Today’s Reading: Isaiah 39-40
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

This bronze eagle, found in Pella Greece, is now on display at the Archaeological Museum. It sure looks like this eagle is “mounting up with wings,” as our key verse tells us. Let’s all stretch our wings and fly onward and upward in our relationship with God!!!
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Isaiah 40:31
But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.
In his book, Isaiah gives us God’s Word! Isaiah said to King Hezekiah, “Hear the Word of the Lord!” (39:5). Hezekiah would pray and God would answer through His Prophet. This was the way it was in Old Testament times. False prophets were plentiful and they would distort God’s message, or simply make up something and claim they had heard from God. This was a dangerous time for God’s people. They did not have the book of Isaiah, let alone Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. As John wrote in his first chapter, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God!!!” The Apostle Peter’s words in 2 Peter 1:15-21 bring together “our Lord Jesus Christ” and “the prophetic Word.” Essentially, God summed up all He had to say to the world in His Son and our Saviour and Lord, Jesus. Read Matthew 17:1-8 and note the words, “This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased. HEAR HIM!!!”
O Lord God, I pray for grace to follow You so closely that I will know all that You are saying to me. You promised that “My sheep know My voice.” By this I know that I am hearing directly from You and not just from someone else speaking for You, as the true prophets like Isaiah did. You, Lord Jesus, are the One of Whom Isaiah wrote, “He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom” (Isaiah 40:11a). What assurance I have in the knowledge that You are holding me and that I am hearing from You! In Your Name, Jesus, I pray. Amen!!!
I’m so glad I’m able to get to church regularly. I know that I hear New Testament prophecy, as described in Revelation 19:10b, “Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy.” On the birthday of the Church, Peter took as the text for his message the words of the Prophet Joel (Joel 2:28-29, Acts 2:14-21). Peter said that as the 120 spoke of Jesus on the streets of Jerusalem, they (sons, daughters, all of them), were prophesying. These were New Testament prophets. I want to daily share Jesus. In this understanding, when I do this blog each morning, I’m functioning as a New Testament prophet. And so are you when you share Jesus with someone! A few years ago Pastor Kevin Shepherd launched a campaign for the New Year called, “Because I said so!” Most people in attendance signed up and were given a sticker to put in a prominent place. I put my sticker on the back of my cell phone. It reminds me that God’s promises can be relied upon! For the past two years I have received a text message each week with one of God’s promises selected by the Pastor. One of them was our key verse, and again I’m encouraged to “Wait on the Lord…mount up with wings as eagles.” Because God said so, we will “run and not be weary,” and “walk and not faint.”
Yours for hearing and understanding God’s Word to each one of us,
Is 40.31
is a powerful verse
for our circumstances
in our life- encouragement.
What an amazing legacy David Mainse has left all of us. Please share this bible study with friends and family members. It could save their precious lives; then everyone would have a Happy New Year.
Divine scripture and priceless photo! We sure do miss you, David! We stretch our wings and fly onward and upward in our relationship with you, God, indeed!! Blessings fellow saints in the Lord!
“Abba, Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” Mark 14:36 NIV
Abba // Official Lyric Video // Jonathan & Melissa Helser
Amen, Beverlee!!
and thank you for the song!
You’re welcome, Irene. I love this song! Amen!
Blessings Beverlee Kay!
Amen thank you so much for continuing to post these powerful daily 100 Words blog, of David Mainse, they are a blessing every time I read them and, the Holy Spirit anoints the reading, thank You Jesus, the Lord bless 100 Huntley Street at daily broadcasts and bless every one that has a part in them, love and blessing to you all in Jesus Name!!!
Beautiful picture of family praying. My family has returned safely from a very cold Florida vacation! Good memories though. Thank you for praying. God’s greatest blessings on you all.
Priceless photo of the family praying for David…especially Jadice the 3 year old great-granddaughter.
Powerful scripture, some of which have bee put to song!!
Learn so much from David’s comments and exhortation, and powerful prayer!!
Truly a wonderful legacy he left for his loved ones!!
Today people of Orthodox faith have the privilege of celebrating the birth of Jesus.
We have the wonderful privilege of worshiping Him every day of our lives. Praise you Jesus, Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Holy one of Israel!!!
Thank you for keeping 100 Words going. I have been receiving the post now for almost from the beginning in my emails but in the last while it has not shown up there.Have you discontinued it and if so its fine?
Hi Bill
I had that problem also…it seemed that the website address at the bottom of this reply form was absent,missing, I just simply put my e mail in the top right corner where they ask for it and it came the next day….
sometimes things happen on the computers, I have to thank God that we don`t have more problems…it truly amazes me to think that everyone around the world can rad this blog….
blessings and a very Happy New year to you Bill…..God bless
I don`t get to go to church in the mornings anymore….however, I am thankful for everything that God has done in my life.;….I check out any evening services and also I am talking to people about sleep disorder, many have this problem but feel ashamed to talk about the issue…..
I am praying that more churches will consider having a Gospel sing-a-long in the evenings….a service where we all could come and just sing praises to God our King, our Saviour! amen
How special, particularly little Janice. And David seems so alive !