Today’s Reading: Job 27-28
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Pictured are the remains of a copper smelting furnace from the Ramsesside Period (13th-12th centuries BC). One smelting process took 10-12 hours and produced 5 kg of copper. As well as copper, today’s reading refers to silver, gold, iron, sapphires, flint, onyx, crystal, coral, quartz, topaz, and rubies. The geologists of those days were well equipped for their profession.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Job 28:28
And to man He said, “Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to depart from evil is understanding.”
It is a fact that Job had a sterling character. The Scripture tells us that the tongue is the most difficult member of our bodies to be brought under control. Job said, “My lips will not speak wickedness, nor my tongue utter deceit” (Job 27:4). No wonder God said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job?” (Job 1:8).
Another reading that will show us the character of Job is James 1:2-8. Before the Bible was written, before Jesus entered recorded history, before the coming of the Holy Spirit upon people, Job gives us an example of the fact that we can live in an upright way. We have great advantages over Job. We have no excuse for not living a life of integrity.
Again Job reveals his knowledge of nature. The barometer was invented approximately 400 years ago. It’s based on the weight of a column of air. Consider Job 28:25a, “weight for the wind.” Four thousand years ago wise people understood much more than we give them credit for. Many of our 21st century contemporaries seem to exhibit a pride of intellect which is not deserved. God reveals Himself to humble people!
Lord God, I worship You! You are great!!! Hallelujah!!! May “Your kingdom come and Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.” May I walk humbly before You in such a way that You will be honoured. In the Name of the One who pleased You always, the Lord Jesus, I pray, Amen!!!
Like Job and his friends, I’ve often wondered why injustice sometimes seems to triumph. I’ve come to the conclusion that on the scales of eternity, justice will indeed triumph. So I decided years ago to hang in there, looking to God daily for His wisdom, doing all I can do to alleviate suffering, hunger, strife, etc., in any way I can. When I’m able to do the right thing, I know that strength comes from God through seeking Him first every morning, and then keeping His ways in mind throughout the day.
Thinking of all the minerals mentioned in today’s reading takes me back to the five years that Norma-Jean, our children and I spent in what is Canada’s premier mining city, Sudbury, Ontario. Bill St. Pierre, who served as our Development Director for the Circle Square Ranches for many years, worked in helping to develop new ways of prospecting for the mining companies. I’m prospecting every day for the wealth waiting to be found in Holy Scripture. I pray fervently that this blog, attached to the Lord, will enable me to share the wealth with more and more people.
Yours, with a hope that all of us will “share the wealth” by sending this blog on to others, perhaps by sharing the link on Facebook,
P.S. I had the opportunity to share on yesterday’s 100 Huntley Street program during Crossroads’ vital financial year-end fundraiser. Click HERE to watch my special message… and then please support by clicking HERE, knowing that your gift will be doubled by a matching challenge grant!
Thank you dear Pastor David for your integrity in keeping 100 Huntley St. going! The key verse today spoke to me when I was attending university and convinced me God’s Word and Way was the right way to go. Blessings on all!
How true that key verse is! Up lifting you in prayer pastor David.
Blessings once again today from our blog. Key verse is so perfect for me today. Sometimes it is hard to keep the tongue from strikes no out, but by agid’s grace and the Holy Spirit to guide we can control.
Praying for strength each day for you Pastor David and for each Brother and sister who has requested prayer.
Sah I want to thank you and others for your prayers for me as tests were happening to investigate a questionable node on my C3 neck. After having to cancel the tests due to a severe virus which affected my sinus and ears, and oh the coughing, finally had the tests. They are inconclusive as to metastic disease so specialists will monitor every few months to see any changes. Praise God for his goodness each day. I don’t post often but do keep up and pray for all of you. This blog has grown my faith and I feel so privileged to be with all of you from the first.
Praying little Judah and his parents are resting in a Jesus ‘ loving arms.
BLESSINGS to all. Lovely to see you Pastor David on Huntley St.
God bless you, Catherine. Thank you so much for letting us know about your tests. Praise God for this result because it is indefinite, which means it very well may not be cancerous and they will be on top of checking regularly. God hears and answers our prayers and the saints are indeed, praying for you, with faith, dear sister-in-Christ.
Thank you Beverlee. Do appreciate your prayers and links on our blog. Bless you sister in Christ. Catherine
Prayed your prayer for today Pastor Mainse.
Just received your book” This Far by Faith” & look forward to reading it.
Many thanks for this daily blog, it is a real blessing to me.
May God bless all who read it, in Jesus’ precious Name I pray, Amen!
Amen, Joy. I am currently reading it, at Wesley Acres. Enjoy!
Returned home from many hours of RV travelling. The Lord was with us all the way. Such a blessing to see family and friends. Thank you to any who prayed for me. Thank you, David for the travel through the Word of God.
Amen, Ruth! Glad you are home, safe and sound, and had such a wonderful journey! You are always in my prayers.
Thanks for this daily blog and your words of wisdom Pastor David. Today’s key verse is one which was posted in plain view on our bulletin board, when we first came into the Kingdom of light…when the children were still at home. And still is so true!
its interesting how some will pray for others and some get offended! If a person can’t be open and honest before the Lord, I don’t know where else to be honest! I know that God knows EVERYTHING that goes on in all our lives!
Lianne keep posting and please know that I am have you on my daily prayer list!
Catherine I also have you on my daily prayer list! Please keep your doctors on their toes! Make sure they do all the tests that you need!
Irene Ochotta thank you again for your prayer support!
I pray for the Penticton Christian School to be full to over flowing! I pray also that those with money will step forward and help children attend! I pray that the stadff will not become discouraged! Thank you Lord for this school! amen