Friday, February 10, 2017


Today’s Reading: Judges 8

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the audio speaker symbol above the scripture portion)


Dubbed the “Pompeii of the East,” Jerash is a Greco-Roman ruined city located 80 miles north of Amman, the capital of the modern kingdom of Jordan, The impressive, beautifully preserved ruins of Jerash include places of worship and other buildings from the Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine Christian, and early Muslim periods. The Oval Plaza seen in the photo is central to the ruins.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Judges 8:34

Thus the children of Israel did not remember the Lord their God, who had delivered them from the hands of all their enemies on every side;


The people of Succoth and Penuel made poor decisions. Zeba and Zalmuna made poor decisions at Tabor. Gideon made good decisions when he heard from God as recorded in yesterday’s reading. Now there is no indication that he’s listening for God’s directions. How often we rush ahead on our own without waiting on God. There comes a time when we must move forward. Beware of what someone has called “the paralysis of analysis.”

In 1st Corinthians 1:6 Paul writes, “Now these things happened as examples for us.” “These things” would include Israel’s decisions and experience during the time of the judges. When we forget God in our decisions, we become victims of our circumstances rather than victors over our circumstances.


Father, teach me to be careful to consult You daily in prayer concerning my decisions, and may I move forward with trust that You are directing me. Teach me, please, from the examples I’m reading here in Judges. I believe You for this! In Jesus’ Name! Amen!


When I think of “Mount Tabor,” I think of the town of Taber, Alberta, Canada. Rev. Dale Lang was the minister of the Anglican church there when his son was shot and murdered in the corridor of the high school by a deranged fellow student. I’ll never forget how, during the live funeral service that was carried on national TV, in that very high school auditorium, Dale walked to the spot where his son was killed and spoke of their forgiveness for the young man who had committed this crime. Then, with spiritual authority in the Name of Jesus, he cast out the evil from the school. Dale became Canada’s Pastor from that time forward. He and his wife became regulars for some time on the daily 100 Huntley Street telecast. Dale joined me daily on TV for a year, along with Professor of ancient history, Dr. Paul Maier, for a one-year journey through the book of Acts. Dale made good decisions following his family’s tragedy. Check out this video of a unique opportunity I had to go up in a hot air ballon with Dale, as he’s also a skilled balloonist (click here).

Yours for taking the time to wait on God for His decisions, and then moving forward,


P.S. I’m here in cold Canada as type this. I keep a positive attitude about the cold as shown by the picture below. At the farm where Norma-Jean was born, I took Franklin Graham out in a one-horse open sleigh a number of years ago. In the field behind the barn I threw him the reins and jumped out into the snow. He safely navigated back and picked me up. Have fun all you northerners!

Some winter fun with Franklin Graham many years ago.

Some winter fun with Franklin Graham many years ago.

A family walks down the main Roman Road, the Cardo Maximus, in the old city of Jerash. Pillars and ancient buildings are on each side of the street.

17 thoughts on “Friday, February 10, 2017

  1. Great photos, today! So sad the children of Israel gave up on their God after forty years with Gideon; a repeated falling of the people throughout the bible. I was disappointed Gideon made an ephod of their gold that became the snare that led them away from worshiping their Lord. Currently, I am doing a bible study on Gideon by Priscilla Shirer–excellent. Bless you, David and family, and all living saints of the Lord. May today be filled with love and peace for all!

    Lift up your eyes on high, and see who has created these things.
    Isa 40:26 NKJV

    Been singing this all morning…. oh, how great is our GOD!!!
    How Great is our God, Chris Tomlin (with lyrics)

  2. I am enjoying your daily devotions. For the last months I have been receiving your blog without the photos. Can this be fixed by you? Thanks for your work for the kingdom.

    • The photos are still going out as always. Try checking your email settings to ensure it enables you to automatically download photos in the emails. Otherwise, you can find the photos at

  3. Yes, good photos today. Never had the hot air balloon experience or sleigh but Dad used to take us to school with horse and wagon and I liked to sit on the back and make circles in the snow with my feet. Am thinking the same thing lately Pastor David that we need to wait on God before making decisions. God bless you for your faithfulness and blessing friends!

  4. Many thanks for the blog, for God’s Word, and for the prayers, faithfulness, and example of God’s people.
    Please, Lord, help us to keep our eyes fixed on You, the Author and Finisher of our faith. in Jesus’ most faithful Name, amen

  5. Thats how we went to school in the winter with the horse and sliegh
    in Sask. We had sad irons heated on stove put at our feet ,they kept us warm …Rosemarie…

  6. Thank you for the photo’s and the explanation of them. I particularly like the one with you and Franklin Graham. I remember seeing that segment on TV during that time. Thank you for the link with the air balloon; it refreshed my memory of that time.

    I remember vividly the time Pastor Dale’s son was shot, and the funeral. And the actions and words of Pastor Dale during that time.

    Joined in prayer with you Pastor David this morning; and to be careful to consult with the Lord before making decisions.

    Today’s scripture shows how easily we can go the wrong way when we make decisions of our own, when we do our own thing, instead of seeking God in all our ways.

  7. My husband has come through his surgery, he will be going to I.C.U. for a few days. Things were not as straightforward as expected, the tumour had grown. Thank you for your prayers. Mary

      • Thank you Nart for sharing, praise God that your husband has the surgery over. Dear Heavenly Father, I pray in Jesus name that you would heal dear Mary’s husband. Lord you have told us to pray for one another and we know from your Word that NOTHING is to hard for you. Be with Mary and the rest of the family help them to feel your presence in their midst as they go through this difficult time. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

    • Oh Lord God, our Heavenly Father, our Saviour Jesus Christ, and to the sanctity of the Holy Spirit, we pray for the complete healing and restoration of Mary’s husband following cancer surgery. Touch him with Your mighty Hand, Lord, give him rest and bring him to newness. Give Mary and her husband a peace and comfort they have never known before. In the precious Name of Jesus, we pray. Amen, amen, and amen.

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