Today’s Reading: Psalms 110-113
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

In the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem candles are continuously being lit outside of the Edicule (small shrine chamber), where many believe that Jesus’ grave was located. When Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire in the fourth century after Christ, the vast wealth of the empire began to be poured into the construction of magnificent church buildings. There is no tomb here hewn out of rock. It is claimed that during the second and third centuries, when Jerusalem was declared to be a pagan city, the rock in which the tomb was located was removed in an attempt to remove the memory of Jesus’ resurrection.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Psalm 110:1
The Lord said to my Lord,
“Sit at My right hand,
Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.”
The key to understanding the Bible is to let the Bible interpret the Bible. As we read, we do our best to compare Scripture with Scripture. Let’s do this by reading Matthew 22:41-46, where Jesus gives a commentary on Psalm 110. There are many New Testament Scriptures to which we could turn to help our understanding. Here’s one more example found in Hebrews 5:5-10. Psalm 110 is quoted by both Jesus and by the writer of Hebrews.
Psalms 111 & 112 are written as acrostics. In Hebrew they are beautiful poetry. All sentences begin with a consecutive letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The acrostic is a device which is created to help in memorization. The Scriptures were written to be studied by all people who love God and who take pleasure in learning more about God. We who do this daily blog are some of those people!
Psalm 113 quotes from the song of Hannah, the mother of Samuel, who praised God for healing her so that she was no longer childless (1 Samuel 2:1-10).
Lord God, I thank You for communicating with me through prophets, kings, poets, musicians, priests, apostles, pastors, teachers, evangelists, but most of all through Your Son and my Saviour, Jesus Christ. I pray for more and more of the One that You promised would guide me into all truth…The Holy Spirit! Holy Spirit, I know that You live in me as a believer, according to the promise of Scripture. Now I pray that I, my total being, will live in You! I desire to be filled to overflowing with Your Person, Holy Spirit! I ask this in the Name of the One who was always filled with the Holy Spirit, the Lord Jesus! Amen!!!
It was in 1968 when, as a young Pastor, I first visited the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. I was filled with joy to be in a place where it was said that Jesus was buried and then arose from the dead. However, as I stepped inside the man-made structure, I was met by a priest who asked for money. I gave him something, and I know I should have been more gracious, but my disappointment was so great that I turned and walked out immediately. My parents, missionaries to Egypt, had travelled to Jerusalem in 1924 for their honeymoon, where mother took pictures of what is known as “The Garden Tomb,” which is in a different location. I was raised on those pictures. That Garden Tomb may not be the actual location of Jesus’ burial, but it sure looks like it.
Yours for experiencing the presence of God, whether in Jerusalem or here at home,
I have a Dvd
on the Promised Land
from 100 Huntley Street.
Heb 8.1 10.12 13 12.2
talk about the right hand
of God.
As David talks of walking through the streets of Jerusalen I could picture it in my mind! God bless Israel!
And amen!!
Amen, Linda! God Bless Israel both now and forever!!!
Today would have been my mom’s 90th birthday. Blessings dearest saints–to all whose loved ones have passed–for strength and fond memories throughout the day. Thinking of what work is being done in heaven. For God so loved the world that he gave us, his one and only son. Amen!
For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
Romans 8:6 NKJV
Doxology ~ Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost
Thank you Beverlee for sharing! Peace be on you as you reflect on memories of your mother!!
Thank you for Romans 8:6 “For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. I needed to hear that today!
Dear saints, I need prayer. I need to leave the current place where I am living, but every time I find a place I might like something happens and I lose it, so now when I look I am overcome with fear that I am frozen into inaction and don’t even try. I ask for prayer to be release from this spirit of fear so I can move boldly into a new residence. Thank you in advance for your prayers, and have a very blessed Sunday.
Lord God, the saints pray for Donna, to be directed by You to a new residence that is exactly what she needs in terms of price, location and comfortability. Surround her, Lord, with love protection grace and peace. Bless her with all she needs that she may be a vehicle for Your love. In Jesus’ precious Name. Amen, amen, and amen.
This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil… Hebrews 6:19 NKJV
Agreeing in prayer with Beverlee…for Donna!!
Hi Donna
Lord You know Donna’s situation, she needs to leave her current place where she is living and move to another place! She finds a place but it does not become available to her, Lord You know about this situation! Lord please talk to Donna, tell her You have her and her living situation under control, please tell her that You are looking for the perfect place for her! Lord she needs to hear Your Voice! Lord we come to You and ask that You would remove all fear from Donna, we ask You to open the way for the perfect place to come available! We ask that You Lord will give Donna the energy and all the help she will need to make this move! Lord we know that You will never leave nor forsake us! We pray that You Lord will wrap Your arms around Donna and lead her to the right place to live!
Lord we love You, we thank You for Your Grace and Mercy every day in our lives. Thank you in Jesus Name amen
Amen Sah!
Amen , Sah ! Also agreeing in prayer with Beverlee !
Good morning all — I have lifted you up in prayer, Donna, and I know that the Lord will set you free from fear and show you the way, and you will know beyond the shadow of a doubt, where your new home is. He will provide in every way. God bless you sister, and I look forward to hearing of what He has done! Dear Ron and Ann, it was such a joy to be part of your Heart to Heart marriage enrichment seminar yesterday, and we were delighted to meet you in person. My husband and I were so blessed and glad that we went. You both do an amazing job and we loved how very real, honest and open you were. The Lord has greatly blessed you with this powerful ministry, and I just want to encourage any of you married blog readers to attend one of these seminars if you can! No matter where you are at in your marriage, there is treasure, truth and great inspiration for everyone! Blessings on all today 🙂
Hi Donna: I just want to encourage you to keep on praying and just before you do, open your bible to St John’s gospel chapter 5 and read the account of the dialogue between JESUS and the man with the infirmity of 38 years. JESUS healed his infirmity vs 9 and HE will do the same for you as it concerns your living situation. JESUS never fails; HE has done it for me and He will do it for you. Do nor fear; turn that fear into faith by reading this passage over and over again and go to HIM in prayer again. Then you can post your successful answer to prayer on this blog so that others will be encouraged to trust the LORD. HE never fails – never!
Amen….Rev Terry and Mariana Felvus!
It is telling, how young David was turned off by a collection being taken at the door of the old church. While there was nothing really wrong about it and having people coming and going help pay for the cost of the upkeep of the church, the optics were wrong. Perhaps they could have asked for donations as visitors were leaving. Even though people will hand out money to attend a sports game, movie, or music event, they expect that the god of the universe to be able to let them in for free. And he can. In a few of our churches and ministries, there needs to be more sensitivity so non-church people do not feel they are ‘paying to come in’ to seek god. The regular attenders need to step up so the collections are much more discreet.
Agreeing with all the above prayers for Donna, in the Name of the Lord!
I’m asking for prayer for peace of mind, and relief from fear and anxiety.
To do with a personal situation which I find difficult to express at this time.
Thank you saints.
God bless you Irene! You have made a start by posting what you have posted. now the devil can’t hold you; we will all pray for your situation regarding relief from fear and anxiety! God will give you the words to discuss this personal situation either on this blog or with a good friend or Pastor..
writing out a issue is also very helpful….
I thank God for this blog! It has helped me immensely to able to post some issues from time to time….as I said, the devil has no hold over me or anyone else,
Thank you Sah for your prayer! God bless you!!
Amen SAH… Praying for all requests, God Bless you Irene and Donna!