Today’s Reading: Isaiah 53-54
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The sun casting a shadow of a cross inside the ruins of the ancient Colosseum in Rome. A cross, the instrument used throughout the ancient Roman Empire for the most painful and gruesome form of capital punishment ever devised by man, became the greatest symbol of hope and eternal life.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Isaiah 53:6
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
Chapter 53 should be read two or more times today in a quiet and reflective atmosphere. It would be good to back up to 52:13-15 for today’s reading. When the chapter divisions were chosen to make it easier to find specific Scriptures, they could have started Chapter 53 three sentences earlier with the words about the One Whose “Visage was marred more than any man.” There are 41 personal pronouns, “He” and “Him.” “He” is the subject of our attention. The object of God’s plan of Salvation is “Him.” One might almost think that Isaiah was standing there with Mary, Peter, John and the others at the foot of the cross, but Isaiah’s description of events was written hundreds of years earlier, long before crucifixion was used as a means of prolonged dying and death. Meditate on those pronouns! A pronoun takes the place of a noun. A noun is the name of a person, place or thing. A personal pronoun takes the place of a person. Ask the question: “What person’s name, of all people who ever lived, could be put there in place of those pronouns?” If our answer is “Jesus,” then let us read this powerful prophecy by substituting “Jesus” for each pronoun. For example, 53:5, “Jesus was wounded for our transgressions, Jesus was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Jesus, and by Jesus’ stripes we are healed.”
O Lord Jesus! O my Saviour and Lord Jesus! I give You all of me once again. I am not my own. You have purchased me with the blood of Your suffering! Fill me with as much of Your passion as You know I can bear. May I never be so selfish as to keep this to myself. Please equip me, Lord Jesus, with a greater passion for lost people for whom You “were led as a lamb to the slaughter” and for whom You were “numbered with the transgressors,” bearing all our sins. In Your Name (His name stands for all He is and has done) I pray. Amen!!!
I’ve just read Acts 8:26-39. It was Isaiah 53 that brought this treasurer of the Queen of Ethiopia to Jesus. The “pronouns” of Isaiah brought a Jewish medical doctor to Jesus. He was first violinist in a symphony orchestra. The full story is in the book, This Far By Faith (pages 113-116). If you don’t have this volume containing powerful stories of God’s love and grace, click here for ordering information. I had the privilege of teaching public school as an 18 year old. I would visit the homes of my students and ask if I could read Isaiah 53 and have prayer with them. I was never turned down. I could hardly see the keys of my computer through my tears as I typed the first part of this blog. I’m gaining my composure now, and I realize that I’ve not mentioned our other chapter in today’s reading. Here is the prophecy of the “children of the desolate” (that’s us, the Church). The “married woman” to whom Isaiah refers is Israel (Isaiah 54:1). Both the Church (made up of Jews and Gentiles) and Israel have glorious futures under the rule of Messiah!
Yours for sharing Jesus, the Name to which the personal pronouns of Isaiah refer,
P.S. The centrepiece in The Shrine of the Book at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem is Isaiah 53 from the Dead Sea Scrolls. Isaiah was the only book of the Bible found complete in those scrolls, which were stored in clay jars and hidden in caves along the shores of the Dead Sea before the birth of Jesus! They were found by an Arab shepherd boy in 1948. How special is that?! Would you agree that God wants this message communicated to the whole world?
Christ died on the cross
for us.
Powerful picture of
the cross.
The Only One
If I had been the only one,
No matter what I had done,
He would have sent His only Son,
To die before the setting sun.
I may have thought I was dirt,
But He loved me anyway,
Through all the trials and hurt
To save me for judgement day.
He broke the demon’s strangle hold
But we have to be free to choose,
Either love or Satan’s earthly gold,
But choose the glitter,then you loose.
So choose the path away from wealth,
For riches bring a fool to ruin
And you will find in heaven’s stealth
That treasure there is widely strewn.
Free choice is a gift to all,
It came with Him off the cross,
And if I stumble and I fall,
He saves me from eternal loss.
G W(Bill) Marshall / 23 March, 2014
me too, AMEN, William!
Yes Amen Bill
I am glad that David mentioned “tearing up”. I was wondering what was wrong with me! I have some problems with watching/hearing of His crucifixion . Thank You, thank You, thank You, Lord.
The great thing about the crucifixion is the “love”….. immeasurable… that it took ‘to lay down one’s life’ (in this manner,knowingly) for just me/one other or all of us when He could have called 10,000 angels….
But it would have been meaningless without the Resurrection that proved scripture in prophecy referred only to Jesus as the promised Messiah.
A Kiss By Love
The vastness of the sins we wrought
Was cancelled by one wooden cross,
For there alone forgiveness was bought
By the Gift of His Son who took our loss.
What caused this Man of holy reign
To take our sins of unholy shame
And with His blood give hope again,
When He was least of all to blame?
This King of kings who rose above,
Broke the serpent’s strangle hold,
For hate was given a kiss by love
In the greatest story ever told.
G W(Bill) Marshall / June 08, 2013
The Open Tomb
As I now stand in the open tomb,
I see the world that brought My doom,
When every heart was filled with gloom;
That’s why I must prepare them room.
I taught enough to give them sight,
That they will know that truth is right
And in this truth shall shine My light
Until My return with Heaven’s might.
The love I felt in this world of hate
Is too strong for mere words to state,
But for some it’s now not too late
To follow Me through Heaven’s gate.
G W(Bill) Marshall /April 01, 2013
Beautiful poems William!!!
Good Morning Friends.
The picture posted is magnificent. Thank you.
Beverlee Kay- this morning’s Devo Reading, from Our Daily Bread Ministries, reminded me so much of you, and the turmoil that can come from another’s action/ words… Though it is difficult to process, I know you already know that God is with you- leading, guiding and ‘growing’ you, in all ways. It is easy to love when all is good, but the true testing comes in the Refiner’s fire. Perhaps there will be time to check-out Devo On-line..(Col.3:9-17). Praying for God’s Love and Wisdom to fill you.
Beverlee- Whoops-Devo Reading was actually for Monday-Jan 15 ( Our Daily Bread)
Thank you, Laurie–that is so kind of you to share that with me. Just read it, and encouraged me to soak in God’s love and be thankful–He will provide the answers to come. God’s blessings upon you, Laurie. In Jesus’ Name. Amen!
I may not say it often but I am always grateful for this inspired blog.Thank you for carrying it on,Reynold,Ron and (daughter-in-love) Ann (He who is last shall be first,lol).God has already blessed you.May He continue to pour out His blessings on you.
One of my favorites:
I lay them down in front of you,
For Jesus,that is what I must do
When my burdens become too much,
I surrender them to your gentle touch.
Lord,I give all my troubles to you,
They are yours when my day is through,
Please make them smaller for me
So I am unencumbered and free.
Lord you found me and gave me hope
With new strength that I might cope,
And now I have surrendered to you,
Body and soul to be made anew.
You lifted me up so I could see,
That you were always beside me,
Now I feel grief for the lost years,
But I shall not cry any wasted tears.
So I will lay them at Your holy feet,
For You have made me more complete,
I am yours through the fires of Hell,
With love that Satan’s hordes can’t quell.
G W(Bill) Marshall/2012
Written after my ‘surrender’,on my knees,
in my livingroom,over a year after the fact.
William you are thankful every time you share your poems, thoughts, prayers, keep it up! May God grant god health and prosperity in this year of 2018~ in Jesus Name we Pray amen amen amen
“good health”
Amen! to all the comments above.
Praying for all the people on this blog, that our Lord God would meet
all their needs, in Jesus precious Name, Amen!
Amen Joy! Prayed our beloved teacher’s prayer and it is so meaningful. Lord Jesus as I meditate on the fact that you laid down your life for us to such pain and suffering I want to say thank you again. We love you Jesus, Amen!!
Amen, Ger!! We thank and love you, Jesus!
Amen Ger and Beverlee!
SO THANKFUL for swimming,music, car, removal of smokes/drinking/
please pray the Lord will grant me a financial windfall of some sort! NEED to clear loan and help family/others/needing help with rent etc. in Jesus Name we pray AMEN
“Oh, how He loves you and me, He gave His life what more could he give
Oh how JESUS Loves you, Oh how, JESUS loves me, JESUS gave His live, what more could JESUS give; oh how He loves you and me!!
oops should read “JESUS gave His life”,
POWERFUL PICTURE!!! Thank you Reynold!! Thank you David!! Thank you Ron and Ann for posting it!!!!