Today’s Reading: Joshua 13-14
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Mt. Nebo is a 1,000 m (3,300 ft) high mountain located in Jordan, opposite the northern end of the Dead Sea. According to Scripture, this is the mountain from which Moses saw the Promised Land before he died (see Deuteronomy 34:1-6).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Joshua 13:1
Now Joshua was old, advanced in years. And the Lord said to him: “You are old, advanced in years, and there remains very much land yet to be possessed…”
We know from our reading that Joshua’s spy partner, Caleb, was now 85. Joshua may have been older, perhaps 90. While in their 40’s, they had brought back a good report to Moses about Israel’s ability to move right away into the Promised Land. The great majority of the people did not believe them, and so they languished in the wilderness for almost 40 years more. But now, here they are setting boundaries for the land possessed by each tribe. It’s been said by farmers for centuries, “A good fence makes good neighbours.”
Caleb, at 85, speaks a classic line to his leader, Joshua: “Give me this mountain” (14:12). He is still not afraid to move forward in confidence. He still has a positive outlook on life, its challenges and opportunities. How could this be at his age? The answer is in these words (14:14b): “He wholly followed the Lord God of Israel.” The ancestors of Goliath were on that mountain. Taking over this land was no easy task. As Winston Churchill, already an old man when he took on Hitler, said, “Never, never, never give up!”
Lord God, when I read the story of Caleb or think of Britain’s WW2 leader, Churchill, I feel empowered to go forward. I need You, Lord. Dear Jesus, You won the greatest victory by far through Your Cross. You finished the work You were called to do. I purpose in my heart to never give up. I expect You to be with me as You promised. In Your Name, Jesus, I pray, Amen! (click here for Matthew 28:16-20).
Joshua agreed to Caleb’s vision for the future. I believe that my Joshua (“Yeshua” in Hebrew and “Jesus” in Greek) has responded to my desire to stay busy for Him. This is why, since my official retirement, I’ve produced and hosted two TV series, which continue to be released on air on YES TV across Canada. The first was Really Good Medicine and the second, A Living Witness to Amazing GRACE. I have no intention of giving in to self pity or a defeatist attitude. With Jesus living within, how could it be otherwise? And then my wife, Norma-Jean, absolutely refuses to tolerate any negative talk when I remind her that I’m 80. I just searched for encouragement in and came up with my son, Ron, and his “Encouragement for Seniors” video (click here).
Yours for moving forward boldly in this life and then on into eternity with confidence in Christ!

The western view from the top of Mt. Nebo toward the Promise Land. Moses’ final view before he died. Joshua led Israel from this point into the Promise Land.
Press on, David…press on. Your words encourage me each day. May The Lord strengthen and uphold you. Deborah
We are in sync with You, Lord. There a sense of simplicity, this morning as if God is calling us back to the basics. Let us rejoice in Your Presence, Lord. Lifting all saints in prayer. In Jesus’ precious Name. Amen!
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?” Mt 6:25 NIV
I Can Only Imagine, Mercy Me
P.S. We love you, David!!
Thank you David and Ron for that encouraging word this morning for Seniors and may the Lord give you all the strength you need to press on. You echo my thoughts also today during my prayer time. Thought of you David as I read this in the book, “Streams in the Desert.” “The men who have done the most for God in this world have been early upon their knees.”Pg. 79. Lord please strengthen us all to do your will. Love the story today about Caleb. Thank you Lianne, Beverlee and Eleanor for your prayers. God bless you.
The famous quote from John Wesley comes to mind this morning…..
Do all the good you can
By all the means you can
In all the ways you can
To all the people you can
As long as you can.
Amen! Helen.
yes, Amen Helen…to the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ!!
I just googled this and this is one result in searching for a map of the Promised Land of Joshua:
Joshua and the Promised Land – Kids Bible Maps
Moses commissioned Joshua to enter the promised land and take it from the nations that dwelt there. … Kids Bible Maps is a Free Bible Study Resource for Parents and Teachers to help … Bible History Online (
There are several other maps of biblical stories for children (and new Christians) on that page.
Never give up always look up! Amen to all comments!
David,Rev J.Fotier and Pst S Fortier are my mentors and close friends.Yesterday John helped me load my truck with firewood his son had cut for me last summer.He had 2 experimental heart valve replacements over 5 yr ago,was miraculously cured of Epilepsy in his early 20’s and still going strong at 82.(He was a Presbyterian Pastor in Brighton in the early 60’s and Norma Jean shared a friend with his wife,the wife of another pastor.One son still lives in Brighton.)The dates of these poems might also tell you something.Thanks and God bless
In The Blood (4 Pst.David Mainse )
I pray for healing in the blood,oh Lord,
I pray You will stretch out your hand,
That You,my Lord,with Your fiery sword,
Will show justice and not let evil stand.
I know,my Lord,that Satan has cursed me
And that only you can remove this hex,
For it is you,Most High,that none can see,
Who can take any scourge from our necks.
So I pray for healing in the blood,my God,
That you allow me to serve you,
So as I spread your word all may laud,
The name of the Father in all we do.
G W (Bill) Marshall / 12 September, 2013
12 No one has ever seen God. But
if we love each other, God lives in us.
If we love each other, God’s love has
reached its goal—it is made perfect
in us. 1 John 4:12 (ERV)
Catch The Fire (4 David Mainse)
Though you have walked many oceans
And spread My word to many nations,
I saw in you and your devotions
A servant of joyous exhalations.
You have not asked for earthly wealth,
But just to be my most humble voice
And when adversity was kept in stealth
You still worshiped Me out of free choice.
So out of free choice I give you
More time upon the stage of learning,
Whereby My word you show to be true
And catch the fire that’s forever burning.
G W(Bill) Marshall / 01 February, 2014
I am having knee replacement surgery on Monday and not a bit worried.”I know Who holds tomorrow…..”
Bill thank you again for your poems. I am asking the Lord for your knee surgery to smoothly on Feb 1. As you probably already know it is very important to start therapy right away. My friend didn’t and she had complications. I faithfully did mine and was fine.
Pastor David you are an inspiration to all of us, again the pics were fantastic. It was so nice of Ron to think of us seniors. Blessings to all Eleanor.
God bless you Bill! Yes, the Lord holds all our yesterdays, todays and tomorrows! Gives a person a great feeling of peace!
Thanks Pastor Mainse for teaching us ‘To Never Give Up!’
I appreciate all the prayers received from my blog friends.
It strengthens my faith in God, thank-you all so much.
Praying for Cathy & Reynold’s ministry in Uganda, that God’s Will
would be done, in Jesus’ Almighty Name, Amen!!
Hi again David & NormaJean…thank you for being such encouragers! Love you both.
Thank you Ron for those encouraging words!!! Bless you and Ann as you minister in the Lord and blessings on your loved ones. What an inspiration you are to us!!
And a blessings to your Dad and Mom!!
Bless you Pastor David and I pray for you and Norma-Jean as you stand together in the Lord. May the Lord continue to strengthen and encourage you. What an example to your children:)
Bless you bloggers for your words of encouragement to us as we join together in prayer to the Lord!!!
Hi to all, We who are aged must all stick together
i am nearly 85 and I still live in my own house
my children live in different parts of Canada,
so my church is my family,for whichI am very thankful
to the Lord for…Thank you Ron. for thinking of us
God Blessyou ,and you David For never giving up
Gods blessing on all my blogging friends R.
Ron’s encouragement to Seniors was just inspired! Most reference to our age group is limited to thanks for our support; we have needs unique to our situation which seem to be ignored. Thank you, Ron, for your kindness and understanding so lovingly expressed!
God bless all of you, especially David and his family!
Amen Rae!!!