Monday, September 18, 2017


Today’s Reading: Psalms 21-22

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


The Church of Annunciation in Nazareth is spectacular, and when the light enters through the stained glass, the beauty of man’s expression through sculpting can be seen. Moses had the sculpture of a serpent placed on a pole foreshadowing the fact that Jesus took our sins and sicknesses upon Himself on the Cross (Numbers 21:7-9, also John 3:14,15). Today’s reading, which clearly details the crucifixion of Jesus, was written hundreds of years before the Romans had even devised this specific means of excruciating death.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Psalm 22:16b-17

They pierced My hands and My feet; I can count all My bones. They look and stare at Me…


In today’s reading, Psalm 21 communicates the joy we experience in the knowledge of God’s strength. When the Apostle Paul was struggling, God said to him, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect (complete) in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9a). In Psalm 22 we learn that the Saviour took our weaknesses on Himself so that He may make us strong.

Jesus quoted from Psalm 22 as He suffered on the Cross. He cried out the words given to David as a prophecy of the suffering Messiah, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Matthew 27:46 “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?”). Jesus, in His humanity, asked, “Why?” We are learning the answer to His question as we read God’s Word daily. There are many other references in Psalm 22 to death by crucifixion. Crucifixion was unknown for hundreds of years after David’s time, yet he wrote, “They pierced My hands and feet” (Psalm 22:16b). We read in that Psalm at least eight statements which refer to the words and events spoken and experienced by Jesus on the Cross. A number of New Testament readings illustrate the truth of David’s prophecy. Here’s just one reading for us (John 19:20-24). Compare that with Psalm 22:18, “They divide My garments among them and for My clothing they cast lots.”


Lord God, You revealed the sufferings of the Messiah King to the shepherd king in advance. I pray that You will reveal to me in a new way the historical fact of the crucifixion of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I humbly bow at the foot of Jesus’ Cross. Lord Jesus, You did this because of Your love for me and for all people throughout all time. I give my life to You as the best way I can express my love to You. As David sang, “A posterity shall serve Him” (22:30), and his last words in Psalm 22, “They will come and declare His righteousness to a people who will be born, that He has done this.” Lord Jesus, here I am. Please help me to declare this fact to everyone who will read and listen. Amen!!!


I’m overwhelmed just now as I think of the dozens of places in the Hebrew Scriptures where the sufferings of Jesus are foretold. No one else who ever lived could step into the fulfilment of these prophecies. The first one was written by Moses in Genesis 3:15, where the “Seed of the woman” would be bruised. Throughout all of Holy Scripture, the seed was, without exception, from a man. Isaiah, of the tribe of Judah, wrote hundreds of years before Jesus was born of the virgin, “Therefore, the Lord Himself shall give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.”

Yours for declaring that “He has done this!”,


P.S. I came across a beautiful rendition of the hymn that begins, “Alas, and did my Saviour bleed and did my Sovereign die…” by Isaac Watts. We don’t know David’s melody for “The Deer of the Dawn” to which Psalm 22 was originally sung. Click here for the Sharon Singers and this unique rendition of “At The Cross” with a different melody. Be blessed; meditate on Jesus’ sufferings on our behalf, and share the blessings.

P.P.S. Thank you once again for your prayers for Dad and your wonderful blog comments during this time of hospitalization. We are simply waiting on God, who is totally sovereign over our lives, as recorded in Psalm 139:16, “You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in Your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.”

47 thoughts on “Monday, September 18, 2017

  1. Of one thing I am sure….You are all wrapped in the precious arms of Jesus. Well done good and faithful servant. Love and prayers surround you. Amen.

    • I recall the days when your family would drop by the Kenny farm to visit–that was when you David were just a child. My mother, a sister of your dad would have us all kneel together there in the farmhouse for prayer. Those were good days in many ways and I trust God that those prayers will still sustain you David in this time of sickness. Blessings, Roy C. Kenny

  2. Continuing in prayer for David especially at thiis moment in life. Thankful beyond measure for his obedience to the Lord’s leading in a lifetime of service which has impacted my life for good over these many years. He continues in our Lord’s Hands.

  3. Hi Ron & Ann
    I have been following this blog since Day 1 and have enjoyed it so much. I have not posted any comments in a very long time. I used to during the first 2 year journey but I have not lately. Your dad is a true inspiration for everyone. His dedication to the Lord is unwavering. May the Lord grant him peace and comfort in these days that could possibly be his last on this earth. We can release him into the presence of God knowing he will receive a rich reward.
    May God be with all the family as you sit by his bedside and give all of you peace and comfort that only God can provide. Praying for all of you at this difficult time.

  4. Praying on my hands and knees, this morning, for you, dear David. Praying for your comfort and peace. Love to you, all the Mainse family, and fellow saints in the Lord.

    But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
    Isaiah 53:3-5 (KJV)

    As the Deer (with lyrics)

  5. We are praying also, for David and all of you. Jesus is Lord over all. What a comfort to have Him in times like this. He is with you, and your precious father, every single moment. Much love to you all.

  6. Our Pastor led a corporate prayer for David and the Mainse family
    yesterday during our morning service at the Missionary Alliance
    Church. We are indeed a praying Church and we will continue
    to lift you all in prayer. Nothing is impossible with God!

  7. Continuing to pray for dear David and Norma Jean that’s God’s presence would surround you ,His Holy Spirit continue to provide comfort and peace, His amazing love would be so real to you and His grace would contiue to be “sufficient for you” in your weakness .

    We continue to give God thanks for your example of faithful service, and your obedience to the call of God on your life. Your insightful knowlege of God’s word, your wisdom gleaned from daily walking your talk, your loyalty to your family and friends, your humble heart and your love for God first and your love and commitment to your precious family has been such an inspiration to us and to countless people!
    We continue to pray for precious Norma Jean and all of your children at this time . May you all be wrapped in the Father’s arms of love .
    We are so grateful to Ron and Ann for keeping this wonderful blog going. Thankyou ! It has been so beneficial to us in so many ways
    much love
    Eldon and Janet

  8. Depending on the circumstances waiting for God can either be a time of great peace or a time of challenge that requires extraordinary trust in His faithfulness–yet whichever one we find ourselves in we can be assure it will be a time of spiritual growth which will lead to fruitfulness—keeping the Mainse family in prayer while they wait on God— Amen

  9. David is held in Jesus hand .We are praying for you and your family. Norma Jean you are a rock and God bless you . My husband and I have followed this blog for the last three years now and are truly blessed. Our prayers are with you and the family. God Bless.
    Judy and Dave Voisin

  10. In the name of the Blood of Jesus Christ, David, do not give up! Jesus is supremely overwhelmed by your contribution to the Kingdom of God on this earth and wants you to see many more days. Terry Fox had to finish his run but you do not…My prayer for you is to “Stay Strong” and Believe…Reach out to the Living Christ…He has heard your prayers. God Bless You!

  11. My thoughts and prayers are with the whole Mainse family as they “watch and wait” upon the Lord…HE knows best…”vele sterkte”, on holidays in Holland????

  12. Praying for God’s presence to be with you dear family.As I
    pray for David the song that comes to me is “What a day it
    will be,when my Jesus I will see”My love goes out the the
    family ,and especially Norma Jean,at this most difficult time.

    So thankful for Davids faithfulness all these years.

    Much love,

  13. Many thank you’s again for all the 100words you have sent out, I have so enjoyed each and everyone. Knowing you are not well at this time is one my mind and in my heart so many prayers go up for you Mr. Mainse and all your family and friends.

  14. My prayers for the family as you gather together. My heart is full of sadness but also joy. One verse seems to stand out in my mind as I pray: Isaiah 52:7
    “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”
    I thank God for the faithful ministry of Pastor David and the team. May many beautiful feet continue the work of Christ until He comes and walks those mountains once again.

  15. Thank you Ron and Ann for doing the blog at this time of sadness
    I’m so thankful for your work.. Praying for you all Mainse
    family ..It is nearly 4 years in a few weeks, When I sat at my dear husbands hosital
    bed side ….God bless you all and give you His comfort and peace .Rosemarie…

  16. Thank You David for your leadership. We enjoy the daily contact with you and your family. Blessings.
    May God’s peace be with you and your family at this time.

  17. Hey Ron I sent You a e-mail at Your (heart to heart) E-Mail site, and like I said in Our conversation with the prayer line, I prayed only for the comfort of Your Mom Norma-Jean for always being there, and now watching Her Husband in the end of this leg of Our journey. And to You Ron and To Reynold and countless Other wonderful family Members I know You will keep this Ministry strong. “God Bless” Brother in Christ, Jerry

  18. To David and entire Mainse family….May God Bless you and keep you and may His face shine upon you and may He grant you Peace.
    David was blessed to share Gods Word……the Blog is a wonderful message of Gods word and it has been a blessing !!!!
    It is told that My Word is a lamp onto our feet and a light onto our pathway……that His Word will never return void. I thank God for you David , for doing this commission and thank you for your passion for the Native american Peoples.
    God Bless you all at this present time.

  19. I pray for the fullness of The Lord God Almighty to fill your room Pastor David and you are aware of Jesus holding you in His loving arms.

    You have served the Lord God so faithfully even during so much adversity and especially during your illness. Now it’s time to rest and maybe pass the baton to those you have equipped to carry on the wonderful God filled ministry you so obediently start after.

    Much love and prayers for you. Dear Norma-Jean and the family.

    Thank you for this blog. It has bee. My privilege to be a part of since the beginning. I probably would not have continued if you had not been our Pastor.

    God bless as we continue in prayer.

  20. Shalom
    Christ the Blessed One gives to all, wonderful Words of Peace.
    Wonderful Words, Beautiful Words. Wonderful Words of life.

    Thank you for singing [telling] them, over again to me [and to the world]

  21. May the “Peace of God surround you, Norma Jean and all the Mainse family: I pray He hold you in the Palm of His hand and comfort you at this difficult time in life. And I pray for Pastor David. Oh, Lord, You can do all things: I pray for all pain to subside in and through Pastor David now and Your Oil of Joy to fill him to overflowing. Jesus I pray this in Your Mighty Holy Name, Amen!!
    Thank you Ron and Ann for continuing to post this daily manna at this very difficult time.

  22. Oh David-You have been raised up for a time such as this. The Lord has allowed you to be a beacon of light across this great country you love so much and have served with such humility. May your words live on long after you have joined your precious Saviour. There is no doubt in my mind you shall be met by the one whose feet and hands are pierced and that you shall hear the words “well done good and faithful servant”. Until that time may the Lord hide you behind the shadow of His wing until this disaster has passed and may He supernaturally guard the hearts of all of those you love best: Norma-Jean, Reynold, Kathy, Ellen, Nizar, Bruce, Elaine. Ron, Ann and all of those precious grandchildren and great grandchildren. Thinking of you and your entire family in gratitude and prayer.

  23. Our hearts are sad as we think of David’s life ebbing away… because of his life, his ministry, his love for Christ & for the world, we want to hold on to him to continue to be light in an increasingly dark, troubled world. But, God in His own wisdom, maybe saying, “Come up higher” – this is the hope of the believer. This is is promise of Jesus Christ, “Because I live, you shall live also. He that lives and believes in me shall never die”..Death is truly the last enemy. But thank God for Jesus who took upon himself the wrath of God that we might be forgiven. So, today, David – and all of us who love the Lord – live under the umbrella of Grace and not under the umbrella of the Wrath of God. So, in these days, as David struggles with health issues, “earth will become less and less, and heaven and seeing the face of Jesus will become more and more”…Love truly holds on to those we love…and love also lets go”. Thank God we have this promise “though we walk through the valley of shadow of death, You, O God, are with us”. Our love and prayers continue to be with David trusting the Sovereign Hand of God to initiate a change in David’s struggle with health and give him more months or years to be God’s person on this earth…or, like Paul say, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: henceforth, there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day”. (2 Tim. 4:7-8a). Love and prayers for David, Norma-Jean, and all the family – and the Crossroads Family..who are grieving the possibility of the loss of David’s human presence and godly influence. But we also rejoice because he loves the Lord while on earth but always with our eyes on our heavenly home when we meet the Saviour face to face…. “what a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see, when I look upon His face, the One who saved me by His Grace; what a day, what a day that will be!”

    • Thank you Ron & Ann for continuing to post this blog and to Reynold for the photography. As I followed the blog and read through the Bible in 2 years I learned so much from David Mainse. I have learned from his knowledge, humility, tender heart, love for people, and complete trust in God. My mom introduced me to 100 Huntley Street 30 years ago. I pray that David & Norma Jean and all of you will know God’s peace & presence at this tender time.

  24. Thank you Ron & Ann for continuing to post this blog and to Reynold for the photography. As I followed the blog and read through the Bible in 2 years I learned so much from David Mainse. I have learned from his knowledge, humility, tender heart, love for people, and complete trust in God. My mom introduced me to 100 Huntley Street 30 years ago. I pray that David & Norma Jean and all of you will know God’s peace & presence at this tender time.

  25. Dearest Pastor David,
    Let There Be Light last night featured an interview between you and your granddaughter, Sara Stowell. I heard that you and Norma Jean now have 15 grandkids and 13 greats, wow – congratulations!
    Despite battling serious illness (David, I was alarmed to see your thin frame, but I’m praying for you and your family!), your voice and typical electrifying way of communicating your message has (amazingly) not changed one decibel promoting the cause for Sacred Scripture and Our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Thus, the resilience of all the ministries you founded are assured to grow and develop (how about that cutting-edge YES TV brand!) and making a difference in the minds, hearts, and souls of humanity in all corners of the world!
    Please accept my gratitude for your relentless courage in soldiering on to help us in the cause of sustaining and drawing new believers to Jesus’ way, truth and life!
    With love and affection,
    Praying with Holy Scriptures, Num 6:24-27; Jas 5:14-15

  26. My Dear Pastor David,
    Bless you my beloved David, with all the peace and comfort from our Dear Heavenly Father as you rest in His arms. May God be close to Norm Jean and family, and give them strength at this time. You are a very special child of God, who has done such wondrous works for the Lord.
    God be with you now and forever.
    Christian love and appreciation.

  27. Dear David, Norma-Jean and family…how we love you all. Our prayers are with you… and thankfully we have a God who hears and answers prayer. You are all an amazing inspiration and incredible leaders. I shall never forgot our wonderfull trip to Israel in 2012.
    Believing God for your 100% healing,David…in the Powerful Name of Jesus
    with much love, Krista

  28. Happy 59th Wedding Anniversary Norman Jean and David, God Bless you both. Love you both very much for your faithfulness in serving Christ and in sharing His love.

  29. Happy 59th Anniversary Norma Jean and David. May you be wrapped in the arms of Jesus as you and family spend this wonderful precious time together knowing that one day soon you will all be together again in that lovely blessed mansion over the hill top. Blessings and love in Christ.❤️????????

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