Today’s Reading: 1 Kings 17-18
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Ruins of ancient Samaria-Sebaste, capital of King Ahab and the northern 10 tribes of Israel. The prophets of Baal, Jezebel’s religion, dominated here when Elijah showed up. The ruins populate the hillside and comprise remains from six successive cultures dating back thousands of years: Canaanite, Israelite, Hellenistic, Herodian, Roman and Byzantine. This photo was taken in the modern Palestinian authority territory.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: 1 Kings 18:22
Then Elijah said to the people, “I alone am left a prophet of the Lord; but Baal’s prophets are 450 men.”
Who would have guessed that the odds favoured the one against so many formidable opponents? Yet that is precisely what happened. This dramatic confrontation has frequently drawn the comment, “One person with God is always a majority.” However, as Elijah learned, there were actually 100 other prophets of the Lord hiding (in 2 caves of 50 each), waiting for the day when they could boldly take a public stand once again. We should never give in to a “poor me pity party.” God ensures that we are never alone.
The Apostle Paul, in words to Timothy, felt very alone (Read 2 Timothy 4:9-16). But then he rallied and declared, “The Lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for His heavenly kingdom. To Him be glory forever and ever. Amen”!!! Take time to worship God along with our prayers! He promised never to leave us alone. He’s over us, under us, around us and in us. Rejoice!!!
Lord God, Your eternal Word, which will never pass away, declares, “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4b). Please grant me a constant awareness of Your presence. May I be as Paul urged me, “Be filled with Your Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18). In the Name of the One who was filled at all times with the fullness of God, my Friend who sticks closer than a brother, the Lord Jesus. AMEN!
I’m very aware that there are more ungodly leaders featured here in Kings than godly ones. Therefore, I’m taking comfort in the fact that, while there are bad leaders in our world today, there are also some good ones. Over the last two days I’ve mentioned President Reagan of the USA and Canada’s second leader, Prime Minister MacKenzie. I’ve also mentioned a very godly leader of Great Britain, Prime Minister Gladstone, who sponsored missions all over the U.K. where people were led to Christ. He was the one who negotiated with our Canadian leaders for separation without violence. The 13 British colonies to the south fought a bloody war for separation. It would seem that in the case of the United States, while there were some godly leaders on the American side, they did not have godly people to deal with in England. The colonies to the north waited about 90 years, but Canada was born without bloodshed. One of the people on the Canadian side was a man whom God used by the name of Sir John A. MacDonald, our first Prime Minister. I sat for at least an hour beside his grave in Kingston, Ontario, meditating on all I had read about him over the years. Yes, he had an alcohol problem. Yes, he was a flawed human being like all of us, but he dreamed big dreams. I sat in his seat in the Presbyterian Church he attended in Kingston. I was the guest of the minister, Rev. Max Putnam, who was serving as Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. I had studied history but learned for the first time from Max that John A. MacDonald had undergone an experience of genuine conversion to Christ, and for the last years of his life he shunned alcohol. Sometime later, in Grimsby, Ontario, I was shown a poster advertising a Methodist camp meeting at which our first Prime Minister was guest preacher. Finally, the press got it right in an article in the Ottawa Citizen newspaper headlined, “THE DAY SIR JOHN A. MET JESUS!” I’ll try to attach the article within the next couple of days, if I can locate it.
Yours to help encourage people in whom we can believe to run for leadership positions in all areas of human concern,
Amen to your prayer, Ron. Holding you up this morning, dear David. Blessings in the rain, dear fellow saints in the Lord!
He shall come down like rain upon the mown grass: as showers that water the earth. Psalm 72:6 ESV
Michael W Smith – Let it Rain
we have had more good leaders than bad! We must continue to pray for the Lord to keep sending sinners who are saints to serve our countries; to serve the people!
Our leaders who have had wives, children, parents, they realize the emotions that go with raising a family and loving them unconditionally!
They realize the challenges with growing older!
Today is my birthday, a BIG THANK YOU TO ALL WHO SENT ME WELL WISHES! I am crying as I type this……those wishes mean alot to me…….however
I have another birthday wish!!!!!!!!
I desire ALL people everywhere to spend 24 hours within the next week in fervent prayer for our children, our elderly, for whose who cannot look after themselves, for families; for marriages;for the leaders of our countries;
please pray the Holy Spirit enter the hearts of all the leaders regardless if they are Christians, because we know, the Holy Spirit calls, gathers and enlightens each one into the true Spirit of God Almighty,
please pray for supernatural healing for the people not only from illnesses but from envy, malice, hatred,greed, anger, immoral thoughts,
pray for healing of relationships; pray for the words I FORGIVE YOU be spoken among the peoples and pray that hearts will be relieved of their hardness, all the pent up anger,hostility will be removed forever;
2 months ago we were given a letter of intention of raising rents 4 times the amount!!!!!!! In the Rental Tenancy Department someone found a loop hole and many owners have done this to their tenants!
This of course caused TREMENDOUS stress and in some cases (not in my units) some people took their lives feeling they had no where to go…such a tragic and again caused by man…..
the case took place on May 2nd and one person in my unit agreed to take this battle on……PRAISE THE LORD WE WON THE CASE!
I thanked the guy who fought for all of us! I told him when we signed the permission that I would be praying for a win! I knew that he was happy that we supported him……
we are now praying that perhaps the people who own this property would sell and that we have owners who would appreciate a place that is quiet and the rents are always paid on time…..we all want to be left in peace! this was the cheapest place to live when moved here! none of us are wealthy, we all live on the Pensions and that money does not make ends meet especially if you live alone!
I am sad to say that I know of some seniors that are engaging in dangerous activity to earn a little more money to make ends meet; it is sad but is is true!
I have have posted prayers for a financial breakthrough as I am caught in this situation…
WE ARE THANKFUL TO GOD FOR HELPING US TO WIN THIS CASE! We pray for peace now, just allow us to live our lives serving God in some cases, healing from illnesses; just to be able to smell the beautiful spring flowers, be thankful for each day……..thank you so much for your prayer support and the beautiful links to the music……GOD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU ALL IN HIS CARE…….
Happy Birthday, SAH!!!! May it be a special day for you and year ahead, filled with God’s continued blessings!!!! Celebrate the day you were born unto this world. And remember, God loves you!!!!
Rascal Flatts ~ My Wish For You ~ with lyrics
beautiful creative version of the same song
My Wish For You
My Wish For You
“This is my wish for you:
Comfort on difficult days,
Smiles when sadness intrudes,
Rainbows to follow the clouds,
Laughter to kiss your lips,
Sunsets to warm your heart,
Hugs when spirits sag,
Beauty for your eyes to see,
Friendships to brighten your being,
Faith so that you can believe,
Confidence for when you doubt,
Courage to know yourself,
Patience to accept the truth,
Love to complete your life.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thanks Beverlee…joining in blessings for Sah on her birthday. Beautiful song …and I it will encourage her on this her Birthday!
thanks and blessings to you Irene!
It has just occured to me that we are praying for our leaders of the present and the past!
This was designed by God by using David Mainse to begin the talk about Christian leaders! I find that quite AMAZING!
Have a blessed day and May God grant you good health, peace, harmony and great prosperity. amen amen amen
through my tears I whisper “thank you”…I always appreciate your links to the music…..yes, please keep praying for me…..
the above is for Beverlee Kay….God bless you for posting beautiful links to the music…..
Happy birthday SAH! Have a wonderful year.
Thanks David for telling about our early Prime Ministers’ faith. I hope you can find the info you are looking for.
Thank you Eleanor and God bless you abundantly now and forever! Please keep praying for me, need financial breakthrough…in Jesus Name we Pray AMEN
Happy Birthday SAH! Wishing you blessings galore!
The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face
shine upon you,
And be gracious to you ;
The Lord lift up His
countenance upon you,
And give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-26
a favourite Bible verse of mine!Thanks Evanna, may God grant you great peace and harmony all the days of your life….blessings to you and your family….amen
My mother died yesterday at 5pm on the 5th day of the fifth month. She was 83. On the 4th, I posted a music video on Facebook called Operator (get me Jesus). I thought of her when I posted it. I post a lot of music videos on Facebook. Most don’t mention Jesus. https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=share&v=WEAtDmTbpu4 I had not spoken to my mother in two years.
thanks Brad for your blog! please feel free to share your feelings and your comments……God knows what was going on and you can be assured He has a plan, you know that you can talk to Him 24/7, if you feel great remorse, tell God about this feeling;
I have learned one thing in life (well maybe 2) but God does really love us when we pour out our hearts to Him……He could tell us how to solve the problems but we would not learn anything, it is by doing the various steps and not necessarily in order, that we learn to forgive others, forgive ourselves and to receive God’s forgiveness……
again thank you Brad……God loves you as you are; He knows everything that is going on in our lives. He will never leave you nor forsake you….that is His Promise, His Words….that’s comforting…..also, grieving takes time…….
I am so happy you posted Brad……..you’ve got something good going on for yourself and for all of us……..blessings to Brad,
I’m so very sorry to hear your mother died, Brad, and that you hadn’t spoken to her in two years. But such a blessing you thought of her the day before and posted a song on facebook, as you did. May she be looking down on you, now, sending you her love. The bond between a mother and child is ever strong. God bless you, Brad, and may Angels be there to comfort you, now.
Birthday blessings, Sah. Blessings to David & family. Thank you folks.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow! TY Doreen, and may this day go well for you; may God grant you His grace,mercy and unconditionally love!
I cannot find a subscribe button to subscribe to the email posts. At the top right of the page that says Receive 100 words there is a box below that says “page not found.”
Happy Birthday Sah! You are such a Blessing! Have a wonderful day!
God bless you Christine and thank you for your wishes! May God grant you a blessed day also!
Find Sir John A’s story by googling Sir John A MacDonald tragic childhood , a story from the Pemboke Daily Observer, written by Rev. Eric Strachan.
Oh how I pray for believing leaders in the world today!
Happy birthday, Sah! The Lord knows every concern you have and every prayer you’ve prayed. Trust you are having the best birthday yet. Thank you Pastor David for sharing such great truths with us and our spiritual history as a nation. Thank you saints for all your prayers. I feel at peace now. God bless you. Yes, we need to pray for spiritual leadership in our country and I believe God will answer all those prayers that were sent up for our nation at the 24 hour prayer meeting. I believe He is pleased as 2 Chron. 7:14 was obeyed.
God bless you Ger and thank you sister in the Lord!
Thank you Pastor David for so frequently providing us with History of our wonderful country of Canada and the men involved in its birth!!
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Sah!
May our Lord God bless you and keep you in His care,
in Jesus precious Name I pray, Amen!
God bless you Joy! Thank you for your wishes; please continue to pray for me for a financial breakthrough! I need to clear debts/help family/invest rest for better income/find other ways to serve the Lord Thank you again,
WOW! Just received a call for prayers for a young gal in my community who is struggling to be alcohol and drug free! Please pray the Holy Spirit enters her heart and remove all degrees of desire for the booze/drugs!
She is very beautiful, working and is very good on the computer, she is very happy where she works and the owners are happy to have her work for them!
Thank you Lord for this precious person and for her employment, Lord keep her safe and let no desire of inappropriate things to put into the body be gone! No more alcohol! it is GONE! No more drugs! It is GONE! Thank you for her caring family, thank you for the forgiveness of all our sins! Thank you Lord In Jesus Name we Pray!
Happy Birthday Sah sorry I am so late. I hope you had a Blessed Day and I am so happy your rents won’t go up. .I am agreeing In prayer with you for that dear young lady.
Love-in-Christ, Eleanor M.
Happy Birthday, Sah. May the good Lord above bless you and keep you.
God please bless Sah in her finances so that she can be debt free. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus name, amen.
Happy Birthday Sah may you be. Lesser as you are such a blessing to so many. I pray the year ahead will be filled with joy and that God will provide your financial breakthrough. He alone knows your needs.
Praise Him for answer regarding your rent situation.
Blessings to all.
Doreen do you have an answer on work or place to live yet?
Thanking God for godly leaders and for others to rise up and be counted.
Oops should say “may you be blessed”
thank you to Eleanor, Nan and Catherine for your good wishes for me!
had a good evening, went swimming, then hung out at the Convenience store, a beautiful gal Rachael is so sweet, pleasant and so good with customers,, please pray for her, she was with a guy but the drugs tore him away, she is lonely but I so adore listening to her, she has a kind heart,
met another gal tonight that was hitch hiking, gave her a ride to the next community, she needs prayer support also, pray that God will help her forgive her mother, I shared my story of forgiveness to a young man who was driving a car that hit my dad and killed him instantly!
God tells us in Scripture that we are to forgive others as He has forgiven us!
However forgetting is something different! Jesus said on the Cross “Forgive them for they know not what they do” but He shared his scars with many after his resurrection,so he never forgot BUT He did forgive and we need to also forgive! It’s very freeing and very healthy to forgive!
Praise and thank God for the Community choir! it is ending soon! will miss everyone, HOWEVER I am believing God will bless me with a financial breakthrough and then I can clean up my affairs, and just enjoy listening to others and blessing others……..AGAIN, GOD BLESS ALL WHO ARE ON THIS BLOG! David Mainse, this is good thing! I pray the Lord is holding you tight!
in Jesus Name we Pray AMEN
You have to be very careful about this, Sah. That is not true that Jesus did not forget. Scripture speaks clearly about this. Our sins were paid once and for all by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. That means His payment was complete.
Hebrews 10:14–18 says, “For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy. The Holy Spirit also testifies to us about this. First he says: ‘This is the covenant I will make with them after that time, says the Lord. I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds.’ Then he adds: ‘Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.’ And where these have been forgiven, sacrifice for sin is no longer necessary.”
These passages make it evident that God does not remember our sins. However, God’s “not remembering” is not what we usually think of as forgetfulness. God is omniscient. He knows everything, and He forgets nothing. However, He can choose not to remember something. In human relationships, we can choose to remember the offenses someone has committed against us, or we can choose to forget. To forgive someone, we must often put painful memories out of our minds. We don’t actually forget the sin, and it’s not that we are unable to recall the offense, but we choose to overlook it. Forgiveness prevents us from dwelling on past troubles.
There are lots more scriptural references on this site to read: https://www.gotquestions.org/does-God-forget.html