Today’s Reading: Psalms 79-80
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Key Verse: Psalm 80:14-15
Return, we beseech You, O God of hosts;
Look down from heaven and see,
And visit this vine
And the vineyard which Your right hand has planted,
And the branch that You made strong for Yourself.
Psalm 79 pictures Jerusalem destroyed by surrounding nations. Yet, at the time of Asaph, Jerusalem was in the process of building the Temple. Under David and Solomon they experienced a period of safety and prosperity. Therefore, Asaph was given a prophecy of a time to come when the Babylonians, the Greeks, and the Romans would, at various times, fulfill this prophecy. Approximately one third of the Bible is prophecy. Therefore, we would do well to be aware of what will come on the earth in our future or in the future of our children.
Three times in Psalm 80 we’ve read the prayer, “Restore us, O God!” Our key verse cries out for God’s return and reminds God that He has planted His people as a vineyard. Three times also Asaph prays for God’s face to shine upon them. Without the sunshine, the vineyard cannot be healthy. We need to cry out for God’s favour on our land, repenting for our sins and the sins of the people of this world.
Thank You, Father God, that You have restored me and others in our time by sending “the true Vine,” our Lord Jesus Christ! May I see Your face in Jesus today. I pray for Your continuing grace, Your favour, making Your face to shine upon us all. I ask with faith in the One who said, “I am the true Vine,” Jesus, Himself. Amen!!
I’ve just read Isaiah 5:1-7. This is a song sung by Isaiah about the vineyard of God’s people hundreds of years after Asaph’s song and just before the fulfillment of Asaph’s prophecy by the army of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. I’ve also read John 15:1-11, where Jesus, the true Vine, shows us the way to live so that, as Jesus said, “Your joy may be full.” The key words are: “Abide in Me (as a branch abides in the vine) and My words abide in you.”
Yours for constantly abiding in Christ and having fullness of joy,
Norma -Jean
May the Lord’s Grace
and Favor be upon you
Yes, Lord. Amen!!
Lord God, please bless and strengthen all your people today. Be glorified in your church, your body, so many others will come to You, taste and see for themselves that You are good. In Jesus’s beloved name, amen
Amazing timing. (fires out of control & totally devestating vineyards in California). Lord may Your Mercy & Love permeate California & people reach out to You (maybe for some, the first time). Forgive us Lord & show us Your Way. Amen
amen Doreen! Yes Lord forgive us and show us Your way! amen
Please pray for Denis who had a seizure event yesterday. He’s not allowed to drive just now. Family man with 4 children. Will see neurologist & more tests. Cause not know @ this time. Thank you.
yes praying for Denis! praying for restoration of his health! Prayer of safety for family! in Jesus name we Pray amen
Not knowingly inspired by today’s scripture for I had resisted reading the bible so my poems would seem more authentic.I felt that is what He wanted but I gave into my concerns about 6 months later and started 100 Words.This blog has been a blessing with David’s and now Ron’s guidance.Thanks again,Ron.God bless
Abide In Me
Abide in me and I will give you life,
For if you first seek Me out sincerely
Then you will share what grows rife,
In His grace where you are held dearly.
You are a branch and I am the tree,
With Me you will know life eternal,
But if cut off from your life with Me,
You are doomed to a life infernal.
So into my open arms you must flee,
For I love all who seek out my trust,
To accept the love,abundant and free,
Instead of greed that turns all to dust.
G W (Bill) Marshall/ Feb 20, 2013
Thank you for sharing your poems, William.
Beautifully done.
Blessings to all!
What a promise we have, that as we abide in Him, He abides in us. Yes, without you Jesus, we are nothing, but in you, we can do all things. Abiding in the Love of God this Day, The Day that the Lord has made, abiding in Jesus, in His Word. Trusting in Him and in His Love! for He cares for us!
Blessings and thanks Ron and Ann for your faithfulness in continuing with this blog and ministry your Dad had put forth!!
I am feeling the continued daily blessing of reading this blog from David Mainse. Even from beyond the grave these daily devotions bless me, educate me and bring peace and comfort to me as I pressed through life praying for my family who are not saved YET. I pressing to finish the race ell like David did. Thank you to his blessed family for this . Much Love in our Lord and Saviour Jeseus, to you all. Joy Prentiss.
My sons Cory 38 yrs
Ryan 35 yrs and wife Jessica 35 yrs, children, Dylan 5 yrs, Alaina 3 yrs and Colin 1 year. I claim them all for the kingdom and the destiny of the Lord over their precious lives.
Thanks ????