Today’s Reading: Psalms 108-109
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Looking over the Western Wall visitor area in the Old City of Jerusalem, you can see into the Arab Quarter where many satellite dishes are mounted on roofs. You can also see solar panels which heat the water tanks, also located on the roofs. Since 1967, the flag of Israel has flown over what was part of Jordan. Over thousands of years Jerusalem has been ruled by many different powers. Every day the Good News of Jesus comes into Jerusalem homes through those satellite dishes. The modern city of Jerusalem, with its high-rise buildings, can be seen in the distance.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Psalm 108:2-3
Awake, lute and harp!
I will awaken the dawn.
I will praise You, O Lord, among the peoples,
And I will sing praises to You among the nations.
David could not have imagined a scene like the one pictured above in his city of Jerusalem. In a way, Psalm 108:5 is being fulfilled in that the satellites, which are in position 22,500 miles above the earth in space, do proclaim the Lord’s “glory above all the earth.” King David has made a decision as shown in the words, “I will.” He has decided to “awaken the dawn!” First thing each morning he is determined to “sing praises!”
Psalm 108 was probably written just after the rebellion of Absalom when many of those to whom David had shown only kindness had joined in treason against him. While David’s words do not show mercy toward his enemies, his later actions did show mercy. Jesus, who in Christian belief assumed the throne of David, not only shows mercy, but Jesus’ prayer for His enemies was, “Father forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing!” (read Luke 23:26-38).
Lord God, because I pray “In the Name of Jesus,” I cannot pray the prayers that David prayed in Psalm 108:1-20.” But I do pray David’s prayers from 108:21-26. Particularly verse 26 expresses my heart, “Help me, O Lord my God! Oh save me according to Your mercy.” I also pray for the continuing television ministry of “Light For All Nations,” as Nizar and his guests come into those Jerusalem homes with the message of God’s love and mercy through Jesus Christ. Amen!!!
I’ve walked the streets, inside the walls of Old Jerusalem, with my son-in-law, Nizar. It takes hours when I’m with him. The people all want to talk to him. He has visited their homes daily for years through those rooftop satellite dishes. I marvel at the plan of God in bringing this man from Cana of Galilee into our family. Our daughter was led by God to study for a year at The American Institute of Holy Land Studies, where she met Nizar, and soon they were married in his home town of Cana, where Jesus performed His first miracle at a wedding (John 2:1-12). It was definitely, as the middle-eastern custom is, “an arranged marriage”…arranged by God back in 1983. “Light for All Nations” is a charity incorporated in Israel, Canada and in the United States which is supported financially by people who desire the Gospel to permeate in several languages and many countries (click here for their website). I believe Psalm 108:13a, “Through God we will do valiantly!”
Yours for all of us doing “valiantly” for another day and forever!!!
Praise the Lord
for Light for All Nations
Nizar and his team who
reach out to the people
of Jersualem.
Amen, Carol.
I am going to a Celebration of life for a dear friend today. He fought long and well, one morning he woke up in palliative care, his daughter was by his bed, and he asked her if he was in heaven. it was a few days after dear Pastor David passed on to Glory. What a celebration there must have been when they arrived. Take care all blog friends Eleanor M.
At top should read Eleanor M.
Amen Carol!!
We all want to reach others but most of us don’t know how.Perhaps we limit ourselves by thinking small.Successful ministries all seem to think big.God blesses those ministries.
Show Them
Show them mercy,that they can repent,
Show them understanding for all are with sin,
Show them My love that is heaven sent
Show them the path to walk within.
Show them kindness so that they can learn,
Show them you are a light that I made to burn
Show them My grace that no one must earn
Show them truth that they may then turn.
Show them your faith then I will give more,
Show them they must get up after every fall,
Show them to search out what they look for,
Show them that I help one and all.
When you show them the light to walk in,
Then you are praising Me with all of your love
And your light fishes for souls to win,
While shedding My light from above.
G W Marshall / January 09, 2014
your poem speaks truth!!
Thank God for the ministry,”Light For All Nations” and the program on TV. God bless you Nizar.
Your photo is so detailed…thank you Reynold…thank you Ron for posting it.
I pray Lord that your CHURCH will awaken the dawn, awaken from its complacency.
Lord Jesus I praise You and thank You for Your love and mercy, for this Your Day. The Day you have made!!
“For His anger lasts but a moment; in His favor is life: weeping may last for a night, but JOY comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5
Psalm 16:11 “In His presence is fullness of Joy”
William I love your poem a lot of people need it . When I hear those around me
, and they curse I do say under my breath Father forgive them they do not know
what they are doing , and saying.
The picture Renold took is a good picture thanks Ron for posting it.
Lianne Hogg
I also want to say Norma Jean you sing wonderfully
Lianne Hogg
TY to all for your prayers! a friend got shuffled around as retirement was coming company was downsized & this person lost job! Pray for another to appear! What was torn down, God will build up IJNWPA
I wanted to thank the Lord for all the means of communication we have in today’s world and how EVERYONE EVERYWHERE CAN HEAR THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST around the world! Thank you Lord, thank You…..
Amen Sah!
David Mainse left us an inheritence with this blog. Thanks to Crossroads and the Mainse family for sharing it. I often tell foolish people, they are like a moon to a bad sun because they speak and do the work of their evil masters. As we see light from the sun in the moon. David Mainse cast the light of the good master and this blog is now that moon. “If the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness?”