Today’s Reading: Romans 15
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

The Roman Colosseum was commissioned in AD 72 by Emperor Vespasian. It was completed by his son, Titus, in 80. The Colosseum is located just east of the Roman Forum and was built to a practical design, with its 80 arched entrances allowing easy access to 55,000 spectators, who were seated according to rank. The Colosseum is huge, measuring 188m long and 156m wide. Originally, 240 masts were attached to stone corbels on the 4th level to provide shade. Vespasian ordered the Colosseum to be build on the site of Nero’s palace, to dissociate himself from the hated tyrant. His aim was to gain popularity by staging deadly combats of gladiators and wild animal fights for public viewing. Massacre was on a huge scale: at inaugural games in AD 80, over 9,000 wild animals were killed. It is believed that many Christians were martyred there.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Romans 15:30
Now I beg you, brethren, through the Lord Jesus Christ, and through the love of the Spirit, that you strive together with me in prayers to God for me…
If Paul, the mighty Apostle, needed prayer, how much more do we need to ask those who believe in the God who hears and answers prayer to pray for us. “Strive together” speaks of finding others with whom to pray. Prayer meetings at our churches and home prayer groups are very important. Our Crossroads ministry prayer partners are available 24/7. Call 1-866-273-4444 for prayer! Did you notice that Paul said, “with me”? He saw his personal prayers and those of other believers as one before God’s throne of grace.
In Romans 15:4 the ultimate importance of the “Scriptures” is emphasized. Our readings daily are producing “patience and comfort.” The knowledge of the “Scriptures” brings “hope.” Reading the Scriptures and spending time in prayer guarantees a two-way conversation with God. Let Him talk to us first, and then respond in prayer to what He may have said to us through His inspired Word!
Lord God, in today’s reading You have spoken to me about several matters. First of all, the importance of the Scriptures and also the absolute essential practice of prayer. Please keep me faithful. You’ve also spoken to me about truly loving others, Jews and Gentiles alike. Twice Paul mentions going to Spain. You’ve spoken to me to keep a vision for the future. By the working of Your Spirit in me, I pray for an obedient response on my part. In Jesus’ Name. Amen!
I need your prayers. Thank you to those who’ve let me know that they are praying for me! I believe that God is saying “Yes” to those prayer requests. While I seldom get to answer individually the letters, e-mails, and blog comments, I do read prayerfully every communication sent to me. Thank you! Thank You! Thank You!
Paul mentioned Spain twice in our reading. Crossroads also has a vision for Spain and the whole world. Back in 1992, we sponsored a soul-winning Pavilion at Spain’s World Expo. We saw over 53,000 first-time decisions for Christ recorded. These precious people signed up for a Bible correspondence course and were followed-up around the world by Scripture Union. Here’s another prayer, “Lord Jesus, would you let Paul know about this Crossroads mission if he doesn’t already know?” I believe he would be blessed to hear about this effective outreach for You in Spain. Thank You Jesus!” Thanks to all the Crossroads supporters who continue to make our many outreaches possible by giving so faithfully and generously. Let’s rally around our team, YES LORD!!!!
Yours for paying attention to what God is saying to us as we read, and then praying for His will to be done in all things,
Amen! Praying for Your will to be done in all things, God, and all saints to be blessed, beyond measure. Praying for a good day for you, today, David and Norma-Jean.
Keep me as the apple of your eye;
hide me in the shadow of your wings.
Psalm 17:8 NIV
On Eagle’s Wings, Michael Joncas
Amen!! also blessed by the song…thank you!
There is an old chorus that is inspired by this Bible verse, Ps.17:8
“Keep me Jesus as the apple of Thine eye,
Hide me under the shadow of Thy Wing,
Keep Thy Hand upon lest I die,
Keep me Jesus as the Apple of Thine Eye”
Thanks Pastor Samuel! Here is a link to it with lyrics:
Psalm 17, Keep Me As The Apple Of Your Eye (a new musical setting)
5 May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, 6 so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:5-6 “Father God, thank You for Your servant’s faithfulness even in his illness. We ask for healing & strength for David according to Your grace and kindness. Thank You for hearing our requests. We love You in Jesus’ name Amen.”
amen, and thanks to all
A blessed day today for you and Norma-Jean..God’s Faithfulness surrounds you and your family…you bring the Scriptures close to our hearts…
Isaiah 41:14 | NIV
14 Do not be afraid, you worm Jacob,little Israel, do not fear,for I myself will help you,” declares the Lord,your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.
‘Bring here your empty pitcher! Surely this well will fill it. Hurry, gather up your wants, and bring them here–your emptiness, your woes, your needs. Behold, this river of God is full for your supply; what else can you desire? Go forth, my soul, in this your might. The Eternal God is your helper!’
Fear not, I am with you, oh, be not dismay’d! I, I am your God, and will still give you aid.
Keep looking up David, keep looking UP! Your blog has been and continues to be such an encouragement to me. Thank you for your faithfulness in doing this blog in sickness and in health! Praying that God will restore you to full health. Be blessed today!
Amen to the above blogs, and I too have been and still am praying for you pastor
David, Norma Jean, and family!
Have a blessed day everyone! ????
Oh yes AMEN!!!
Blessings dear brother in Christ to you, your family, the Huntley crew, and blog faithful. May the Holy Spirit of God, comfort and bless each of you this day… in Jesus name… Amen and Amen!
Each days we are blessed by this our blog scripture reading explanations from you dear Pastor David and prayer. God is Good!
Continuing in prayer for renewed healing and strength of body to be restored Pastor David with a Big thanks to Norma-Jean for her home care of you. Blessings to both of you , and all of our blog saints.
Yes, Amen Catherine…agreeing in prayer for renewed healing and strength of body to be restored Pastor David …and thanks to
Norma-Jean for her care and love for you Pastor David!!
Oh, Romans 15 is completely relevant to me today as well as you and others Pastor David. Again I awoke in the middle of the night and was unable to get back to sleep and the Lord impressed upon me that as I am becoming more involved in the work of the Lord, I need some prayer partners. Also am now reading, “The Daniel Prayer” by Anne Graham Lotz and that was her situation as well. Am praying for you David each day and the team. It would be wonderful to take a tour to Spain and see the work there. May God recover and renew your strength and all the saints. Also saw some things in this chapter hadn’t seen before such as God’s welcome to the Gentiles to worship with His people. Ger
Pastor David – so happy to be asked to pray for you! May the the mighty healing power of God be manifest in your body! Thank you Lord for Pastor David and his wonderful love for you and us. Thank you Lord for healing. Please Lord bless the Mainse family and ministry mightily. Thank you Jesus.
May God bless you and allow me to thank you for doing more than you can ever realize here.I had most of today’s scripture ready to post (ERV) on FB with some explanations,aimed at new believers/seekers trying to understand the bible.It is my ‘firm’ belief that if we don’t reach out with terminology that ‘the not so gifted’ can understand,then we are in danger of loosing them to the world.Ya can’t go wrong with simplicity so I am to “keep-it-simple-stupid”.
Back to today’s lesson:You and His Spirit have taught me much since I began this journey about 3 1/2 yr ago.Instead of the scripture,I decided to post a copy of an email to a friend,inspired by the scripture.Here is a poem inspired by the same.I hope it delivers the message intended to others.You ‘will’ be back up and around before too long.(It’s a done deal.) God bless
Love,Peace and Harmony.
Trust me more and I will give you more,
For I know that your eyes deceive,
When eyes can’t see through this door
But through My eyes you may believe.
The world will try to keep your eyes blind,
That you will be in darkness too,
For they fear what you will find;
The light that they can not walk through.
Until they know that sin is wrong
They will not hear my inner voice,
But still see that you are strong
While fear will keep them from that choice.
So you must become the light they see
And make them know the choice is free,
Then they too will soon agree
And find love,peace and harmony.
G.W.(Bill) Marshall/16 Jan, 2017
Our values are the ‘seeds’ that we choose
to plant within us and our sins are the
“tares”/weeds that we do not choose to
plant.This is just taking the same parable
to a deeper level.;ERV
I have and will continue to pray for you and Norma Jean and am so thankful and thank God for you now being at home. I am in my late eighties, depending solely on His mercies.. God bless
I praise the Lord Jesus for you David ,Norma Jean, and all
who help you David in this blog,I thank you, Also praying for your health
may God Bless you and give you strength….R…
Bless you Rev. Ron Mainse for your faithfulness in having this blog continue…also presenting the vlog!!!
The need and importance to lift each other up in prayer!!!
Today marks the eleventh anniversary of my father’s death. Before my mom’s recent passing, I asked her to come back in a dream, so I could see her again, and know she was safe on the other side. Over the week-end, she finally did, and in the dream, was tenderly taking care of my dad. She looked young and healthy–it was her gift to me. Though I feel lousy today, sick with a cold, I am thinking of both my parents and feeling very blessed. Thanks to Jesus and the saints of this blog. <3
For it is only right for me to feel this way about you all, because I have you in my heart. Phil 1:7 NASB
Pastor David here is a scripture to encourage you ” I can do all things through Christ
who strengthens me ” Phil 4:13 , and you do that for me as well keep looking up !!!
I was at church on Sunday our pastor has a word(s) from God for 2017 they are
House of Prayer that is what he wants us focus on.
Beverlee I know being sick with the cold feels awful I will pray for you to get better
and God to give you strength. Beverlee I never thought of asking God for someone you care for in a dream before it would be nice if I could see my dad in a again.
Lianne Hogg
Good afternoon David and Norma Jean. We read David’s blog daily and also enjoy the photos that are included. Thank-you for continuing to write the blog! We want to share with you our favourite Bible verse from Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God”. All God’s Blessings to you David that you will be restored to full health.You are in our thoughts and prayers.
sah on January 16, 2017 at 4:44 am said:
prayers need please! 2 young men are needing God’s love and care and direction; we pray that the Lord will remove an eating disorder from one, completely heal this person, make him whole, make him happy, make him smile; THANK YOU LORD;
we pray that the Lord will send the right woman across the path of one of these young men, a woman with a God filled heart; a beautiful smile, a woman that knows Jesus Christ and somewhat understands how a person can have doubts; may God bring a woman into this person’s life who will be very caring and comforting and will be able to extend grace and mercy to this wonderful person. ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVE!
Reply ↓
Joining you in prayer Sah. Amen!!
The young man with the eating disorder would truly benefit from Celebrate Recovery. It’s a Christ-based 12 step program that helps people deal with hurts, habits and hang-ups. I can testify to it’s power!!
This prayer is for anyone who is ill. It is in a booklet given to me when I was confirmed over sixty years ago. O Most pitiful Saviour , Who are afflicted in the afflictions of Thy people, look down upon all sick and suffering persons, especially David ; Enfold them with Thy love, that in the midst of pain they may find Thy presence; to doctors, nurses and Norma Jean and other care givers, grant tender hearts and healing hands; and if it be Thy will, give health again in body and in soul, for Thy great mercies sake. We pray in Thy name . Amen
Praying for you pastor David and your loving wife!