Today’s Reading: Psalms 130-134
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

This is a model of the Temple from the time of Jesus. The Temple was destroyed in 70 AD by the Romans. Today, a Muslim mosque, known as the Dome of the Rock (seen in the background), is located on that same Temple Mount. In the time of King David, people from all 12 tribes would sing his songs as they walked from all over Israel up to this mountain top to which David moved the Tabernacle of Moses and then David’s son, Solomon, built the temple here.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Psalm 133:1
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
For brethren to dwell together in unity!
Psalm 130 provides us a meditation through a prayer of repentance in which the person experiencing the depths of a dark night of the soul rises to the heights of hope.
Psalm 131 takes us to the point where the writer no longer has to depend upon the things of this world, but his hope in God brings calm and quiet in all circumstances!
Psalm 132 may have been sung as the visitors to Jerusalem travelled along the same route taken by King David when he brought the Ark of the Covenant back to its place in Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6:12-15).
Psalm 133 may have been composed as King David watched people from all 12 tribes of Israel streaming into Jerusalem for one of the feasts. Second Samuel 3:1 tells us of the long civil war that had divided the people. Now, under David’s leadership, God brought unity.
Psalm 134 may have been the benediction song as those who had travelled to Jerusalem prepared to leave for their homes. This exhortation comes to us also to make sure that in our generation, we, as servants of the Lord, continue to bless the Lord wherever we are, carrying out our sacred duties to which God has called each of us!
Lord God, I pray for a heart of repentance, for a total dependence upon You, and for a song of rejoicing in You! I pray the prayer of Jesus, “That they may be one…” (John 17:20-26). Lord Jesus, I ask You for the grace of consistency in my worship of You and in my service for You. In Your Name I pray, Amen!!!
In one of the congregations I served as Pastor, one of our Deacons, who came to Canada from Scotland, complete with his unique accent, would rise during a service every few months and quote Psalm 133! I knew it was coming and I stopped my words and waited for him. What an important message! Unity! In fact, that church had a wonderful unity. I felt it from the very first Sunday I stood in that pulpit. Because of that unity God was able, within His self-imposed restriction of not violating human free will, to do an amazing work of grace in many lives. As Psalm 133:3b says, “There the Lord commanded the blessing!”
Yours for the unity of all believers, “that the world may know…”,
Oh, that is so why we need to pray when we want our Lord God to command our lives with His Will, love and grace–wonderful message, this morning, David. Your wisdom is still with us, indeed! Thank You Lord, for Your undying love for us. Amen! Wishing all saints a blessed day! Praying for you, this morning, Donna!
“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
Micah 6:8 NIV
Matt Redman – Gracefully Broken (Lyric Video) ft. Tasha Cobbs Leonard
So grateful you are keeping this Blog David started alive! It is a blessing I take advantage of, and appreciate, every morning.
David’s good works, earnest faith and devotion to serving the Lord lives on through this email I receive each morning.
Thank you and bless you for doing that.
Amen!! Thank you.
Heb 6.19
Song Fall upon your knees
by Miram Webster.
Prayer- Church Shooting
in Sutherland Texas.
Good morning Blog friends,
I just now read your story that you posted a couple of days ago Beverlee. Amen and God Bless. I now have some time to tell my story about a cloud perhaps saving my life. This is one of many miracles that I have personally experienced.
In my mid 20s I used to run/jog faithfully every second day. I enjoyed these runs because it was a time of devotion – just me and my Maker – a sharing if you like. At the time of this miracle I was running a routine distance of 6 miles/10 kilometers. My route had many turns on some 10 different streets.
Normally I would run in the early morning or early evening to avoid running in the heat of the day in a modest time of about 42 minutes give or take… However on this day I was running in mid afternoon on a very hot summer’s day and only one small cloud in the sky.
When I know I am capable of doing something consistently, I have a tendency to get stubborn. Thus if a side ache were to start or perhaps a slight twist in my ankle, I would push through it rather than rest. As I neared about the half way point in my run, I began to feel what I thought was the beginning signs of heat exhaustion. (I never took any water with me).
So I started re-iterating what my Lord knew about me and how stubborn I can be and that I had no plans to rest. Then something happened. (That one small cloud through a shadow of approximately 500 feet in diameter). I was now in the shadow of that one small cloud…
So with about 3 miles to go (5,280 feet in a mile) and many turns onto different streets I ran the rest of my 6 mile run under the shadow of that one small cloud until about the last 100 yards or so… Amen.
Have a blessed day blog friends in Christ.
Amen, David! Praise God for that one small cloud He threw on you as a shadow to help you safely finish your run. What an awesome God we serve. His blessings on you!
Amen ! Thank you for this testimony David Loewen.
Amen Beverlee. We are blessed by David’s blog. Very interesting event David L. about the cloud God provided you.
Great scripture today…particularly the key verse “Psalm 133:1 “How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.” Amen, may it be so in the CHURCH of our LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST!!!
Thank you David L. for sharing your miracle story!!
Have a blessed day you bloggers.
Thank you Ron…was good to see and hear you on this morning’s vlog! Thank you!
Thank you Reynold for your colorful and informative photo!