Today’s Reading: Nehemiah 3-4
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The Broad Wall is an ancient defensive wall in the Old City of Jerusalem. The wall was unearthed in the 1970’s by Israeli archaeologist Nahman Avigad and dated to the reign of King Hezekiah (late 8th century BC). This wall is referred to in Nehemiah 3:8.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Nehemiah 4:6
So we built the wall, and the entire wall was joined together up to half its height, for the people had a mind to work.
Those who opposed the building of the wall tried to stop the project in several ways. Firstly, they used ridicule, mocking the vision of the Jews. Secondly, when their indignation had turned to anger, they conspired to use violence against the Jews. The response of those who had God’s vision for the wall was to have “a mind to work,” to make “our prayer to our God,” and to “set a watch against them [their enemies] day and night.”
In doing the will of God for our lives today, let us work hard, pray hard, and watch carefully for enemy activity. Why do we fight the fight of faith? Yes, for our own futures, but as 4:14b tells us, we fight for our families, “our brothers and sisters, our sons and daughters [also for those in other families who have no one to fight for them], our wives [husbands] and our houses.” The imagery of a trowel (the work) in one hand and a sword (the protection of daily reading God’s Word) in the other hand, is powerful. A complimentary New Testament reading could be Mark 10:28-31, where we are promised by Jesus 100 times more in houses, brothers, sisters, etc. The best results come from doing God’s will in spite of opposition.
Lord God, I pray for daily strength to work diligently for Your cause, and to stand on guard against all attacks on Your great purposes for my life and that of my family. In the Name of the Carpenter who said, “I will build My Church,” and “I make all things new,” Jesus, Himself, Amen!!!
In Canada’s national anthem we repeat several times, “We stand on guard for thee.” This brings to mind a story from my Dad and his partner in guard duty at Fort Henry in Kingston, Ontario, during WWI. Private Mainse and Private Hawley were on night duty walking the circumference of the Fort outside the walls. They would meet, salute, turn about face and walk the opposite directions until they met again. Each time they met they would each quote a sentence from the Bible which they had memorized the day before. The son of Private Hawley, Martin Hawley, confirmed this story to me not long ago. Both Privates became Generals in my books. It’s no wonder that they both were called of God into His service. They became ordained ministers of Christ.
The last building project in which I was involved was the Crossroads Centre in Burlington, Ontario (picture below). The building houses 143,000 square feet of TV studios, offices, a restaurant, and convention facilities. I invite all our readers to visit. I traveled to a quarry in Muskoka to choose the great stone you see pictured outside the entrance. The Scripture below the stone says, “Thus saith the Lord: stand at the crossroads and look, and ask for the ancient paths where the good way lies, and walk in it, and find rest for your souls!” Jeremiah 6:16 (NRSV).
Yours for having “a mind to work” and “rest for your souls” and “to not be afraid,”
thank you David I appreciate all you have done for us to hear the word of God – and the photos that are related to the scripture of the day.
Praying for you and your family. Blessings.
Amen Irene
And a beautiful building it is! I plan to be there a little later today! The fighting in today’s world seems daunting even though the battle here is a little different. It’s with words and laws that are not pleasing to God. Still, we “Stand Up, Stand Up, for Jesus” – we must not suffer loss.
Amen, can relate to the scripture today. In a situation now where praying for the sick, giving personal prophecies(name it and claim it) is taking precedence over preaching the Word or not at all in the service. Please pray for me dear saints as I am reprimanded for voicing my opinion and standing for the truth. It was an honor to attend the opening of the Crossroads Centre in 1992. God bless you Pastor David and fellow believers.
Covering you with prayers of love and peace, dear Ger.
“And Moses said to the people, ‘Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The LORD will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.’” Exodus 14:13-14
Amen Beverlee…agreeing in prayer with you for Ger!
Thank you, again for keeping on with this Bible reading.
I will be away for the next few weeks. I am taking the “Day unto Day” readings with me to stay on track.
this is an important reunion with our children. Your prayers are appreciated whenever you may think of me.
thankful for the “Wonderful grace of Jesus”.
May the Lord our God keep you safe as you travel and be with you wherever you will be Ruth!
Just a note to those who administer the daily blog. Today, July 25, is the first time I have received the 100word daily blog since July 8th. Prior to this it is a constant hit and miss…is there a problem that can be resolved. Not sure if others are also having this problem.
On the lighter side of things, thoroughly enjoyed reading Ezra and see the hand of God at work..which now as we continues in Nehemiah….It also reminds us that God is still at work in today’s world as we keep our eyes on the Lord in the midst of so much turbulence in the world..
Today, is the 51st Wedding Anniversary for Dodie and me…Though my wife is incapacitated in a nursing home, our love continues to endure…in sickness or in health. It is a special gift to be there for her…giving her love and care…and lots of flowers…even if she not able to fully see or respond…the beautiful thing is that she loves the Lord…as we both do…and have had the pleasure to be individual pastors for 43 years as we shared a partnership down through the years in many appointments across Canada …AND know that God’s Spirit is living our His life in our individual lives. I am blessed with an older chorus we still like to sing:
“All through the years His providence as led us,
His abounding goodness has been all my song;
All throrugh the years I fell His love and mercy,
Singing Ebenezer as the years roll on.”
“Ebenezer” means: “Hitherto the Lord has helped us!
“Up to now”….and “from this day forth” – “Our help comes the Lord the Maker of Heaven and earth.
Claim “Ebenezer” in your life today!
You are to be congratulated for your love and faithfulness to your wife. I bless you on your faithfulness.
I always get my100 Words, I have it under my favourites, it never fails to be there
God Bless you on your 51st Wedding Anniversary Samuel Dodie Frame. I pray that “the Joy of the Lord be your strength” as you love and minister to Dodie in this difficult time!
Amen Irene, I join in wishing Samuel and Dodie Happy 51st anniversary. What genuine love Samuel is expressing toward his dear wife. Bless you Samuel and Dodie..
Thank you Pastor David for yours words this morning I always look forward to reading your blog.
I haven’t received my blog daily for months, but I manage by bringing up 100 Words, Eleanor E.
Thank you Eleanor. That is the way I am able to access the daily blog.
Thanks to all bloggers for your kind words regarding our Anniversary… Not much I can do…not much I can say…but feed Dodie her meal…let her know that I love her and that God loves her. I often sing to her, “You are my sunshine”….
then add Christian words to the same tune, words,
“I’m gladly singing of Christ my Saviour,
He is my hope, my theme, my joy;
I found a treasure beyond earth’s value,
And a peace that none can destroy.”
Blessings to all.
Amen! Irene Ochotta. Sending my Best Wishes to Samuel
and Dodie Fame. May God bless you both on your 51st Wedding Anniversary.
Claiming “Ebenezer” in my life also.
Praise God! He is faithful…. all the time!
What a special building the Lord provided for your ministry Pastor David; and gave you the wisdom in its being built! God bless you for this daily blog.
Thank you Beverlee and Irene for your prayers and for the scripture. The Lord gave me a wonderful day and helped me to go forward. God bless you. God bless you too Samuel and Dodie on your special day and give you many more together. The Lord is good!
My name is Pat and my husband’s name is Merv We have not got Ron Mainse for sometime either it would be nice to get it back once again. We injoy the teaching and it is easy to follow. Keep up the good work. Our prayer is for the family and the youth today for they will get to know the Lord. Thanks