M.
and I thought I had it rough,Eleanor.I’m praying for you and your husband too.God bless
What a special word by David in this blog, also his testimony…Praise God David is totally healed now!!!
I thought you might enjoy this little explanation of the tongue.
“The Tongue”
“The boneless tongue, so small and weak “can crush and kill”, declares the Greek. “The tongue destroys a greater horde”, the Turk asserts, “than does the sword”. A Persian proverb wisely saith, “a lengthy tongue, an early death”. Or sometimes takes this form instead, “don’t let your tongue cut off your head”. “The tongue can speak a word whose speed, the Chinese say, outstrips the steed”. While Arab sages this impart, “The tongue’s great storehouse is the heart”. From Hebrew wit this maxim sprung, “tho’ feet should slip, ne’er let the tongue”. The sacred writer crowns the whole, “who keeps his tongue, does keep his soul”.
Have a wonderful day all you saints!
Amen, sister Irene!!
Thank you God for your healing power , and David’s testimony for all of us .
Lianne Hogg
Amen! Lianne Hogg.
Praise our Lord Jesus Christ, in whom we trust for everything,
in His Holy Name, Amen!
Amen, sister Lianne!!
TY Lord for this day! I confess I was annoyed at AH! I felt she was a bully! For give me Lord; TY for the bargain I received on some lingerie items at Walmart! That truly was Your doing Lord TY Bless our music lessons tonight; Bless our homes and keep us safe from any and all harm! TY for the car You gave me last March! TY Lord for this prayer blog and for the Ministry of 100 Huntley Street, TY Lord that it is seen and heard around the world, TY Lord in Jesus Name we Pray amen
Hope you are enjoying your ukulele, Sah!
Today’s (Tuesday’s) email contains Monday’s lesson.Here is the link to 100 Words.I have it in my toolbar.Blessings