Today’s Reading: Proverbs 1
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

An Egyptian obelisk from ancient Heliopolis, Egypt, stands in the centre of the Piazza in Rome. Three sides of the obelisk were carved during the reign of Sety I and the fourth side under Rameses II. The obelisk, known as the Obelisk Flaminio, or the Popolo Obelisk, is the second oldest and one of the tallest obelisks in Rome (some 24 metres high, or 36 metres including its base platform). The obelisk was brought to Rome in 10 BC by order of Caesar Augustus. The book of Proverbs predates the erection of this obelisk by 1,000 years.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Proverbs 1:10, 33
My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent…But whoever listens to me will dwell safely, and will be secure, without fear of evil.
PROVERBS — A guide book for Living! A proverb is a short sentence that conveys a moral truth. The motto and theme of this book is “THE FEAR OF THE LORD IS THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM!” Historical records credit King Solomon with composing 3,000 proverbs. Here in the Book of Proverbs we have about 800 of them.
The fool does not fear God and disobeys Him! The wise person has the greatest respect for God and obeys Him! The fool will listen to sinners! The wise person will listen to God! In our daily blogs we are paying close attention to what God is saying to us through His Word! In today’s reading Wisdom is portrayed as a person who appears as a woman. Wisdom calls out to three types of people: (1) The naive who can easily be swayed to sin, (2) The scorners who mock the righteous, and (3) Fools who hate the truth and anything that has to do with God. These people can be saved from destruction by turning to God. However, there is a point which one can pass where there is no more “fear of the Lord” or reverence of God, and thus there is no hope of a turnaround!
Lord God, I ask for wisdom to be constantly with me and in me. Through the man known as the brother of our Lord, James, I am assured that if I ask for wisdom, You will give it liberally and without reproach (James 1:5-7). I’m praying for this gift in the Name of the One “Who became for us Wisdom from God” (1 Corinthians 1:30). Amen!!!
Norma-Jean and I did not know each other until she was 18 and I was 21, and we were raised in different Christian denominations, 300 miles apart. Nevertheless, we found that we had many things in common. We played tag, softball, attended a one-room public school, etc. We also had mothers who reminded us over and over of the serious negative consequences of being enticed by sinners to do the wrong thing. Both of our mothers died before we met. Mine of cancer when I was 12, and hers at the hand of a drunk driver when she was 17. We have vivid memories of our mothers quoting our key verse from the old King James version, “If sinners entice thee, consent thou not.”
The wisdom of Proverbs was the DNA of our culture a lifetime ago. Timothy Eaton, founder of the Canadian Eaton’s stores, would give a copy of the Book of Proverbs to each and every employee. Eaton would say, “This is our employee’s handbook. We live by these words.” No wonder one of the great Toronto Churches is called Timothy Eaton Memorial Church. The congregation always maintains a Bible-believing evangelical Pastor in the pulpit (click here for information on this great church).
Yours for WISDOM!!!
P.S. Here are some of our friends standing on Mt. Carmel, Israel. A sculptor has depicted the Prophet Elijah who confronted false prophets here.
Even though we went through the book of Proverbs before I never understood it.
All the verses I know by heart are Proberbs 3: 5-8 maybe some day I will maybe in heaven. I have needed these verses in many situations in my life.
Have a good day bloggers and the Manise families to thank you Ron, and Ann
for continuing our blog everyday God bless you
Lianne Hogg
Amen, sister Lianne. Surely you will be in heaven. Yes, thank you Ron and Ann for carrying on this most meaningful blog. We need it every morning to keep on track with our daily Bible reading and understanding. God’s blessings to all the saints, today.
Yes Amen, Lianne and Beverlee!!
Proverbs 3:5-8
I worked @ Eaton’s @ age 16 and was so impressed that Timothy Eaton would not allow tobacco products to be sold in his stores. I still maintain a friendship with a couple of my coworkers (one was my maid of honour – 59 years ago)! Amazing looking church with numerous opportunities for all.
that is a terrific business man!
Lord God, everyday I need thee…
Thank You for being with us…
Please save all our families and keep them in your care.
In Jesus’s perfectly-faithful name, amen
Amen, Rob!
Yes, Amen, Rob!!
Amen, I am glad David’s blog is continuing; thank you Ron and Ann. Amen Rob. Remembering little Judah today and let’s pray for Zimbabwe.
Amen, Ger!! for total healing for little Judah!
amen and amen!
I have my favorite winter coat with a big fur collar (bomber jacket) that is very warm.I bought it at Value Village about 3 yr ago,like new.It has a T.Eaton Co.tag on the inside.
My best friend started numerous tests/procedures at 6 AM in the Halifax Infirmary that will end with Surgeons implanting a DBS (similar to a pacemaker) device in his brain to stop the tremors from Parkinson’s.He may be under the knife now.Please pray for him and his wife.They have no children and she is alone at the hospital and staying at a hotel across the street.
This blog has been a source of nourishment and enlightenment for me for over 4 years now.Thank you Ron and Ann.This is a great tribute to God’s servant and a blessing to all who seek.God bless
Although I often feel I am being a nuisance,I often feel I should share a poem (message) at times and never know when until I ‘get that feeling’ and a particular poem comes to mind.Ya,it could be my imagination but I would rather err on the side of ‘obeying’.God bless all
I Am The Darkness
I am the darkness and lurk near the edge ,
I shun the light that all can still see.
Where my goal is to guide you off your ledge,
So you will be in darkness just like me.
I am pretentious and seem like a friend,
I will teach within yourself that you will find,
The answers that make your sorrow end,
But not reveal,this will make you blind.
I wait in shadows by the fork in the road,
I may not even know that I lead astray,
As I will seem to help you with your load,
And you and I walk down the wrong way.
I will keep you in sorrow with a soft word,
That eases the pain but blinds the mind,
And twist God’s message you have heard,
So that you also will remain blind.
GW(Bill) Marshall /Sept 18, 2012
My early poems were written (given to me) mostly for the Grieving Mothers site.(Barbara Spurgeon Karrer who once told me she is a descendant of Charles Spurgeon.)
Don’t ever feel you are a burden sharing your gift, Bill. Fascinating procedure for Parkinson’s on your best friend’s brain. Holding him in prayer for complete healing and comfort and strength for his wife. God bless you!
Amen Beverlee! Agreeing in prayer for William Marshall’s friend!
First of all: your poems are so uplifting!
second, WILLIAM! Stop thinking those thoughts! You are not a nuisance at all! STOP THINKING THAT WAY!
Please get some counselling, something in your inner child needs healing; you are Child of the Most High God!
Your contribution to this blog is AMAZING! please find a good counsellor and talk out some issues you have that need healing,
if you wish to share that’s GREAT! BUT never say you are a nuisance! You ARE A CHILD OF GOD! HE LOVES YOU UNCONDITIONALLY!
Always appreciate the comments of David and his words of wisdom to enhance this daily manna. Joined in with the prayer with David.
Prov. 1:7a …”The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” a verse that stood out for me when I first began to read my bible.
Prov. 1:2 To know wisdom and instruction; to perceive the words of understanding.
The world would be a better place if man would follow God’s instructions and yield to His ways!
May your day be filled with love, peace and joy in the Lord you bloggers.
I pray the Lord’s continued comfort and peace on the Norma-Jean and the Mainse family; and special blessings on Ron and Ann and all involved in continuing to bring this daily manna to us.
Prov 3.5 6
is good life.
a person agreed to sell some items for me; put it on the internet; sold some; I sensed they did not want to sell anymore so I asked for the items back….well…..that was 2 days ago and I may have been taken; I am wondering of the person sold the items and has kept the money, if so, I need to forgive, please help me with that portion;
if the person has just forgotten, then praise the Lord and help me to sell the items….please pray for me….in Jesus Name AMEN
Sah,that person may have intended to do right but ‘borrowed’ the money;who knows?Give it to God….because it is between him and God.
Forgiveness is a gift we receive,
And freely we must give it too,
To prove to Him we do believe,
Forgiveness also works for you.
When a friend stabs your back,
Do not turn and choose to attack;
But smile and take up his slack
To show the faith you do not lack.
When you forgive it then returns,
For your heart is then lightened
While given the freedom it yearns
And your mind is then enlightened.
Let His healing hand touch your soul,
Then may His love render you whole,
For Satan will try to collect a toll;
If your faith is weak you give control
But someone you may overlook
Is one you may be least kind to;
For mistaken paths that you took;
The one you forgive must be you.
GW (Bill) Marshall/2012
PS:Thanks for your insight.You’re right,it was a childhood
with a lack of nurturing.God bless
Trust Me
Trust Me,I know what I am doing,
It’s not just your heart I am wooing
But your soul is so dear to Me,
I want you with Me for eternity.
Even when your days are very bad,
I share the load that makes you sad,
So do not be angry with Me,
You must trust in Me eternally.
I love all my children most dearly,
And in life I see you clearly,
That is why you are on the Earth,
It is a school and the grave is your birth.
‘I knew you before you were born’,
I would never leave you forlorn,
I know every hair on your head,
Death is not for you to dread
Life is through my precious Son,
A reward for when your day is done,
So know that this is my gift to you
And walk with Him your life through.
G W (Bill) Marshall/.2011
Lord I pray for your intervention regarding Sah’s items, that all would be restored to her, the money, or the items or both. I pray all be restored to her. Jesus I pray, Amen!!
Amen.God’s will be done.