OF HIM, THROUGH HIM, TO HIM (Romans 11:36a)
Today’s Reading: Romans 11
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

In St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, this statue is probably the world’s most famous religious sculpture. Michelangelo carved it when he was 24 years old, and it is the only one he ever signed. He called it “Pieta” (meaning “pity”). The beauty of its lines and expression leaves a lasting impression on everyone, as it portrays Mary holding the lifeless body of Jesus after he was taken down from the Cross.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Romans 11:33
Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out!
We might want to read the key verse at least twice more, stopping and meditating on the words, “depth,” “riches,” “wisdom,” “knowledge,” “unsearchable,” “judgments,” and “His ways.” There are many ways to describe God, but let us think of just three of them. (1) omnipresence, (2) omnipotence, and (3) omniscience. These are fairly common words amongst believers, but we may need a reminder: (1) being present at all times. (2) all powerful. (3) all knowing and all wise. (1) He is everywhere and sees everything, and we have a very limited perspective. (2) He creates and sustains everything, and we are weak in every sense. (3) He knows all, and we know very little. Colossians 1:9-18 is an excellent expansion of these thoughts. We should not judge ourselves too harshly if we do not understand some things we read in Scripture. We simply need to rely on our ever-present, all-powerful and all-knowing God to teach us the things we need to know.
Lord God, I pray with King David, “Teach me Your way, O Lord…” (Psalm 27:11). As Jesus said, “My sheep know My voice,” and I’m doing my best to listen to Your thoughts. I’m a slow learner, but I believe I am learning. I ask for more of Your presence, more of Your power, and more of Your wisdom, at least as much as You know I can handle. Thank You, Lord. Amen!
When Norma-Jean and I went to plant a congregation in Canada’s atomic energy centre (Chalk River – Deep River, Ontario), one of the first things I did was to buy an old school bus to pick up children for Sunday School. On one side I painted, “Teach me Your way, O Lord,” and on the other, “Study to show yourself approved unto God.” I had taught public school in Chalk River seven years earlier, and I learned some valuable lessons. For example, I met almost daily for several months at 7 a.m. with a boy who some would say was a slow learner. I knew that was not true. He was very intelligent, but totally distracted from his studies by other things. With the school inspector’s permission, this boy gained two whole years’ worth of lessons in six months, and as a result he caught up with his age group. I’ve been easily distracted throughout my life, but God has given me “special ed.” It happens early in the morning and has become a pattern in my life for decades now. This blog is part of the personal tutoring God gives me. Another area of learning for me has been interviewing about 14,000 people for TV. I’ve learned so very much. Below is a link to one of those interviews with a former criminal and maximum security prisoner, Ernie Hollands. God was so pleased that He moved my friend, Stan Watrich, to translate that interview into Russian and distribute it in the prisons in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Ernie and I have the Russian language recorded over our English words. How amazing is that! Click here for part of the interview (the English version), and here for the Russian Version (the actual interview begins about 3 minutes in). Talk about God giving special attention. WOW!!!!!
Yours for experiencing God’s special attention,
P.S. Ron here again today to say thank you for praying for Dad and for the many comments on his blog, which he read in the hospital. Dad didn’t know that my wife, Ann, took the photo below while he was reading your comments. As he was reading, he said, “There are so many wonderful people out there!” I’ll be filling in for Dad’s video version of his blog (vlogs) for a couple weeks, beginning Monday. HERE are the current vlogs that Dad recorded earlier.
As a busy young mom, I don’t comment often, David, but I read your blog and the associated scriptures every day. My husband John and I had the pleasure of meeting you and Norma Jean in Kanata Ontario when you visited as part of your cross Canada tour quite a few years ago! I watch 100 Huntley Street every day, and it has brought me so much joy. As a young lady without a lot of Christian friends, I feel like you, Norma Jean and your family and on-air staff are my “friends” too. I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you. ❤
me too!
WOW..This blog has helped me so much!!!
It”s as if The Lord is revealing Himself to me, as a loving father, who can be trusted!!!!
Thank you Lord, and thank you David and Ron!
Yep! same here! I read it later in the day or evening, but this blog has helped me alot also! I’ve mentioned before I enjoy when David Mainise shares an incident that is REAL honest! Praise the Lord!
Amen, David! Continuing in prayer that the antibiotics are working and especially, that your pain is ceasing. You look better in today’s photo. The interview with Ernie was incredible. What a witness for Jesus!–his Advocate from heaven!! To Him be the glory, forever! Amen. Wishing all a blessed day.
Reckon it nothing but joy, my brethren, whenever you find yourselves hedged in by various trials. Be assured that the testing of your faith leads to power of endurance. James 1:2-3 Weymouth
26 Old Timeless Gospel Hymns Classics (This is for yours and Norma-Jean’s listening pleasure, David. God bless you!)
On Dec. 16th my husband at the age of 62 when home to be with his Lord and Saviour.
We knew this because three angels came into his room one after another and said the exact same thing.
We will take care of you, you are going home. What peace and assurance he had. Hard as it was and is, I know he is in the arms of Jesus.
God bless you, Karen. How reassuring to have the angels come to give you assurance and a sense of peace and comfort, that your husband is safe in the arms of Jesus.
Thank You Beverlee, it was very reassuring, and very comforting to see my husband in peace at such a hard and sad time.
Blessings to you Karen and praise God for sending you angels just when you needed them. Praying for your comfort and peace at this time. Catherine
The same Lord and Saviour is with you now Karen and has always been there! He will bring you great comfort at this time in your life! What a blessing to have angels visit! Blessed assurance! Great mercy and grace and peace flow over all…..PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW!
I am praying that God will have mercy on my daughter and call her to Him soon. That she will call on, and proclaim the Name of the Lord.
Thanks Reverends David and Ron for the blog. And thanks all blog readers for praying for my daughter Charlene, if you please would.
God is good..
Lord God, we call out to You for Jeannine’s daughter, Charlene, that she receive and claim You; that her suffering ends and she be blessed by Your loving mercy and grace. Bring comfort to her and a sense of reassurance and peace for her mother, Jeannine. Let her rise with angels to greet You, Lord. Safe in the arms of Jesus. Safe on His gentle breast. Sweetly, thou shalt rest.
Amen! agreeing in prayer!
Amen.I too agree in prayer.
Amen, agreeing in prayer also.
Trust God,for He doesn’t want ‘anyone’ to be lost.I strongly suspect that He will give those about to leave their bodies a final chance,in Person,to choose sides.Those who don’t know that Satan and hell are real will then know the truth and take the Lord’s hand.
2 Peter 3:9Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)
But God is being patient with you. He doesn’t want anyone to be lost.
Trust Me
Trust Me,I know what I am doing,
It’s not just your heart I am wooing
But your soul is so dear to Me,
I want you with Me for eternity.
Even when your days are very bad,
I share the load that makes you sad,
So do not be angry with Me,
You must trust in Me eternally.
My ways are not your ways,so trust me,
Neither do my thoughts with your thoughts agree,
And as a child’s eyes can not see
Neither can yours know what’s to be..
I love all my children most dearly,
And in life I see you clearly,
That is why you are on the Earth,
It is a school and the grave is your birth.
‘I knew you before you were born’,
I would never leave you forlorn,
I know every hair on your head,
Death is not for you to dread
Life is through my precious Son,
A reward for when your day is done,
So know that this is my gift to you,
To walk with Him your life through.
G W (Bill) Marshall (June,2011)
God bless
thank you Bill Marshall for this anointed and encouraging poem!
amen Jeannine! God is good. Lord God hear this prayer of Jeannine’s! May Your Will be done in her life and the life of her daughter Charlene! Lord God may you comfort this family! May You give mercy and grace to this family! Yes Lord, You are good!
Dear David, my heart is filled with wonder and awe with what the Lord has accomplished through you, Norma-Jean, and your family because you have been ready and willing to follow Him, to learn from Him, and to give your life in obedience to His Word. Thank you for your faithful service and the sincerity of your commitment. You are a blessing to us. I pray that your recovery will be quick and you are free from pain and discomfort. God bless you.
Get well soon, David. We are praying for you. God bless you.
David, I pray you are resting and recovering well although it takes time. Wonderful scripture you referenced this morning. Ernie Hollands was a wonder and blessing to us all after such a bad start in life. And the Lord blessed him with a wonderful wife and children; what a story! Her sister, Meg Lewis went to EPBS with me. Also know of Stan Watrich and helped his ministry some in times past. Your ministry on 100 Huntley St. got us acquainted with all these people David. I say this with tears in my eyes. Thank you David for not keeping this all to yourself. Keeping you in prayer today and always. Ger
We love you David!
Thank you so much for beginning our days with Our Lords Word and your wise commentary. This has now been particularly meaningful as I am following together with my wife, this time around. We lift our thoughts and prayers for your comfort and healing. You have been such a blessing in our lives. ✝
I read your your devotion every morning. It is one way for me to get closer to god and giving me more wisdom every day. I pray you get well soon !
Earnest to follow HIM ….on The Journey with you…..
Yes, I agree. Me too!
Never miss a day with the blog. It has helped me so much. I tell people about it all the time. I pray for your healing,David, and that you will know God’s Presence with you right there in the hospital.
Continue to pray for you Pastor David, and Norma Jean. May the Lord heal you, and comfort you while you are in hospital!
Watched the whole interview in Russian and Lord Jesus may it continue to speak to the Russian people and countless number will be saved especially now as the government has put a restriction on evangelim there. In your all powerful name, Lord Jesus. Amen! I took note that Ernie Hollands was released on April 14, 1976 the time when our class graduated from EPBC. I hope this is not prideful but who knows when we were spending a lot of time praying in the Holy Spirit up in the prayer room and elsewhere there, the Lord may have been interceding for Ernie Hollands’ release. Wow! We do not know how to pray as we ought but the Holy Spirit intercedes through us. Amen? God bless you David, Norma Jean, Ron and all the rest of the family today and all my blogging friends. Listened to your music too Beverlee and it was beautiful. Thanks for sharing that with David.
Amen, Ger.
Thanking the Lord for the faithfulness of you David, Ron and the Mainse family. I don’t know that I would be grounded today in a daily walk with the Lord if it had not been for 100 words blog. I didn’t start in until the Rev. David’s 2nd time around with the daily readings. What a change God has made in me in this time! The sripture and prayers brings me to tears as my soul responds back to what I hear the Holy Spirit saying through you. I pray complete Shalom over you and your ministry.
Thank you for the Bible reading and remarks every day. thank you for your persistence and that of the family, even when you are ill. Praying that you will be free of pain and rid of the infections. Praise to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ forever.
Thank you David for your faithfulness to doing this blog everyday. It has helped me so much in being committed to study the bible everyday. What a wonderful way to start the day. Praying for God’s hands to hold you while you are recovering in hospital and to give you strength and healing. Thanks to all your family who help with this daily devotion. It has been my helper since loosing my husband in July. I don’t know what people do when they don’t have Christ to lean on. Thanks again for all you do.
Please know we are praying for you, you and your family are such a blessing to us. Trust in the Lord always, a lesson I am still learning! He tells us that He knows the plans He has for us, and the length of our days are in His hands. We love you!!
Dear David,
Thank you for your prayers, faith and time invested in each of us over the years. Thank you for the blog, 100 Words, One Huntley Street, Crossroads. Thank you for bringing the word of God to us — sinners.
Thank you for the reality of the Bible, put on your heart by God, to share with us.
Thank you for your faithfulness David.May God heal you and bless you abundantly as you are recovering.Im a year older than you, and I marvel at your stamina.Im
finding that the heart is willing but the body is uncooperative at times.
I so appreciate your ministry and have been a forever follower. I remember watching the interview with Ernie.
Blessings to you and Norma Jean
Just a note to let you know I am praying for God’s healing, and that you will feel His peace, His touch and that you will soon be out of hospital to wear that new scharf
Blessing to all
Hi,David,my buddy (CMA member) has Parkinson’s so now he rides a Can Am Spyder and loves it.(He also has a KLR 650)Nuff said.
Also,featured in Mo Jo magazine,another local guy is “Bunn”,(Boy,I get frustrated remembering names,lol.) is the oldest known Goldwing rider in Canada at 93 or 94.We have coffee sometimes at Timmies and he is very witty….and he’s a Christian and member of The Defenders Chapter 11.I hope ya meet him next summer.It’s something to look forward to.Thank you all for this blog from the bottom of my heart.My friends and I are all praying for your quick recovery.(It’s a done deal.) God bless
Back To The Garden
I want to go back to the garden,
Back to before sin knew it’s name;
Before hearts of stone would harden,
For then,Lord,our hearts were the same.
Father take me back,if only in dreams,
To Your world where love was to blossom,
Where birds sang beside mountain streams,
Where the beauty that grew was so awesome.
Show me this secret garden of yours,
Where I can be free from my sin,
Where the angels keep open doors
And time was not free to begin.
Show me the way to the garden path,
For too long my garden sprouts sin,
So let Your fire burn free your wrath
To clean a new heart from within.
G W(Bill) Marshall / 21 Feb, 2014
Hi David,
Read today’s blog and your mention of the interview with you and Ernie. It was God ordained to do it in Russian and through TBN God used it to be aired into all of Russia, Ukraine and 180 countries, including the Baltics and Israel. MILLIONS heard the amazing story of Gods love and His salvation. We also printed and distributed Ernie’s book, 350,000 copies into the prisons of Russia and Ukraine. What an awesome God we serve. Prayers and blessings to you and Norma Jean.
Stan Watrich, The Masters Foundation
Thanks David, for your faithfulness in bringing God’s Word to us each and every day in spite of the “thorn in your side”. My prayers are with you and Norma Jean in this trying time. I don’t believe God is finished with you yet. Get well soon.
Thanks to Ron and Ann for all your efforts in keeping this blog going.
I am praying for healing for you David you faith and that of your family is such a beautiful thing. You are so loved so many of us look forward to reading 100 words everyday it is my start to the day I am praying for complete healing for you
Mr. Mainse,
Be well !
We enjoy the daily nurturing we receive from reading your blog.
Still enjoying this blog ! 🙂
Diane 🙂
In Jesus name we believe you are healed !
Dear David
Many many times I have felt God speaking to me through you and your guests.I love Ernie Hollands testimony and will share that link with those the Lord places on my heart to send it to. You are a remarkable man David, you and Norma Jean will be in my prayers for Gods Mercy, Favour, Peace, Healing, and Protection to continue to reign in your lives.
love in Him
Will continue to pray for your complete healing ????
My favourite poem “I met God in the morning when my day was at it’s best and His presence came like sunshine like a glory within my breast; All day long His presence lingered all day Long He stayed with me and we sailed in perfect calmness ore a very troubled sea–”
From spiritual hilltops Ralph Cushman The secret
I am praying for your complete healing David!! You are an amazing man of God and a huge inspiration to many. I am going through your blog for the 2nd time and loving it. I am learning so much.
Hello David
Sorry to see you are in the hospital fighting an infection. Your blog has helped me so much. Thank you for your faithfulness in writing the blog, and serving the Lord.
Remember people love you and our praying for you.
God bless you
Sorry you are in the hospital –again–but know that is the best place for you to be at this time…am praying for you and know God has His hand on your life. What a life you have lived for Him!!!!!, I always remember going to Israel with you and the time my friend and I had just meeting you, and then to visit and get to know you a little bit….I read your blog every day and it always blesses me.
Love you dearly…..Claire
Hi again,David,I’m highly embarrassed that I made my replies (above) before I read your blog.I’m catching up from yesterday.As often happens,I feel ‘led’ to post certain poems/messages.This poem came to mind as soon as I began reading your prayer (which could easily be my words too.)so I will obey and post it too.(I do not seek glory for I know where ‘my’ poems come from and from Who….and I’m not a fan of poetry.)God bless
Search Me
Search me,oh Lord,I’m yours,
Remove the cobwebs that hide,
Find out what my heart stores,
Then put the wrong far to one side.
Search again,oh Lord,for light,
Let not darkness cloud my mind,
That I may freely do what’s right,
For I want a heart clean and kind.
Search my soul,Oh Lord,for me;
Don’t let me be vain and phony,
For such get lost and can’t see,
Then become the devil’s crony.
Search my heart,oh Lord again,
Leave no trace of greed within,
Then I can show,without pain,
The love that was stopped by sin.
G W(Bill) Marshall / 08-Nov-13
I didn’t receive this blog for the last two days so was unaware that you are in hospital. So, I join all the bloggers in lifting you up in prayer. I am reminded of the list of the Gifts of the Spirit, most are singular ie: word of wisdom etc but when it comes to healing, it says “gifts of healing” (plural) (NKJV)which tells me God has many ways of extending his touch of healing. Sometimes we do not know what or how to pray, but always fall back on Romans 8:26 “”the Spirit helps us in our infirmities..making intercessions with groaning which cannot be uttered”…and continue to claim the power of Romans 8:11. I think of the POWER of this verse. RESURRECTION POWER…shall also QUICKEN (KJV) “GIVE LIFE” (NKJV).. ..YOUR MORTAL BODIES by His Spirit that dwells in you. I just claim this for you for God to do it in whatever way He chooses. Love and prayers are with you and Norma-Jean, your partner in life and in faith all through the years as she continues to stand by your side. The wonderful thing is that you both are in God’s hands and He will continue to accomplish His perfect Will in and through your lives. I love Psalm 18, many gems throughout but especially verse 1-3a NKJV. Such a personal testimony…” my strength, my Rock, my fortress, my deliverer, my salvation, my high tower..I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised.
Finally, in thinking about how to pray for you today, I am reminded of a Song we have in the Salvation Army – a powerful militant song: “Soldiers of our God, arise”, I will only quote the last verse and the powerful chorus. I am singing it right now for you, Norma-Jean and Family, and ministry….”Storms the forts of darkness bring them down” :
“Warriors of the risen King, Great Army of salvation, (Vs3)
Spread His fame, His praises sing, and conquer every nation,
Raise the glorious standard higher, Work for victory, never tire;
Forward march with Blood and Fire, And win the world for Jesus”
“Storm the forts of darkness, bring them down, bring them down!
Pull down the devil’s kingdom, Where’er he holds dominion:
Storm the forts of darkness, bring them down!
“Glory, honour to the lamb. Praise and power to the Lamb
Glory, honour, praise and power, Be forever to the Lamb!”
I wish you could hear Salvation Army Brass band playing this Song.
Be blessed!
Be encouraged!
Be strengthened! in the Name of Jesus.
Glory, hallelujah to the Lamb!!
Together, we give Him glory and praise and thanksgiving!
Dear David;
I began this blog with you 1 1/2 years ago while struggling with alcoholism. God led me to a Celebrate Recovery program and today I begin co-leading this program that’s starting up at our church tonite. Please pray the Lord will work thru me to help many others! I’m praying for you David and your family-many abundant blessings!!! Thank you!!!
I so enjoy reading the daily 100 Words. It is inspiring and there is always a message for me. I was so sorry to learn of David’s hospitalization. I am remembering him in my prayers. May God touch him with His hand of healing and raise him to health and strength.
Yours in Christ and for the continuance of sharing the gospel message.
Joyce B.
Be strengthened in the Lord Pastor David!! Thank you for the scripture link! I’m in the Letter to the Colossians presently.
David I did not know you were in the hospital I will keep you in my prayers
I pray that God will heal will strength you and give you complete healing. I loved
hearing Ernie Holland I have a video of him somewhere and of some other of your gests Yonggi Cho,Bill Graham, Nicky Cruz, Lee Ezell ,George , George and more. The video is Life Changing Highlights from 100 Huntley Street my video player is not working , I think I will look them up on utube to hear them again.
Bil Marshall I liked your poem on trust its what I needed to read .
Lianne Hogg
Hi David,
Just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you. It’s amazing how you can keep up the devotional there in the hospital. I so appreciate the times I spend with you as part of my time with the Lord., it is wonderful to read the Bible through.
I liked the picture of you and Norma Jean, with Norma knitting a scarf for you.
May God give you continued strength, and I know it is only in His strength that you can do this.
Anne Bargen
Truly appreciate your service to our LORD & savior and the benefits received for us bloggers. I pray HE continue to give you strength and complete recovery from this infection
David, I have prayed for your complete recovery.God bless you and Norma Jean at this time. Thank you for getting up so early and for writing this blog.The idea that you get up so early every morning (around 4 AM I think)for prayer and for this blog has inspired me to wake up earlier(5:50 AM) and spend much more time than before in Devotions. I have been able to do that since January 2 and will continue by the grace of God. I have been asking God to make this possible for years and now I am able to do it. Thank you Lord and thanks David for the inspiration.And now , God, please heal David completely.James 5:13-18 Amen
Thank you for sending your daily 100 Words. I have been reading them for about three years. We are praying for you, David and Norma Jean. We had the opportunity to speak to you a couple of years ago at Bob Evans in Lakeland.
Thanks David for all the thought and effort you put into this blog. I look forward to it everyday day – your thoughts on the passage, your personal experiences, the photos from Reynold, the input from Ron and Ann, the links to different passages and interviews- you really help the passage come alive. Thanks so much. I’m sorry you have these infections and am praying for you. God bless!
God bless you,keep you and may His face shine on you, bringing healing!!
Love and prayers, Gladys
Hi Dave N.
how did you get the cross at the end?
I saw you on tv one day David, and for the first time, I was so impressed about your 100 words. At the time, you looked so sick. Needless to say, when you came back on tv, I was so relieved and happy. Watch you every day now.