Today’s Reading: 1 Kings 22
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A panoramic view from the top of the Golan Heights looking west over the south end of the Sea of Galilee.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 1 Kings 22:15
Then he came to the king; and the king said to him, “Micaiah, shall we go to war against Ramoth Gilead, or shall we refrain?”
Dear Lord, please keep me true to You and to Your Word. I do want to be true to Your Word, as Micaiah said, “Whatever the Lord says to me, that I will speak.” What You have said, Lord, is here in my Bible. I pray that I will let You speak through my Bible as Peter said, “The prophetic Word made more sure” (2 Peter 1:19a). I recognize that the written Word is “more sure.” Please continue to open the eyes of my understanding every day as I continue this Bible reading discipline. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen!
A while back I came across an old letter from my mother to a young man named Jim, who was interested in my teenage sister, Elaine. Elaine is almost six years older than I am. I really liked Jim and hoped he and Elaine would someday be married, but it was not to be. I was eleven at the time. Anyway, here’s some good advice for us all from Mother’s letter…
“It is an encouragement for us to know if we have helped someone heavenward. But then we remember that if we are living close to Jesus our influence is always telling for Him. If we get out of touch, we are ‘scattering abroad,’ instead of ‘gathering with Him.’ Last Sunday I had the privilege of teaching a class of girls, including Elaine [my sister]. One of them told us how she was troubled because evil thoughts would come to her mind. She never dwelt on them, but if she was right with God, these thoughts should not come. We told her that the very fact that she hated those thoughts and put them from her was proof that they had no part in her life. Christ was tempted, even to devil worship, but He resisted the devil. She surprised me in the evening service by coming and thanking me, as this which had troubled her for a long time was cleared up. And so the Lord does use each one of us to help others if we live where we are useable.”
My mother died just six months after she wrote that letter to Jim. Some years ago, when Jim became a Pastor in Hamilton, he gave me two letters he had received from my mother. I treasure these letters. I have given one to each of my two daughters, Elaine and Ellen.
Yours for reading God’s “more sure Word of prophecy” (2 Peter 1:19a – King James Version), and Happy Mother’s Day this weekend!
P.S. I have a personal prayer request. I’ve been receiving more requests for speaking engagements. Please pray for me…for physical strength if I’m to accept, or for the wisdom to say “No.” May God’s will be done!
Praying for you, David, for your healing and energy, and thank you for sharing your mom’s letter. We heed Your prophetic Word, Lord, as a light that shines in the dark, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in our hearts. Amen! Blessings fellow saints in the Lord!
But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which[a] the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.
Galatians 6:14 ESV
Selah – How Deep The Father’s Love For Us [with lyrics]
Dear Lord leads and guide Pastor David give him the strength he needs to speak at these invitations that only You put before him and help him say no and the people graciously receive his answer we love You and thank You Lord Jesus in Your Holy Name Amen
Lord, David has said in the blog that he has been receiving increasing numbers of requests to speak. Please give him wisdom regarding each and every request – if he should accept it or not, and strength for the ones he accepts. Amen.
Amen Eleanor C…agreeing in prayer for God’s Wisdom for Pastor David!
Psalm 138:3,7-8 “In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul…Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand will save me. The LORD will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy O LORD, endures forever; Do not forsake the works of Your hands.” Thank You LORD, that You guide us to do Your will and make good decisions. It is all about You. Bless David with grace to accept or decline accordingly, and to do all for Your glory. In Jesus’ name Amen.
Father, may Your Perfect Will & Plan be made clear to David. You told us to “call to You” (& that’s what we are doing) You promised to answer & show us great things. We ask for strengthening for David & Your Direction for him. Take over, Lord. Bless the Maines family greatly. Amen
If you hear someone speak , and says it is from God’s word be careful check it out the truth what God has spoken. David I will keep you in my prayers.
Lianne Hogg
Good morning David. Several weeks back, I suggested to you that rest was what you needed to do before you continued your calling as Ambassador for 100 Huntley Street. The Holy Spirit of God worked through Lorna as she bestowed this honour upon you as televised previously in a 100 Huntley Street episode.
Have you rested enough to pursue this calling?
May the Holy Spirit of God give you the wisdom and strength that you are looking for brother David. God Bless…
Yes, dear Pastor David, will pray for you and your prayer request. This blog is most helpful for me today as I am dealing with some of those very things you talked about. I love the Word and your comments which stick closely to the Word. Have a good day saints, one and all.
Lord I ask that You will speak with Ger, speak clearly to her; give her wisdom and grace and mercy; give her some God-filled answers! She is your child Lord! She loves you Lord; she loves the Word! Your Will be done in her life! Thank you Dear Lord,thank you in Jesus Name we Pray AMEN
Amen to all the prayers above. Lord God, please keep raising up these true followers of Yours to go and proclaim the Truth of Your Word clearly and honestly, washed in Your precious blood and filled with Your Spirit. And please give all Your people boldness and courage and wisdom and love to be Your precious witnesses throughout the world. In Jesus’ eternally-wonderful name, amen
Thank you, David. Amen to the previous prayers. God is faithful. You will know how you need to answer these requests.
Amen, Ruth!
Amen Ruth !
How wise of you Pastor David to give those two letters to you daughters!
Agreeing with the above prayers for you Pastor David regarding your decision.
I am also agreeing with all prayers for Pastor David. Eleanor M.
PS. Had a long day at the hospital, my husband Ted had an angiogram, they found at least two blocked arteries. He now has to go for angioplasty on May 31.
Praying for you, Eleanor, and for your husband! May God Bless you both, with peace and strength and good health!
Amen…agreeing in prayer with anna for you and your husband Eleanor!
Oh God I join my heart’s with those who are praying on Pastor David’s behalf as he is seeking your will guidance and direction about these speaking engagements we pray for strength and healing and for your will to be done and Pastor David’s life we’ve had this all in your name amen
Eleanor, have you ever tried acupuncture! It’s an old method for Holistic treatments, it is in the Bible, these treatments open up the arteries and remove all blockages, it is worth trying it takes time and modern medicine will agree however they may not say so verbally
any treatment that does not involve drugs is a good treatment! Lord I ask that You would heal Eleanor’s husband, heal him completely thank you Lord for loving us unconditionally! In Jesus Name amen
To David Mainse! You can do talks right from your bedside, they have this method called skype! It is terrific!
Maybe talk to Ron and Ann how these requests for speaking engagements could best be handled from your bedside!
Also, please remember, the day is 24 hours, and it is appropriate at any time to do a talk about the Gospel!
This could be at 11 p.m. or 4 a.m., whenever you wake up! Trust in the Lord David and ask Him what He desires and will He make the time that is right for you available!
Thank you for sharing your personal stories! Blessings to you David and to Norma-Jean!
HI David, How wonderful that you are still receiving requests to speak in various places. You are greatly loved! As l contemplated your request for direction from our Lord, l got this unusual sentence: If a man on a stretcher was asked to run a marathon,l would urge him to not disappoint all the people who travel to see him,unless he was sure he could rise up and fulfill those commitments. It’s hard for you to say no when you want so much to say yes….but God knows.