Today’s Reading: Proverbs 31
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On display in the Archaeological Museum in Pella, Greece, is a golden leaf crown. This was created to resemble the wreath of leaves placed on the head of Olympic champions. Of course the Emperor had to have one made of Gold. Today’s reading should help us all strive to be the best we can be with God’s Spirit working 24/7 within us.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Proverbs 31:10-11
Who can find a virtuous wife?
For her worth is far above rubies.
The heart of her husband safely trusts her;
So he will have no lack of gain.
Could it be that Solomon was describing his own mother and the wife of his father. David and Bathsheba’s first child died at birth, and Solomon was their #2 child. No doubt Bathsheba shared in the words of repentance found in Psalm 51. John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, believed that King Lemuel, whose name is mentioned in this chapter, was Solomon himself and that Lemuel was one of Solomon’s names which means, “One who comes from God.” Wesley notes, “Perhaps David and Bathsheba, as a pledge of their reconciliation with God, gave Solomon this name, along with others, to remind him of his obligation to God.” It’s very possible that in Solomon’s eyes, his mother Bathsheba became the “virtuous wife” he describes. We serve a God who redeems the fallen and who, by His Holy Spirit, develops character so that a person, made in God’s image, can change and grow into the “stature of the fulness of Christ.” For a New Testament reading check out Ephesians 4:12-16.
Lord God, I pray with my whole being for Your help to fulfill all the potential that You desire to develop in me. Help me to be honest, virtuous and honourable. May the character of Jesus grow more and more in me, not by my own efforts alone, but by Your Spirit filling me, changing me, and growing me until I come into the “stature of the fulness of Christ.” Amen!!!
Over the years I have read extensively about a man of character, Nelson Mandela, as well as reading his own writings. Mandela said on one occasion, “One thing 27 years in prison taught me was to use the silence of solitude to realize how precious words are.” Reading this and thousands of Mandela’s other words has caused me to strive to do a better job of using words here on my blog. I’ve read that during his years in prison with just bread and water for breakfast, he would lift the bread to God and say, I receive this in remembrance of Your body, Lord Jesus, and with the water, “I receive this in remembrance of Your blood.” This would have been in keeping with his Wesleyan Methodist upbringing. Then he would be taken outside to the hard labour which they required of him. I saw a photo in a Toronto newspaper from just before Mandela was elected President. It was of Mandela, DeKlerk, President at the time of South Africa, and Mangosuthu Buthelezi of the Zulu people, kneeling together during a prayer meeting. A bloody civil war was averted, and a week later Mandela was President. Could Mandela’s deep and mainly private relationship with God have been the secret of his amazing strength of character? I leave this for you to judge.
Yours for becoming all we can be with the great help of God’s Spirit dwelling within us,
What a wonderful prayer today! Times can be difficult but President Mandela had it right. Sometimes it is hard to believe that God still has a plan for an older person! BUT HE DOES – so I must occupy even with the major changes that have challenged me. Walking more slowly now – BUT WALKING (With Jesus).
Walking with Jesus
-Path Finders.
Funeral for my aunt
I pray for God’s comfort for you and the family. May His presence be felt at the funeral for your aunt.
Praying for your aunt’s loved ones,Carol.I wrote this for a friend who’s sister went home.I never met her but the attached note explains.God bless
Attending a R.Catholic funeral,where
the priest went out of his way to make
us protestants feel comfortable,I was
inspired to write this.I had to
‘Protestantize’ the title.
(‘Let no man call anyone ”Father”……’)
Pastor,please say goodbye for me,
For I will not know who’s there
When my eyes no longer see
And my heart has no more care.
Your service says what I could not,
Through Jesus’ words to borrow,
For I have won the battle fought
And have risen above sorrow.
Pastor,please wipe away their grief,
For the truth will set them free
From the one who is a thief
And has nowhere to flee.
Don’t let them believe what’s not true,
For sorrow’s the devil’s kin,
But He who lives within you
Will set them free of their sin.
So,Pastor,speak for me this day,
With His words that can not lie,
To say that I am home to stay
Where no one will ever die.
(G.W.)Bill Marshall/15Sept,2015
Amen, Luisa…agreeing prayer for Doreen with you!!
oops sorry, that should read for “Carol”
In our lives, Lord, be glorified today.
In Jesus’s name,
So often David’s prayer speaks for me.Today’s prayer is another of those.
These words were intruding as I typed the above words:
‘The masters’ words paint a picture in your mind;
but all I can hope for is to paint a picture in your heart.’GWM
Thanks again to David who still teaches me from heaven and to Ron and Ann,who faithfully carry the torch.
You were and are the love of my life,
For you have been my beautiful wife.
You were my strength and my reason
And stayed in and out of season.
You were the light that came straight from Him
And still your light has never gone dim,
For you,in obeying His whim,
Have shone brightly when hope was dim.
Your faith,it is a gift from above,
For you are a vessel of His love
Where doubt can not grow in such light,
For you,like His tower,shine bright.
I strongly suspect this is how we see Morma-Jean.God bless
Deeply touched by David’s blog today. Thinking of the grace and love of God extended to His servant Nelson Mandela and how he was preparing him like Joseph to be the President of South Africa and I burst into a travail in the Spirit, also for our own families, Zimbabwe and Jerusalem. Amen! Thank you dear saints for all your prayers for me and forgive me for not responding sooner. Was a wonderful poem for Norma Jean William and so true.
Amen, Ger!
Always appreciate David’s prayer and words of Wisdom and personal input. God bless all who participate in this blog with their input.
Especially blessings on Norma-Jean and all the Mainse family!!
Amen! Irene Ochotta.
Psalm 122: 6 – 9
So very important just now