Today’s Reading: Isaiah 32-33
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Here the path goes under a great rock when making your way through Petra. Petra has been called, “The city half as old as time.” With amazing rock formations all over the lands of the Bible, it’s obvious why Bible writers likened our security, the solid foundations of our faith, and even the character of God to a “Great Rock.”
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Isaiah 32:2
A man will be as a hiding place from the wind,
And a cover from the tempest,
As rivers of water in a dry place,
As the shadow of a great rock in a weary land.
Isaiah ministered during the reign of four kings. Again and again Judah was under attack from surrounding nations and in danger of being destroyed. In this setting our key verse takes on added meaning. Isaiah’s call from God included a vision of the true King of the Universe! The prophetic message of Isaiah was to point his people to this King of Kings!!! To place our faith in any other source of apparent help is to court disaster. Political alliances and sophisticated weaponry are but false security. We can be like King Hezekiah who looked beyond present circumstances and focused on Almighty God!!! Read Isaiah’s vision of the Lord once again, and we’ll understand more fully the reason for his total confidence in God (Isaiah 6:1-8).
Lord God, I pray that I will remember the King that Micah 5:2 says will be born in Bethlehem. King Jesus, I’m celebrating Your birthday on each of 365 days this year! I give You my worship like the shepherds and, as modelled by the wise men, I give a present of myself and what I have as sacrificial offerings! I ask for grace to be faithful and not forgetful 24/7!!! I pray this before the eternal throne in Heaven in Jesus’ Sovereign Name! Amen!!!
100 PERSONAL WORDS: is a love gift to King Jesus! My sons give of their time to this joyful effort, as do I. Reynold’s travel and time to take spectacular photos are his gift to us at no cost to the ministry of Crossroads. Thank you, my son, for your daily gifts! Ron’s gifts of preparing the format for this blog, monitoring it and posting it…along with his wife Ann’s help…is a gift of love to Jesus! Thank you, Ron and Ann, for your gifts! All who participate by sharing the blog with others are giving gifts of love to Jesus! I’m asking today that you share the blog with more people. If you have a Facebook or twitter account, can you post a suggestion to all your friends today to check out Remember that anyone can start with me any day and, in two short years, read the Bible cover to cover with the help of! I’m trusting God to help me do this every morning without fail, so that busy people will gain a more comprehensive understanding of God’s revelation to His human family. I pray that God will make this blog to be, as our key verse says, “Rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land!”
Yours so that we will learn to think the thoughts of God daily,
P.S. The photo below is of the Crossroads Centre. It is seen in the distance down below the Niagara Escarpment. It was taken by Ron with my iPhone camera from the top floor of the highrise where Norma-Jean and I had an apartment. My grandson, Adam, added the big red arrow and circle. From this Crossroads building flow “rivers of water!” Dry places around the world are irrigated by the electronic flow of God’s life-giving streams!!! The prayers and love gifts of God’s people make this possible!!!
Good morning brothers and sisters, praying each of you have a blessed and joyful day in the Lord☺ He is our Rock and our Source in all things!
Amen, Deanna!
The fruit of the Lord’s righteousness will be peace; its effect will be quietness and confidence forever. How blessed we will be, sowing His seed by every stream (32:17, 20). Thank you, David, for having taught us how to spread our love for Jesus! Wishing all saints a blessed day–stay safe in the snow. Thinking of you, Ger, Irene, and continued prayers for you, Catherine.
The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
Psalm 27:1 ESV
Watched/listened to this, twice–so powerful!
Guy Penrod – Revelation Song (Live)
Thank you for all your Posts : words of encouragement and inspiring music suggestions.
You Bless us.
Thank you, Laurie–you all bless me, more than you could know.
Yes, indeed, agreeing with Laurie…you truly do bless us Beverlee Kay!!
Beverlee Kay
Yep! Powerful is the music.
I so admire Guy Penrod, he had his program on before Christmas, he features other Gospel singers, so enjoyable and very humbling….
thanks again for all the music you post for us to enjoy…..
Bless you Beverlee for your sensitive heart. Just to let you know I have spent Christmas and New Year’s Day with my son and his family in the San Jose area, and then together we headed to be with my middle son and his family who live in Vancouver.
How wonderful, Irene. I recall last year you were away to see your family but it seemed you were gone for so long, this year. San Jose is a beautiful spot. I can imagine you had a wonderful time, but it is nice to have you back with us!
Thank you Beverlee for your concern and prayer! I have been with my sons and their families through the holiday season. For Christmas in San Jose; then December 27 together, to continue celebrating, bringing in the New Year. I arrived home on Jan 2/18.
May 2018 be a Blessed and Joyous one for you!!
Blessings everyone and thank you Beverlee for your posts each day and prayers for me . I am blessed each day as I read the scriptures. Thanks to Reynold Ron and Ann for their continued posting of our blog.
This is the day the Lord has made, let us REJOICE in it.
Amen Catherine–thank you so much Ron, Ann, and Reynold for your photos. The continued blog is such a gift to us, and keeps us on track everyday.
Thank you Beverlee, Catherine and you Ron, Ann and Reynold.
And a Blessed and Joyous New Year to Norma-Jean and all the Mainse family. Thank you Ron and Anne for continuing to bless us with this blog!
very thankful for this blog! enjoy the comments and the Scripture teachings… often it is exactly what I needed to read or hear……
Blessings to all….
A blessed New Year to each and everyone of you!
Yes, we are so thankful to David Mainse for giving us the gift of this blog to help keep us all focused on God’s Word. Thankful to his family for keeping it going.
Ron and Ann became grandparents for the third time on January 2. We thank God for this precious gift of a grandson. May he bring much joy to the whole family! May Ann’s health improve each day and may she enjoy to the fullest her time with this baby
So glad you were able to travel and be with your family for Christmas .
Have a blessed day, everyone!
Sorry, meant to type Irene not Doreen
Thinking of you also Doreen and praying that you will be well and able to help your sister in the Nursing Home