Today’s Reading: Psalms 31-32
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

King David’s Tomb is a site traditionally believed to be the burial place of David, King of Israel. It is located on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. Notice the harp, violin, and musical notes on the drapery that covers a sarcophagus, a stone casket. Songs, hymns, and poetry in the Hebrew language are the inheritance we have from King David. Jesus would have sung David’s songs in Hebrew. Our English language translators have done a great job in capturing the beauty of David’s language, particularly in the King James Version (1611 to about 1770 English). One of the reasons the New King James Version (the 1970s) is used in this blog is that while moving to modern English, the translators managed, for the most part, to keep the beauty and accuracy of the original English translations.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Psalm 32:5
I acknowledged my sin to You,
And my iniquity I have not hidden.
I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,”
And You forgave the iniquity of my sin.
The key verse should sound familiar to us because of our common human condition. David shows us that the only way we can experience the freedom and joy God intends for us is through acknowledging and confessing our sin. A New Testament teaching we should read regularly is 1 John 1, the entire chapter.
There are two other verses in today’s reading that we may want to read again. Jesus began His ministry quoting His Bible during His wilderness fasting, and now here are His last words from the Cross quoted from this psalm/hymn composed by David (31:5). Let’s move to these words, “Make Your face shine upon Your servant” (31:16). Back in Psalm 4 David writes, “Lord, lift up the light of Your countenance upon us.” David is borrowing from Moses here. Moses taught us a three-fold blessing which we use in our benedictions even today. Check it out from Numbers 6:22-27.
Lord God, my prayer today is Psalm 32:5-11. I’m reading this to You Lord! Thank You that as a result I can “be glad,” and I can “shout for joy!” Amen!!!
From my childhood the expression “to know by heart” meant I had memorized a poem for recitation to my public school teacher in front of the class. In Sunday School I was required to recite the weekly memory verse “by heart.” My mother and older sisters made sure I had it right. Again and again Jesus quoted from His Hebrew Bible. He’s my example of the importance of the “Word.” I’m learning daily to count on the Holy Spirit to bring to my memory Scriptures which I’ve learned by heart that show me how to respond to the need at hand. Please join me in reading John 16:7-15. The Holy Spirit guides within the authority of the written Word of God. I’ve learned to always check with Scripture, and to take the next step and actually pray the Scriptures.
Yours for proclaiming the joyful message of salvation through Jesus,
P.S. Ron Mainse here. Thank you for your numerous blog comments sharing your love and prayers for dad. He continues to hold onto the gift of life, while the reality of experiencing the gift of eternal life seems to be imminent. Dad’s spirit is ready and longing to see his Lord face to face…leaving behind his tired and suffering body. We would much rather have him stay with us a lot longer, but that almost sounds selfish. He’s totally in God’s hands and timing. Thank you again for your prayers.
Publishing the Blog on my ( several ) Facebook Pages as usual ..
Many are praying for David and family at this time.
Praying for David as he departs for the biggest adventure of his life. May he rest in peace in the arms of his Lord and Saviour. Praying for his wife and family who will miss him on tis side of the grave.
Sharon and I have sought to follow this blog created by our precious friend David Maines every day since our Father in heaven has led David to put it together. This will continue to be a great resource and legacy to which we all can turn day after day, whatever the Lord’s timing may be, for all our times are indeed in His hands. Praise God, and thank you, David, and Norma Jean, and family, for the love and leadership we have experienced since that trip to the Holy Land with you in 2004. What a Great God we all share together!
Thank you for the update, Ron. I’m continuing to pray for your father and the whole family. Throughout this blog, your father’s love and appreciation for his family has shone forth in the photos and stories of various family members and has been inspiring.
Amen Eleanor C
Praying for all of you as you wait for your dad to leave this life for a pain free life with no more suffering. He will be whole again. Praise the Lord. May the Presence of God fill that hospital room and may the sweet peace of the Holy Spirit rest upon each one of you.
Please tell your dad that I have so enjoyed going through the Bible with him. I started at the very beginning of the blog and continue to do so. It has brought the Bible alive and I have such a greater understanding and love for the Word of God. Thank you Pastor Davud for your dedication to God and to this journey through the Bible. “Well done thou good and faithful servant”
Thank you for the updates on your dad Ron. I am praying for your mom and all your family at this time of transition. What a glorious homecoming awaits David. Shalom.
Blessed assurance Jesus is mine, Oh what a fore taste of glory devine.It is such encouragement that pastor Maines is at peace just waiting to stand before our great Almighty Father. Hallelujah! Blessings to each and everyone.
Amen!!!…..appreciating the updates thank you…praying…
Thank you Ron for keeping us posted about your Father. He is in my prayers and thoughts every day. May the Lord bless his day and all you family members.
This Spring I was able to get a copy
Journey into Joy autographed by David.
I have read the book 2 times.
God will take care of you.
Pressing in to Jesus presence withnyou as your Father journeys home. I am sad . But I know the peace of knowing where my pare ntsand brothers are. God bless you all.
Thank you so much for sharing with us about your dad, David Mainse, we are praying for you all, we love you ,God bless you and your family.
My Pastor, Peter Spragg from Emmanuel Baptist Bloomfield is praying for you, David. He was blessed to work on a project with you, years ago. Thank you for the update, Ron. Praying for you all. Oh, David, this next journey in your life will be so divine–eternity in heaven with Jesus!!!! Blessings fellow saints in the Lord!
When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. But he laid his right hand on me, saying, “Fear not, I am the first and the last,” Revelation 1:17 ESV
HOUSEFIRES – Build my life (Lyric Video)
Please forgive me, saints, if I have posted this recently. This is the song playing in my head all morning. The lyrics are crucial. Bless you, all!
‘Precious (important and no light matter) in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints (His loving ones). Psalm 116, verse 15
I am so very thankful to our Heavenly Father for the gift of dear David. His influence-for-good has been felt worldwide, and he has a wonderful legacy as a prayer warrior and watchman, an exhorter and encourager, a fruitful, hardworking workman and builder, a wise teacher and mentor, a loving husband and father, and, although I’ve never met him, a dear brother to me! I have enjoyed the protection of David’s integrity, and although I am happy that he will soon be entering into his welll-deserved rest, I will miss him…we all will!
Amen, Carrie, amen!
Beautiful Carrie
Yes Amen Carrie!
Hi Pastors David and Ron, How comforting to have family around you constantly, at a time like this. l have learned a marvelous discipline, each morning reading the bible on the computer, then writing out the main points for me.Listening, reading and journaling have all come out of it. Thank you so much for being willing Pastor David to get up early for your students……Ron, you are a wonderful son, what a treasure you and Anne are to join hands for this blog with your dad. …also the amazing photography Reynold has been contributing…..Norma-Jean, our prayers are with you all……God Bless!
Continuing in prayer for you Pastor David as you rest in the loving arms of the Saviour.
We love and thank you for sharing The Word with us.
Go on angel wings.
Prayers for Norma -Jean and all the Mainse family.
Ron thank you so much for keeping us updated on your dad. All of you feel like family and it is hard waiting on the Lord’s timing sometimes. David you are an inspiration and have kept me faithful going through the Bible. I started on thie blog from the beginning and have so enjoyed your insights, stories and family pictures. Norma Jean it is wonderful that you have shared David with us. Our prayers are with each of you at this very difficult time.
My prayers are for all the family, especially Norma-Jean.
Pastor David : this is a glorious moment.
Revelation 14:13 says “And I heard a voice from heaven saying, Write this down. Blessed are those who die in the Lord from now on. Yes, says the Spirit, they are blessed indeed for they will rest from their hard work, for their good deeds follow them.”
Thank you for your blog and 100 Huntley St. which has been a great comfort to me over the years. Your good works will indeed follow you.
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. John 10:27-29
Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. Isaiah 43:2
You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Isaiah 26:3
I have been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread. Psalm 37:25
How precious is Gods Word.
God Speed David , soon and very soon you are going to see the ???? King
What a faithful servant what unspeakable joy when you see JESUS.
Praying for all the family ,it is you who need our prayers because you will truly miss this man of God. You have been blessed beyond words to have had David as husband father brother ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Thank you so much to David for your faithful service to the Lord and his people.
Prayer for you David and your wonderful family. I appreciate your ministry so much.
Romans 15:13
Now may the a God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing,
that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit
The Lord bless you and keep you,
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.
with much love and prayers
Up holding the Mainse family in thought and prayer.
Thak you Ron and Anne < In YOUR TIME LORD…All things come in
YOUR time God Bless you David,. Love Rosemarie…
We continue in prayer for you all.
Thank you, Ron & Ann, for keeping us updated on David. We remember his ministry of compassion and love on 100 Huntley Street.
Shortly before my Dad died, he saw both my Mother and Jesus! He then closed his eyes and was at peace. I believe Jesus, Himself, has the privilege of escorting believers to Heaven.
May the Peace of God, that passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds, in Jesus’ Name.
Thanks again,Ron,your family is so blessed to be able to bless others.I just wrote this after after physio therapy in Springhill but,as I type,another tender poem comes to mind which I will search for and post below this one.This world is a school and a battleground.It shows God what we are made of.Would that not aid in ‘job placement’ for the next world?God bless
While I have served You my life through,
I learned to love You as I grew,
And then one day I suddenly knew
That all my strength came from You.
I hid no secret from Your eyes,
Nor did I create scornful lies,
For it’s only a fool who denies
Your truth that his heart defies.
You were my strength when I was weak,
You gave me sight so I could seek,
And it was You when amongst the meek
That gave the words I should speak.
You were and are not just my God,
But also my lowly Friend,
And all the while I’m above the sod,
I’ll serve You ’til my life’s end.
Alass that time is now at hand,
And I can hardly wait to leave,
So I pray,Lord, let them understand
And know my joy as they grieve.
I’ll see them on the other side,
For their home also waits with You,
And we the church will become the bride
With a joy we never knew.
G W (Bill)Marshall /22,Sept,2017
No Bye,Bye’s
Bye,bye,my love,I must go
Back to my home so far away;
Bye,bye my love you must know
That when we are called we can not stay.
Bye,bye my love my heart breaks,
For I want to leave you sleeping
So that when the morn awakes
I will not see your blue eyes weeping.
Bye,bye my love I can hear
The angels singing very near,
Bye,bye my love without fear
I leave you softly with love so dear.
Bye,bye is not forever,
But only til you come to me,
Then apart we’ll be never
With no bye,bye’s in eternity.
Meaningful poems ..thank you William Marshall!
Thank you,Irene.Blessings
So sad to lose this dearly loved saint,but knowing what awaits him makes it much easier. Many prayers and Blessings to all the family especially Norman Jean. Thanks for keeping us updated Ron. Have Reynolds and. Kathy arrived Home?
We love you David!! Thank you for your legacy of faith! Godspeed
Amen to all the above prayers !
Psalm 116:15 is inscribed on my Mother & Fathers’ grave stone thus very dear to my heart.
I feel so privileged to be part of Maines family in these precious moments.
Again this shows us that in living and dying Gods glory is manifest through His beloved children .
Also this draws us all close together as One Family of God.
I’m also thankful David persevered with his blog these five years: part of his rich legacy to us all.
Praise God from whom all Blessings flow …now & forevermore .
Praying along with everyone else for all the family as they witness the amazing miracle of someone being ushered into God’s presence….that He will give them all His peace. I have been reading this blog since the beginning….
What a Joy that will be when my Jesus I shall see, when He takes me by the hand and leads me to the Promised land!
Yes thank you Ron and Ann for continuing to bless us with this daily blog.
God’s blessings and love, joy and peace be with you Norma-Jean and all your family at this difficult time.
shout to the Lord with praises of thanksgiving! Thank you Lord that You forgive us our trespasses as we forg8ve those who have trespassed against us!
Thank you to David Mainse and his entire family for speaking the Gospel over the air and around the world for decades! PRAISE THE LORD AND THANK YOU LORD!
Please pray that I can go swimming and have fun and not to fear any harm! Lord I trust You to protect me and my home! Thank you Lord for all the blessings of this day!
Bless each and every blogger! Thank you to everyone for posting your comments and the wonderful poems and music! PRAISE THE LORD AND THANK YOU LORD!
please pardon the spelling errors! PTL! amen
It is with a heavy heart that I have learned of our dear David’s declining health. His wisdom and insight over the years has helped me grow as a Christian. Now that he awaits the time for him to be united with his Lord may you his family find comfort from the same Lord. I will be holding you all up to the Lord during this on going circle of life. Numbers 6: 24-27
Love and hugs in Jesus name
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