W – K – D – U
Today’s Reading: Proverbs 2-3
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

New waterways are being cut in Israel at the Dead Sea to advance the production of mineral collection. The countries of Israel and Jordan are finding “hidden treasures” (Proverbs 2:4b) in the area of the Dead Sea. Let us dig daily into the Holy Scriptures with this “digger blog” for the treasures of “wisdom” and “understanding”!
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.
In today’s reading, the word “UNDERSTANDING” is repeated 9 times. When someone is teaching a class, he or she may speak with greater volume to make an important point. In teaching by a written message, repetition is a shout! Pay attention! Synonyms for “understanding” are “insight” “comprehension” “perception” “discernment” and “know-how.” It’s what we stand on for the foundation of our lives.
The title for this blog is “W” – wisdom, “K” – knowledge, “D” – discretion, “U” – understanding. Consider the word DISCRETION. The thesaurus gives 41 synonyms; here are some of them. (1) Foresight (2) Prudence (3) Tact (4) Circumspection (5) Vigilance (6) Judiciousness (7) Good Sense!!! Some of the antonyms are (1) Carelessness (2) Disregard (3) Ignorance (4) Negligence (5) Indifference (6) Neglect (7) Poor decisions!!! Proverbs 3:21 teaches us to “Keep sound wisdom and DISCRETION.” And everybody said, “AMEN!!!”
Lord God, I pray for W – K – D – U. I acknowledge You in every area of my life. Thank You for Your powerful promise to guide my every step! I place You at the top spot in my priorities. I commit my ways to You so that my ways will line up with Your ways. I pray this in the Name and in the Power of the One who always did Your will and followed Your ways, Jesus, my Saviour and Lord! Amen!!!
When my sons, David Reynold (our photographer for the photos up top) and Ronald Wesley (who formats this blog page so that I can fill in the blanks) were 17 & 15, I travelled to Alberta to visit them at the Circle Square Ranch where they were working. I announced that a genuine “Big Foot” had been found a few miles from the ranch. They hopped in the car and we proceeded to a quarry about 10 miles away. To their surprise there was “Big Foot”…a giant digger with the capability to move in a walking motion on its two huge feet! (here is a photo of it I found online). O.K. I was teasing them, but at the same time I wanted them to experience what was then the biggest earth, gravel, and stone excavator on earth! When I saw the photo which Reynold had chosen to represent digging into God’s Word, I thought of that time! READY, SET, GO! Let’s dig!!!
Yours for daily digging into God’s Word and mining Treasures,
Oh, we trust in You, oh Lord! Amen! Wishing peace love and joy to all the saints. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil.
It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones.
Proverbs 3:7-8 NIV
From the Inside Out
Want to truly say thanks to my fellow blog family across the world who stood in prayer….as through your prayers I have been taken from the lions den ..3 years before my schedule release thank you Lord for your blessings on me…..
God is good, Joel. You must have sincerely called on the Lord yourself as well. God’s Greatest blessings on you.
Amen, Joel! Praise the Lord! For He is good! His love endures, forever!
God bless you, Joel! May you live the words of today’s key verse….Prov. 3:5-6
So glad you are released from the “lion’s den”
I hope He has or will lead you to a good church family,Joel.God bless
Yes indeed Joel! we all must DIG DEEP into God’s Word and cling to His every Word for through the Gospel of our Risen Lord and Saviour is our path laid out from HIM ABOVE! Praise the Lord! Thank the Lord that you have been taken from the lions den…
Amen Joel, God is so good, may you continue to follow Him. This is the day that The Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Blessings to all. Eleanor M.
Fellow bloggers you are all so good at lifting people up in prayer and I am asking you to pray for my son-in-law this morning. He was diagnosed with cancer yesterday. The kidney, ureter, and bladder have to be removed but it has already spread to the lymph nodes. They want to do surgery as soon as they can get a bed. He is only 55 and not a believer. Pray that through it all he will come to know Jesus. Thank you all.
His name is Murray
Heavenly Father in the Name of Jesus I lift Murray up to You. I pray for your intervention in his life, first of to heal his soul, draw him into Your fold I pray. Lord I also ask for your presence in the room where he is, for wisdom for those attending to him that nothing be done that is not of You. Guide their hands and their thoughts for Murray’s highest and best in You; YOUR WILL BE DONE IN MURRAY’S LIFE! Amen! and Amen!
Agreeing in prayer with Irene. Lord, we bring Murray before You. As Your Word says, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” Rom 10:13 NIV. Amen!
Also agreeing in prayer with Irene and Beverlee for Murray’s healing , spirtually and physically . 1 John 1v9. If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from al unrighteousness.
Joining with you all in prayer for Murray.
Agreeing in prayer with Irene. Thank you Lord, Amen!
Agreeing with others in prayer for Murray. May he be healed spiritually and physically. Amen!
well Lord You have something in mind for Gwen’s son-in-law! We pray the Holy Spirit will call him and begin to teach him about Jesus Christ! We pray the son-in-law will have questions! Is God real? What is going to happen to me? Am I going to die?
Gwen please pray how you will be able to speak with this wonderful child of God! Maybe you need to ask him the questions!
yes Lord surgery needs to be done asap! Lord You know this person inside and out! You see the cancer, you know where it is and You Lord know how to heal his body!
We pray Lord that Your Will be done in his life! yes Lord we pray for complete haling! yes Lord we pray for a MIRACLE in this person’s life, in his family’s life! yes Lord You have many answers for many people involved in the care of this young man!
We trust You Lord will love this child of Yours unconditionally and that He will look up and see You, smile and desire to have You speak to him and to his family!
Lord I just know that there is alot of wonderful information coming down from You for everyone involved, even those of us who pray or who shed tears for this beloved man and his family! LORD YOU REIGN ON THIS EARTH! LORD WE THANK YOU AND PRAISE YOU FOR ALL THE BLESSINGS OF THIS DAY. WE THANK YOU FOR HEALING THIS MAN! WE THANK YOU LORD,WE LOVE YOU, IN JESUS NAME WE PRAY AMEN AMEN AMEN
Praise the Lord Joel! What a testimony of the faithfulness and goodness of God. May the Lord continue to guide you as the key verse says. One of my favorites.
Thank you all for your kind words from yesterday.
I think I have used this,one of my very first,more than any others to encourage others:
Trust Me
Trust Me,I know what I am doing,
It’s not just your heart I am wooing
But your soul is so dear to Me,
I want you with Me for eternity.
Even when your days are very bad,
I share the load that makes you sad,
So do not be angry with Me,
You must trust in Me eternally.
I love all my children most dearly,
And in life I see you clearly,
That is why you are on the Earth,
It is a school and the grave is your birth.
‘I knew you before you were born’,
I would never leave you forlorn,
I know every hair on your head,
Death is not for you to dread
Life is through my precious Son,
A reward for when your day is done,
So know that this is my gift to you
And walk with Him your life through.
G W (Bill) Marshall/.2011
I left this on Sah’s post from yesterday.God bless
thank you William for this anointed poem!
Love this Spirit-led poem! These lines especially;
“It is a school and the grave is your birth.”
“Life is through my precious Son,
A reward for when your day is done.”
Love it Bill! Keep sharing your poetry with others. Your poems speak truth very directly and to the point.
PS I’m Judy S and I’ve been following David’s 100 Words for many years(maybe 4-5 years). I have posted only a few times but I feel I know so many of you guys..Beverlee Kaye, Irene, you Bill, and others. Good to read your posts. I will miss David Mainse as much as you all. It will be about 36 years ago that I prayed the prayer of Salvation with David and gave my life over to Our Lord and Saviour. My husband and I had the honor and privilege to travel through Israel on the yellow bus in 2013 with David, Norma-Jean, also Ron and Kathy, Jason, their son-in-law and Elena and her husband.
Thanks again to Ron and Ann also.God bless
This is how this appears in my files:
In The Blood (4 Pst.David Mainse )
I pray for healing in the blood,oh Lord,
I pray You will stretch out your hand,
That You,my Lord,with Your fiery sword,
Will show justice and not let evil stand.
I know,my Lord,that Satan has cursed me
And that only you can remove this hex,
For it is you,Most High,that none can see,
Who can take any scourge from our necks.
So I pray for healing in the blood,my God,
That you allow me to serve you,
So as I spread your word all may laud,
The name of the Father in all we do.
G W (Bill) Marshall / 12 September, 2013
It must have been early Sept 2013 when I began 100 Words.
What a blessing !
Prov. 3:5-6 are and were my strength when my son was in danger from the wiles of the enemy, deception, and lies. Praise God from whom all blessings flow, my son was young and vulnerable, but through much prayer, the Lord snatched him out of Satan’s lies and deception and set him on the KING’S HIGHWAY, free to serve the LORD!!
What a privilege it is to join together in prayer through this daily blog!! Thank you Ron and Ann for your faithfulness to bring it to us daily!!!
I like this “digger blog” !!
I also like it” in my younger years I would be operating that “Digger” they are fun! very powerful! it was cool for a “girl” to be able to operate machinery and believe me, I knew the boys were watching so I somewhat “showed” my skills, have to smile about it now! Yes, life was fun back then, so THANKFUL that the Lord has kept watch over me, may He always be in all our hearts and minds!
William you are a precious gift from God!TY for all you comments and remember, You are a Child of the Most High God!
here we go again, this blog has been so helpful in so many,many ways for people to post prayers, poems, thoughts, and be able to share some deep inner hurts! I feel so blessed to be able to read and pray with others!
please pray for healing for Sue, may God completely remove all cancer from her, may she heal and get back to work and feel happy about life!
also pray for Rob; pray God guides him to a safe home to live, more than enough money to live, pay rent, get vehicle fixed, visit with children, TYL that he is receiving counselling! WHAT A JOY!
prayers of thankfulness for my car which the Lord gave me in March; for selling the tires;paying off the garage, pray that dishcloths will sell; so thankful for no smokes/booze which the Lord removed and TYL for swimming!
still in awe of this wonderful Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
wondering what I should do! pray for the Lord to send the right person to share home! WHAT DO I DO LORD! PLEASE HELP ME LORD! amen amen