Today’s Reading: Proverbs 13
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The Trevi Fountain is in the Trevi district in Rome, Italy. Standing 26.3 metres (86 ft) high and 49.15 metres (161.3 ft) wide, it is the largest Baroque fountain in the city and one of the most famous fountains in the world. Competitions had become the rage during the Baroque era to design buildings, fountains, and even the Spanish Steps. In 1730 Pope Clement XII organized a contest in which Nicola Salvi initially lost to Alessandro Galilei — but due to the outcry in Rome over the fact that a Florentine won, Salvi was awarded the commission. Work began in 1732, and the fountain was completed in 1762. It’s good to have an appreciation of past artistic creations, buildings, etc. We can do this for our children’s children (our key verse) by being creative in the inheritance we leave for them. It won’t be a Trevi fountain, but it can be a unique gift of some kind.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Proverbs 13:22
A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children,
But the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.
Let’s back up to yesterday’s blog, Proverbs 12, for an observation. Here are principles which will help us reach our goals: (1) Be teachable! – 12:1a (2) Ask God for wisdom and be wise! -12:8a (3) Be industrious! – 12:11a (4) Be a listener! – 12:15b (5) Be prudent! – 12:16b. The word “prudent” means well judged, making good decisions, sensible, and well advised!
Today we continue to read a litany of the results of our behaviour. Proverbs 13:7 may have been in the mind of Jesus when He challenged the rich young ruler to sell everything, give to the poor, and come and be one of His disciples (students). Jesus promised this young man that he would have treasure in Heaven if he sacrificed worldly possessions. The gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke all carry this story (check out Mark 10:17-22). Mark says that Jesus loved this young man. I can’t help but wonder if perhaps this young man was Mark, himself. We know that his family was wealthy as they owned the large upper room where Jesus celebrated the last Passover before His death and where the Holy Spirit came upon the 120 people gathered in that room. I like to think that this youth whom Jesus loved may have eventually done what Jesus told him to do. Our reading tells us, “One who makes himself poor, yet has great riches!”
Lord God, it’s a joy to consider the inheritance I will leave behind me someday. I pray for wisdom in the choices I make. May my legacy be a strong influence for You and for good in the lives of those who come after me. I ask this in the Name of Jesus, the One with whom I am, according to Scripture, a joint-heir of God (Romans 8:14-17). Amen!!!
This brings me to Proverbs 13:24, “He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him promptly.” My how things change! When I taught public school over 60 years ago, I was supplied with a regulation strap by the department of education of Ontario for the disciplining of my students. I understood that the word “discipline” comes from the word “disciple” (a learner “talmudim” in Hebrew), and I also knew that for learning to take place, an orderly learning atmosphere must be maintained. Yes, I used that strap once. I took the three boys (who had locked me out of the classroom for about 5 minutes) into the cloakroom, closed the door, and the other children (grades 5 & 6) could hear what was going on. I never had to use the strap again. I had asked my Dad for advice in discipline. He quoted Shakespeare, “Consistency, thou are a rare jewel.” I wanted more advice, and he said, “That’s enough. Just meditate on that statement.” The message came through clearly. Speak once, make sure you are heard and understood, and then act if your thoughtful and important instructions are disobeyed.
Yours for all of us being what the school children in Israel are called, “Talmudim,”
P.S. We were all “Talmudim” (learners) in our tour to Israel in 2013. It requires discipline to receive the most benefit from such a trip. The two photos below were taken at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem.
Great commentary on the fountain–I remember studying it in art history–so enriching. Great proverbs and message, today. Blessings, fellow saints in the Lord!
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2 ESV
Aaron Shust – My Hope Is In You
Thanks you Beverlee for your prayer on behalf of my friend Elizabeth. I thank Sah also for her prayers. Praise God that Sah was able to sell her tires. I know that He will continue to help her with all her needs because she puts her trust in Him. What an amazing God we have. Blessings to all. Eleanor M.
Eleanor I am still dancing with joy over the sale of the tires! Now I pray for a place to sell hand knitted dishcloths, they are very pretty and they sell well; I just need a place to do this for me!
Yes, God is good!
Yes God is AMAZING!
I am so thankful for this blog; we are able to post any situation and ask people for prayers and suggestions, this is SO GOOD and GOD IS LOVING THIS ALSO……..
if anyone has time I would appreciates prayers asking the Lord if I should have a room mate? If so, then please pray that God will hand pick the right person……
Has anyone some good ideas as to what to leave to “children’s children”? My husband left bonds to the grandchildren when he passed nearly 3 years ago. I really want to leave a lasting witness to my grands (15 of them – ages 2 to 30). I would appreciate ideas! Blessings.
Just wondering:
if you had a lawyer involved in the business of your husband’s estate? did you like him? or not! if you did like him have you discussed this with him? How was the estate set up? Were the bonds named to go the grandchildren?
perhaps talk this over with your children and seek their advice or ideas
I would be praying about this matter for many days;
I would be asking the bloggers on this site for their prayers, opinions,advice or any personal experiences;
I would be talking to the Pastors and and asking them for their advice and for their prayers;
Doreen you are a very smart and wise woman to bring this matter to our attention for prayers and any ideas;
I would caution you to be very aware of misdeals;
also you may wish to discuss this with a banker;
I would also suggest that you always have someone with you when talking to people about these bonds;
I’ve worked with the legal field at some times and it always is a good thing to have another person listening with you;
Lord Doreen has brought this situation to your attention and she desires some ideas and Lord bless this beautiful lady because she wishes to leave “a lasting witness to my grands (15 of them -ages 2 to 30)” I believe Lord these would be her great-grand-children!
Lord this is such a good thing she desires in doing for her family and because she loves You Lord Jesus, she wants salvation for her family; she desires to wise and prudent; Lord I pray You will give Doreen much insight and that You Lord will guard her and guide her every step to do the right thing for the Kingdom of God and for her family! Thank you Lord, thank you in Jesus Name we Pray amen amen amen
Prov 22.6
a good verse
as a connection
to Prov 13.24.
Leave your bible
all marked up -verses.
Good idea. I agree but with so many grands (& some out of province/country) it would not be the best solution. Will seek wisdom for a possible solution!! Thanks though (may be good info for someone else).
Great words of wisdom in today’s block. Thank you for posting all the photos as well: commentary re the fountain.!!!
Blessing to all for a wonderful evening in the Lord!!