Ron Mainse here… Yesterday we had a glorious celebration of the life of my father, David Mainse. It was broadcast live, as well as live-streamed over the Internet. If you missed it, it’s now available HERE. Also, a memorial website has been created… Thank you for your prayers for our family and encouraging comments on this blog. Ann and I will continue to post dad’s words (from his previous blog posts) as he leads us on in this two-year journey through the Bible! Here are his words for today…
Today’s Reading: Psalms 54-56
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Above is a British military building abandoned in 1948 when the British left the area. Palestine was a part of the Turkish Ottoman Empire which was dismantled following the First World War (1914 – 18). Britain was given the mandate to rule much of the Middle East by the Treaty of Versaille and did so for 30 years. The Israelis have since used it for military practice, as you can see by the shelling. If you click on the Google Map link below, you will notice that this building is on the Israeli-Jordanian border. The Scriptures tell us that “wars and rumours of war” will be a constant in the area until Messiah comes!
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Psalm 56:8b
“Put my tears into Your bottle; are they not in Your book?”
All three Psalms in today’s reading begin with prayer, fervent prayer! God hears even an unspoken prayer, one which is a thought, but it is important to speak out loud when possible. God will respond to the fervency level of our prayers. Fervency puts exclamation points behind our words!!! Imagine the scene when David moans “noisily” (Psalm 55:2), or David is crying aloud “evening, morning, and at noon” (55:17). Then you are urged to “cast your burden on the Lord” (55:22a). Our key verse tells us that David’s tears were part of his heartfelt prayers. These Psalms also draw the conclusions that “He has delivered me out of all trouble,” “I will trust in You,” and “You have delivered my soul from death!” Amen!
“Hear my prayer, O God!” I cry out to You for mercy, grace, and Your intervention in my life and in the lives of all those whose names I speak before You (Here I name every name that comes to my mind and speak those areas of need in each life of which I am aware). Most of all, I cry out to You, Lord God, for the salvation of precious souls who need Jesus as Saviour and Lord. I pray in the Name of the One Who wept over the needs of people, Jesus Christ! Amen!!! (John 11:31-36).
I identify with David’s prayers and also with the actions that followed his prayers. David wrote in Psalm 54:6, “I will freely sacrifice to You; I will praise Your name, O Lord, for it is good.” I ask myself, “What am I sacrificing to the Lord?” Someone has said, “There is no sacrifice in the light of Calvary.” In other words, the greatest sacrifice I can make of time, energy, money, and other resources, are all as nothing when compared to what Jesus gave in the ultimate sacrifice of Himself on the Cross! Yet I must not minimize my responsibility to give my very best to God.
I’ve been thinking often lately about my giving to God. I do this by supporting with time and money the works of the Lord as they are being done in ministering to others around the world. For example, Crossroads has a world-wide mandate from God to use television to respond to the urgent plights of those in need (click here for information and see photos below). Also, Crossroads continues to have that call of eternal importance…winning men, women, boys and girls to Jesus.
Yours for the most valuable cause in the universe,

Representing Crossroads in 2008, my son Reynold, our blog photographer, and his wife Kathy found “Treasures in the Trash” at the Phnom Penh, Cambodia, city garbage dump. That title became the theme of a successful fundraising campaign to help these special people.

Here Reynold is surrounded by Turkana children and adults from a village in Kenya. Crossroads is now partnering with the Turkana Eden Agricultural Ministry based in Lodwar Turkana, Kenya. Together, with the support of Crossroads’ members we are winning precious souls to Christ and caring for those in great need of food, clean water and shelter.
October by Maltbie D. Babcock, 1858-1901
This is my Father’s world,
And to my listening ears
All nature sings, and round me rings
The music of the spheres.
This is my Father’s world:
I rest me in the thought
Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas—
His hand the wonders wrought.
This is my Father’s world:
The birds their carols raise,
The morning light, the lily white,
Declare their Maker’s praise.
This is my Father’s world:
He shines in all that’s fair;
In the rustling grass I hear Him pass,
He speaks to me everywhere.
This is my Father’s world:
Oh, let me never forget
That though the wrong seems oft so strong,
God is the ruler yet.
This is my Father’s world,
The battle is not done:
Jesus who died shall be satisfied,
And earth and Heaven be one.
The word that ye hear is not mine, but the Father’s which sent me.
John 14:24 KJV
Talley Trio – Hallelujah, Praise the Lamb
Blessings fellow saints in the Lord! To God be the Glory! Amen!
Thank you Ron and Ann, for carrying on your father’s legacy of this blog. All the saints appreciate it, so! The celebration yesterday was incredible–thank you for live streaming it for us. A true testament to your father’s faith! Continued prayers for all the Mainse family!
Thank you for continuing this Blog!
I am blessed as I pray and meditate each morning with your father’s words.
I am joyously celebrating his life and memories of many of prayer.
Times of Fresh Bread ( Gods Word) and Red Ox Point will forever be etched in my mind!
You are a living part of his legacy and will be held gently in my family prayer as we move forward.Life is a precious gift!
It was truly a real home
going service for David.
Father’s funeral was a celebration.
What a wonderful service! The life and times of your Dad & Mom & your family were inspiring & appreciated. Technical difficulties made us miss what happened when the car reached the edge of the cliff. Isn’t it amazing how as Christians we can laugh & cry at the same time.
We were privileged to tour twice to Israel with you & your folks & we came home “friends-in-Christ’.
Our thoughts & prayers will continue to be with your Mom & all of you.
Amen! Dear Pastor David celebration was wonderful! Watched it twice on Yes TV. I am glad that it is recorded and we can watch it again. Was a blessing to see all the family. Blessings on all of you and on fellow bloggers.
Amen Ger!
Thank you for continuing the blog. May Norma-Jean and all the family have rest & refreshing in recovery after these last few weeks. It truly is a celebration when we can hand our loved one into the arms of God. Amen
Today’s scripture readings and Davids personal words are felt stronger then ever.
There is a renewed message to everything !
Powerful and beautiful was the celebration of Davids’ life. I’ve never witnessed and experiencing personally such a mixture of emotions that stirred the depth of my being.
What a rich heritage and testimony of Gods faithfulness.
Great is His faithfulness from generation to generation to the far ends of the earth.
I’m so glad I can watch the celebration service again .
Thanks to each of you …..thanks to God for His words of Truth spoken by His people yesterday & the media means to share with all.
“The joy of the Lord is my strength ” Powerful personal message to the world from Norma Jean.
Yes it was a beutiful Celebration I got it through Google ..
I was so glad to find a way of watching it Rosemarie
Thank you for sharing your fathers celebration of life yesterday with the blog family. What a testimony and legacy he has left.
Tanks for continuing to post his words. We love you Mainse family and will continue to hold you up in prayer.
Thank you all bloggers for your wonderful comments!
I enjoy reading them almost daily.
Blessings on you all and your families!
What a going home celebration for your beloved David ,Norma Jean. Yes , the joy of the Lord is Your strength.
Thank you Ron and Ann for carrying on the blog .
Thank you to all of the family in all that you do to win souls for Jesus.
Thank you for the opportunity to be with your family as we celebrated your father’s amazing life of following Jesus. We are stirred by the Holy Spirit and challenged by your Dad’s example, to live our lives fully and totally for Jesus. Yes….what would our bucket list look like, if it was Jesus’ bucket list for our life. Your Mom is so amazing as well. The Lord will sustain her and be a husband to her. Blessings to all.
I was helping a friend yesterday and only caught about the last 1 1/2 hr on Yes TV online later in the evening.I will watch it all later.I immediately posted the link on my FB page for others and called it his “see-you-later” service.About an hr later,Norma Jean called it that exact same name.That touched my heart.The service was also an inspiration with each speaker being very human.All I can add today are a couple poems from my FB page (I prefer to think of them as messages.)Thank you,Ron and Ann,for continuing this through your grief.A well known term in the grief sites is that : “You will not get over ‘it’,but you will get through ‘it’.”God bless
The Kingdom Is Ours
Oh,Lord,though we have sinned against You
And have done evil in your sight,
You still love us the ages through,
Withholding from us Your just might.
To each of us You have been a Friend,
Your guidance led those who would hear
And shown Your mercy has no end;
As we repent,you pull us near.
Lord,restore to us a right spirit,
For You have washed away our sin
And we know we’re not to fear it
When evil seeks to come within.
Oh,my Savoir,You are always true
And we want to walk in Your light
But there is one who will undo
And e’er seeks to bind us in fright.
Oh Lord,we know Your word is our shield
But relentless thoughts from the snake,
Seek to steal what we must not yield,
For the kingdom is ours to take.
G W(Bill) Marshall/13 Sept, 2015
The World Forgot
The world forgot what is right
For we were supposed to teach them,
By sharing with them the light
But we could not reach them.
Not long ago we ‘were’ them
Until we found the light He gives;
The One the world would condemn,
Then died to show He lives.
They don’t want to know our ways
For they think their ways suit them best,
But we know how it dismays
When one begins the quest.
We must begin to reach out
Or we may loose them all to sin,
But we must defeat the doubt,
To plant the seed within.
Using words at their command
Will allow His word to imbed,
Thus they can then understand
How He rose from the dead.
GW(Bill) Marshall/26 July, 2015
We have to stop speaking ‘Christianese’ to those who do not understand it if we are to reach them !
What’s truly wonderful service for Pastor David yesterday. We were able to get it on my tablet at the cottage. Thank you Maine family et al for sharing with us.
Thanks too Ron and Anne for continuing on with it, and Reynold for the amazing pictures that blend in with our readings.
May Our Lord and Saviour hold you tight in the next days and months, filled with happy memories of David.
Blessings Norma-Jean and God certainly knew the best help mate that Pastor David needed.
Im so glad that you and ann will continue to post his word. my heart was so touch by the celebration of life for your beloved Father. I so enjoyed the stories from you and Reg elaine and ellen and the granchildren . it was just beautiful. It deepen my faith to walk with him faithfully.praying that the Lord will give me the passion that Your father had.God bless Norma Jean and family. will continue to keep you all in my prayer.
What a wonderful “farewell” celebration for your Dad! Thank you for sharing it with us and providing a way for us to join in the celebration. I pray the Lord’s continued blessing on the Mainse family, and a refreshing of His Peace and Joy. Praise God for His faithfulness and love.!!
Thank you for continuing to provide this daily manna; for the wonderful photography and words of wisdom provided by Pastor David! God Bless you!