100 x 3
Today’s Reading: Judges 7
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

This view from Mount Tabor looks across the Jezreel Valley towards Mount Moreh. The tree-covered hill in the distance is where the Midianites encamped for their attack on the Israelites in the days of Gideon (Judges 7:1).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Judges 7:20
Then the three companies blew the trumpets and broke the pitchers–they held the torches in their left hands and the trumpets in their right hands for blowing–and they cried, “The sword of the Lord and of Gideon!”
In today’s reading there is an unmistakable geographical description of the very spot where, 3,400 years ago, God separated the army of 300 from the multitude at the Spring of Harod. The 300, having circled around the Midianite army, descended the hill of Moreh to break their pitchers, shine their lights, and blow their ram’s horns, creating panic in the ranks of the enemy. By dividing the 300 into 3 companies of 100 each, they were able to come from three different directions and win a God-given victory. Many of us who read this blog are members of churches that may have from 50 to 300 in regular attendance. The Pastor likely knows everyone by name, including the children. There is wisdom in having many churches, rather than one mega-congregation with several thousand members. Yes, there is a special appeal in the large church…great music, a well-prepared staff, and sometimes a large missions budget. The Pastor may be the most gifted preacher in the area. However, we need to recognize that the smaller congregations have much to offer also. The Pastor will visit you personally when you are sick (if he doesn’t, find one that will). He will know you personally and thus will be able to care for each member individually, that is if he or she is truly God-called and totally committed, as were the 300, watching, on guard, and filled with God’s Spirit.
Lord Jesus, You know Your sheep by name. You know my name, and the names of all who join me in daily readings. You’ve called into ministry pastors, teachers, evangelists, administrators, and helps in many areas of life. Please show me how to be a strength to those who care for my soul. I ask for the grace of loyalty to the congregation where I serve and worship. Bless those who prepare the spiritual food of Your Word and serve good nourishment at Sunday services, as well as at mid-week services and other gatherings. Amen!
Being retired (sort of), I have the opportunity of attending a relatively small congregation in Canada and a very large one while in Florida. I see the blessings of both large and small. I love and am blessed by both churches. I remember well, while a student in Bible College, one of the teachers pointing to two Toronto churches which, in his estimation, were “successful.” I couldn’t let the occasion pass without pointing out that the Pastor and congregation in Moose Factory, an island at the tip of James Bay, was just as successful. True success is being in God’s will and is not measured in numbers.
Yours for the One who said, “I will build My church,” God’s great success story!
Amen as we abide in you we create a ripple to the world thanks to the holy spirit, we are strong in you.
Couldn’t agree with you more about numbers and size. So true.
Good morning David, Praying for you and Norma Jean a blessed day.
Enjoyed your comments on church sizes.
Have recently joined a smaller church, and your words ring true. I have discovered I enjoy the intimacy of a smaller body of believers and a more personal relationship with our Pastor.
Good word David. Each role is important in the body. We do need caution in what we consider success. Truly only God builds His church, Thank you for every days lesson.
Amen, David, amen! “He ‘will do wonders never before done’ (Ex 34:10) if you will learn the mystery of His silence and praise Him every time He withdraws His gifts from you. Through this you will better know and love the Giver” (Streams in the Desert Feb 9). God’s continued blessings on this very cold day. Praying for all saints in the Lord to be warm and at peace, today.
Singers and dancers alike say, “All my springs are in you.”
Ps 87:7 ESV
Springs of Living Water, The Calvary Men’s Choir
Amen Beverlee…this is the first I’ve heard this song…enjoyed singing it!
Thank you Pastor David, I also agree with you that in the smaller Church there can be more intimacy. Almost 48 years ago I started going to my Church.the first Sunday there was nine people there. Now were are probably around six hundred, I miss the old days when I knew everone. However, I am happy to see so many young couples coming out with their families.
Bless everyone who is ailing or just burdened today and all who reads this blog. May you find peace in our Precious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen .Eleanor M.
Our thoughts and prayers for a friend whose having hip surgery today following a slip and fall during our recent ice storm. May the surgery be successful and he be comforted and strengthened by Our Lord throughout his healing.
May God comfort strengthen heal and bring him a sense of warm peace, in Jesus’ precious Name, we pray; amen, amen, and amen.
amen Lord, bless all the surgerical team who will be working on this precious child of God; may their talents and gifts be blessed by God and may this precious child of God heal thoroughly we thank you Lord amen amen amen
Amen to the prayers for your friend David N. Found your message to be true also Pastor David. When I attended a big church in ON. I was lonely so I looked for a small church and the first Sunday I was there, a dear sister said, “You are new here, would you like to come home for dinner?” I was happy in that church and received the baptism in the Holy Spirit there. Yes keep warm everyone and enjoy the warmth of God’s love. Thanks for all the postings.
Yes, and amen to all your postings today…..I am blessed by them and ask Gods blessings on each of you today! ????
Agreeing with your message, being in both I have found the small congregation more caring; more relational.
Our church congregation is small and the fellowship sweet: yes, and the Pastor knows makes a point of know his flock by name. I would say it is a caring church.
The message in this scripture rings loud and clear…To God be the Glory Great things He has done!!
Rev. 7:9-10 “After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.
And they cried out in a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.”
Rev. 7:17 For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; He will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”
To God be the glory, amen, Irene, amen!!
need prayers please! dealing with suicidal thoughts; getting ready to go to pool; maybe I might be able to get some help; it is very difficult; under staffed;
please continue to pray for me for the Lord to provide a financial breakthrough to clear up debts and get affairs in order
Praise and Thank God for removing smoking/alcohol from me and giving me swimming from a broken leg! Thank you Lord
Praise and thank God for healing for those who are having surgery! Thank the Lord for all the blessings of this day! amen amen amen
SAH…God our Heavenly Father is in you and surrounds you with His love and protection!!! May His peace and joy just fill your mind and spirit!!!
Romans 15:13.. May The God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him!
Dear SAH, lifting you up in prayer….may our Heavenly Father care for all your needs. You are His beloved, cherished daughter. You are precious to Him. May you be healed of all suicidal thoughts…..in Jesus’ name.
Thank you for your posts and readiness to pray for the needs of others.