Suggested Reading: Joshua 5-6
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

This is the area of the Jordan River, near Jericho, where the Children of Israel crossed into the Promised Land. It is also the approximate location on the Jordan River where Jesus was baptized. Visitors have the opportunity to follow the experience of Jesus in these waters.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Joshua 6:27
So the Lord was with Joshua, and his fame spread throughout all the country.
Joshua’s dramatic encounter with “the Angel of the Lord” (5:13-15 & 6:1-5) must have been a powerful confirmation to him that God’s call on his life was as definite as that of Moses. Also, the specific instructions for the defeat of Jericho gave Joshua great confidence in moving forward. This was no ordinary angel. This was the Lord Himself as evidenced by Joshua’s worship. The Gospels record that Jesus received worship. At the visit of the wise men (Matthew 2:1-12), through to eternity (Revelation 5:1-14), Jesus is worshipped. None of the great prophets and apostles ever received worship. In Lystra (Acts 14:11-18), people tried to worship Paul and Barnabus who were horrified at the thought of being worshipped. Let us worship the Lord alone. He is worthy! Let us join now the hosts of Heaven in worshipping Him. Here is a choir singing “Holy, holy, holy” (Revelation 4:8-11). Let us join with them in worship (click here).
Lord Jesus, You are my commanding Officer. Give me grace and willing obedience as You did for Joshua. I worship You! You alone are worthy! Hallelujah! Glory to Your Name forever and ever! Amen and Amen!
Throughout the years, as one who seeks to follow Jesus and to listen for His instructions, I’ve been blessed with His guidance. This daily, two-year journey through the Bible is an example of my willingness to obey what I believe He tells me to do. When God asked the people to march around the walls once a day, and then seven times the last day, it must’ve seemed foolish and tedious to some people. It may have been a mile or more around the walls. Some would’ve wanted to give up, I’m sure. Nevertheless, they persevered. The archaeological digs around Jericho seem to indicate that the walls did not simply fall over but that some sections imploded into the ground. The Lord works with an infinite variety of methods. I think I’ve learned to expect the unexpected!
Yours for obeying God’s clear instructions for today,
P.S. I enjoy reading the comments of my friends. Keep them coming! And thank you to everyone who joins me! To post a comment or read comments from others, click on the “Comments” bubble at the top of
Glory to God in the highest listen as God directs our daily activities, yield with grace to his plan for us.
Thank you for the amazing way to connect with the Lord each day.
Thank you so much David for your faithfulness in writing this blog and encouraging us each day to read the word, study it and spend time in pray. This is something I have wanted to do for such a long time but never finished. I will continue to pray for Gods strength to work through you and your family each day. Can you please pray for my family to have a relationship with Jesus and for me to be a good example of what that should be like…..thank you again for all that you and your family do for the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Betty
Marching around Jericho must have had some people wondering but they did it anyway!
Praise the Lord! Such an incredible time in prayer and meditation on the Word, this morning. Thank you for the great links and prayer, dear David. I prayed on hands and knees for you, very early, and gave such thanks for your ministry and the impact it has made on my life, over the years. Your guidance has truly been a blessing! May today be a special one for you and your family. May there be peace in all hearts that are troubled, today. Rest in the Presence of Jesus. Blessings dearest saints in the Lord.
Be still, and know that I am God…
Psalm 46:10 NIV
Joshua Fought the battle of Jericho – The Weavers – (Lyrics)
Here is another great song that fits with today’s readings:
Kari Jobe – Revelation Song lyrics
Thank you Beverlee Kay!
Thank you David for all you do even when you are not feeling up to par. God is good ,and he is our physician. Marching around Jericho would seem like along time , but they obeyed the Lord I know I could not keep silent for long.
God bless you and your families
Dear David: Thank you so much for your blog, love the pictures and the related posts, I learn a lot!
I to am asking for prayer to be a strong example for our children that they will have a closer walk with God.Amen to all comments!
God bless you Al in your desire to be a strong example for your children, children need to see a very “real” adult in this lives, whether it be their parents or friends or relatives!
Thank You for your blog dear David. I enjoy waking up to the Word and Learning So Much. Thank You for teaching me So Much through your blog.i dont have a lot of support in my life to teach me the Word but through your blog i learn So Much. Thanks So Much for being So obedient even in your toughest moments. Many blessings for You and Family
Thank you, for your faithfulness. Praying for God’s peace and comfort for you during this season in your life. We have supported 100 Huntley since the 1980’s! Amazing what God does with “little”. You have encouraged me each day as I read the Word and this a.m. I played 1 hour piano worship music. No praying just worshiping the Lord! We serve a mighty God!
Yes, we will worship you Lord Jesus! Thank you for the scripture, links and prayer and song David. Also enjoy your songs Beverlee. How we need to keep close to the Lord. God bless you David, Norma Jean, family and all the saints!
Amen! Ger.
God is the Way, the Truth and the Life! AMEN!
Dear David, Thank you for your faithfulness each morning. 100 words is a source of encouragement and an inspiration for me. May our Lord richly bless you today as you follow Him. You are often in my thoughts and prayers.
Hello again,David.Thank you for obeying.Here is a post I made on my FB page today as I very often do.(I prefer the ERV to reach the unchurched.)I am very open to correction.I hope and pray that you are feeling better.Thank you again.God bless
”’ This has been made into movies.Joshua succeeded Moses in leading the Israelites.What is not pointed out is that the people Israel defeats are always worshipers of Baal or some other want-to-be-god. (Satan or one of his princes.) I won’t spoil it by any more words:… ….via
Joshua 5-6 NKJV;ERV – The Second Generation Circumcised – So – Bible Gateway
The Second Generation Circumcised – So it was, when all the kings of the Amorites who were on the west…
Bill Marshall
Bill Marshall “The commander of the Lord’s army” mentioned above is God’s Son,before He was sent to earth as baby Jesus.He (the Word) was the One who God used to create “all things”.He will be in command of that army when He returns again.”’
“You are worthy, O Lord,
To receive glory and honor and power;
For You created all things,
And by Your will they exist and were created.”
(Rev 4:11)
What a blessing in prayer with you today, Pastor David!! And the links together with the Powerful scripture in each of them and today’s reading in Joshua!! Bless you for posting it, and for all involved in presenting this daily manna!!
What would we do if we did not have the Lord God Almighty and His living Word to lean on daily!! We are so blessed!!! “Glory and Honor and Power unto the Lamb that was slain”!! Alive in Him!!!
Thanks for your faithfulness, David, in supplying daily spiritual nourishment via 100 Words! Sometimes when for some reason, my computer doesn’t receive the daily blog from you, then there is a sense of loss, as I rely on this regular pattern of receiving from the Word and from you, then going to prayer. May the Lord continue to give you and yours strength and encouragement!
I am going on a new new medication that has just came out last May . Lord I pray that even though I take medication for my seizures I believe you are healing me
In Jesus name.
Lianne Hogg
The Lord heal you, Lianne. The Lord bless you, Lianne. And the Lord wrap His loving arms around you! Fear not for you are surrounded by a multitude of angels to keep you safe and well. In Jesus’ Mighty Name, we pray. Amen, amen, and amen!
God bless you Lianne! Yes we pray for complete healing from the seizures! In Jesus Name we pray amen
Yes Irene, what would we do with the Lord God in our Lives! Lord God help us all to share the love of Jesus Christ to the world! Everyone needs to hear this Word of God, this Word of God that hears our prayers of confession of all our sins and asking to be forgiven and to receive this forgiveness unconditionally! AMAZING GRACE
One of the biggest turning points in my life was when an adult said “oh dear, I made a mistake, I am so sorry, I didn’t think about this aspect happening!” I remember as clear as a bell, I turned around and looked at person and asked “did you admit you made a mistake?”
the other person answered “yep, sure did, now what”?
I sat back and replied “well, this sure makes this much more of an interesting project now that I now I am not the only one who makes mistakes!” I got a big hug! That was decades ago but it sure made an impression on me…..
I used to admire my dad, I loved him very much, and up untilI I was about 10 years old, he was a wonderful dad! Then life happened! Baby brother died! Mom had a breakdown! Grandma and my mom did not get along! Dad had the farm, livestock, crops to deal with and he made all kinds of booze and it didn’t take long and he was always drunk! HOWEVER so was I because he began to take his frustrations out on me!
Puberty was starting (I never understood what was happening) and so was my mental health beginning to change for the worse and well, the rest was and has been trying to cope the best I can and I thank God for Sunday School teacher who taught me about Jesus, I just never understood that if I loved Him and He loved me, why was life so violent for me?
I am still learning and I so appreciate this blog for providing the Word of God every day, I also appreciate all the comments and especially when people share real honest moments.
I am waiting for a financial breakthrough! I will be praising the Lord tonight when I go swimming!
Blessings to all
my prayers are with all those who have serious medical issues; I pray for the Lord to heal you; to give you strength, comfort and joy! The Lord is always with us, each and every day, we praise Him and thank Him for His everlasting love! amen