Today’s Reading: Romans 9-10
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

The Stoa of Attalos in Athens is recognized as one of the most impressive stoae (covered walkways) in the Athenian Agora (market place). It was built by and named after King Attalos II of Pergamon who ruled between 159 BC and 138 BC. It was rebuilt between 1953 and 1956.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Romans 10:12-13
For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
“Jew and Greek” could also be written, “Israeli and Gentile.” God has every right to choose His people. He chooses all those He knows in His foreknowledge will call on His Name! We may want to ask God for the same deep concern Paul experienced for his people, according to the flesh, the Jewish people. Paul had great sorrow and continual grief in his heart for Israel. He longed for their salvation. He showed the depth of his intercession when he was willing, if necessary, to be separated from God in order that they might be saved. This kind of prayer, and Paul’s continued witness for Christ, resulted in many more thousands of Jews becoming believers in Jesus. For at least the first 100 years, the core and leadership of the Christian Church was Jewish. God responds with strong initiatives to bring people to Himself when we pray as Paul prayed. The promise of our key verse happens over and over and over again. On the 100 Huntley Street telecast the hosts try to give at least two invitations to call on the Name of the Lord Jesus in every hour. With the repeats throughout the day, that’s approximately seven invitations daily, mainly on “YES TV” (click here to watch 100 Huntley Street).
Lord Jesus, as Your disciples asked You, even so I ask You the same: “Lord, teach us to pray.” Not just the words to say, but to actually do my praying with greater fervency than ever before. In Your strong Name I pray. Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! You promise, Lord Jesus, through Your brother, Jerusalem Pastor James, that “The fervent effectual prayer of a righteous man [or woman] will avail much” (James 5:16b). Read James 5:13-20.
In my prayer life, it’s a fact that the more fervently I’ve prayed, getting up earlier and earlier in the morning to cry out to God, the more of God’s will I saw happen. I’m constantly reminded that the Lord is “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9b). The obvious fact is that the greater my level of fervency, the greater creative means of presenting the Good New of Jesus are found, and the more people come to Christ. For example, over 60% of all information people receive now comes from the Internet. On, exciting new material is being added daily as God’s people pray and give sacrificially…and a lot of past material is there too. As a 80-year-old Evangelist, I can hardly believe that many of my messages and interviews from the past are now present, and will continue to be there, God willing, into the future. As an example, here is an interview I did years ago with George Foreman, the only person to win twice the world’s heavyweight boxing championship — click here.
Yours for the whole world to be saturated with messages from the heart of Jesus!
P.S. From Ron Mainse: Hi folks. I just wanted you to be aware that my Dad is back in the hospital and can use your prayers. He is battling two infections and is on strong antibiotics, as his immune system is very weak, due to his ongoing MDS Acute Leukaemia. Below is a photo I took of him and Mom (Norma-Jean) in the hospital. Dad is in good spirits, but is experiencing a lot of pain. Mom is currently passing the time by knitting Dad a new scarf with wool she received as a Christmas present from her grandson Adam (Ann and my son). Thank you for praying!
Sorry to hear you are in hospital David. I’ m praying for you. I appreciate you .
Me too!
Amen ! Me too !
Me too, three, Amen and Amen! Xoxo
Sorry to hear David prayer for a speedy recovery Love to you and your beautiful family
Oh dear David, we are praying for God to heal you. We give thanks for the medical staff, intervention, antibiotics, rest and care, you are receiving at hospital. We come together in prayer:
Our Heavenly Father, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and to the sanctity of the Holy Spirit, we give You thanks and praise for David Mainse, who has been a wonderful child of God, faithful servant, mentor and teacher. We ask for Your divine healing touch upon him, Lord. May You bless him and keep him and wrap Your loving Arms around him. Through the breath of the Holy Spirit, manifest the miracle of complete healing and strength upon David that he may carry on to glorify Your Name for many more seasons to come. In Jesus’ precious Name, all the saints say, amen, amen and amen.
God bless you, Norma-Jean; love the scarf. And to Ron and Ann, Elaine and Bruce, Reynold and Kathy, Ellen and Nizar, all the grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and everyone at Crossroads Ministry/100 Huntley Street, find strength in knowing we are all praying for David via the blog–it goes a long way to touch so many, around the world. Amen, David–we love you!
Amen! in agreement with everyone’s prayers for David’s healing, dear Father we ask you to touch him and completely heal him. I know you would love him to be with you in your presence…and we all want him here with us. He is such a blessing and inspiration, and his family needs his continued ministering to them. Thank you for his faithfulness. Lord, you know best, and Your will be done. This is what we desire is his continued presence with us. Your will be done. Thank you Lord for hearing us. I’m praying with a healing cloth on my keyboard right now. Let us all have faith!
Amen, May.
Amen and Amen!
Amen, amen and amen!
Hi David and Norma-Jean, Our prayers are with you. What lovely smiles you both have, even as you face this illness. We are believing with you for no more pain, and complete restoration. You are such an inspiration, and seeing you Norma-Jean knitting a nice warm scarf for your David, is such a loving thing to do, redeeming the time, until you David will proudly wear it! …Love you Lots…Blessings…Christine. xoxo
May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He make His face to shine on you and give you peace. I pray that you will feel His arms of love around you and know that we all love you too!!! Alec
So sorry Pastor David and Norma Jean. I Am agreeing in prayer with all of your blog friends for complete healing. I am going for my 1st therapy at 9am then my husband has a bone marrow test at 11am. Trusting God in all things. Eleanor M.
I also pray for your healing and your husbands, Eleanor. Cancer is not the Lord’s will! Both of you be fully healed, in Jesus name!
Agreeing with May and all saints for your husband’s healing of cancer and your vertigo, dear Eleanor. In Jesus’ Name, amen.
Amen and amen!
Praying for David’s speedy recovery, and strength for Norma Jean as she sits by his bedside.
In the Mighty Name of Jesus, we command these infections to leave David’s body and never return! As Your Word says, Lord, by Your stripes we are healed, and so we speak healing, in Jesus’ Name! Remove any pain and suffering this very day we pray. We lift up Your Name with Praise and Thanksgiving!
“He was wounded for our transgressions;
He was bruised for our iniquities.
Surely He bore our sorrows,
And by His stripes we are healed.”
God Bless you and Norma Jean with strength, health and joy and we give You, dear Jesus, all Glory and Honour and Praise!
Amen, Mary Lou!
amen Mary Lou and yes, we command in Jesus Name for complete healing in David Mainse, Lord we pray that YOU would completely heal David of his MDS Acute Leukaemia and build up his immune system!
Lord grant him good rest in the hospital, remove all pain from him; bless his family; his beautiful wife, the 100 Crossroads Ministry; TY Lord for making it possible that David’s blog is going all over the world for all to read and come to the point where some will ask Jesus Christ to come into their hearts and lives! TY Lord for the Holy Spirit who calls, gathers and enlightens in the One True Spirit through Jesus Christ, our Risen Lord and Saviour! TY Lord for this healing of David Mainse!
Lord Jesus we ask you to sustain David Mainse and his family in your strength and comfort as they go through this latest trial. May their faith be an effective witness to all those they encounter of Your Blessed Presence and Love. May your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen
I agree in Jesus name amen.
We cry out to our loving Father,take away Your servant David’s pain and all leukaemia cells and make him whole . We thank You for Your love and compassion and answering our prayers Abba Father.
We agree with Mary Lou.
Appreciate your study each day.
Bob and Jeanette
Hello Bob & Jeanette,
So glad to find you are around, but not sure where that is these days. Often think of you and was especially surprised to see your monument in Shelburne while visiting some relatives of mine recently. While clearing away some papers of my late Mom’s, I also was reminded of how kind you were to her.
I now live in Everett with my husband of 22 years, Walter Guccino.
Just wanted to say hello.
Liz (Cochrane) Guccino
Praying for God’s intervention in your recovery. Lord take away the infection, any pain and discomfort in Jesus name and restore David’s strength & boost his immune system. We praise and thank you Lord for your healing power in David’s life and believe for a complete recovery for Your honour and glory, in Jesus precious name. Amen
Dear David & Norma Jean,
I pray for both of you, I pray that God healing hands will touch you David and take away the pain.
Please become strong again, we need you.
Thnx Ron for sharing that your Dad, our long time Pastor, has become ill once again…
Holy Spirit of God, You are much much more than a Blessed Comforter… You are a Miraculous Healer of flesh and bone, and yet there is more…
As part of the performance at a Christmas Concert many years ago and before I new you personally Father God as my Lord and Saviour, we all (including the audience) felt your Holy Spirit move through us like a form of electricity as “The Little Drummer Boy” was being performed…
Holy Spirit of God move through the Body of Christ like a wave of electrical power and manifest Your Healing Power into the flesh and bone of our beloved Pastor David Mainse… in Jesus precious name… Amen and Amen!
Oh, sorry to hear and see you are in the hospital again David. I will certainly pray for you and hope you recover soon. You are looking great Norma Jean and that is a beautiful scarf for David. Glad you are in good spirits David. I took note that the Apostle Paul talked about being a righteous man after confessing our faults to one another and praying for one another, hence being in good relationship with one another and loving one another. Take care both of you. Thank you for the post Ron. God bless, Ger
I agree with all my blog buddies for the Lord to use these antibiotics and touch your body David restoring you to complete health, in the lovely Name of Jesus, Amen!
Thanks so much for the giving of your time and effort to the work of the lord. I appreciate this blog very much and look forward to receiving it every day. May the Lord richly bless you in your time of need. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family this day.
David, you are definitely one of the Lord’s chosen, and your work for Him has been a continuous gathering of many, many souls for the kingdom. I am so thankful for you and Norma Jean and your family, and you are being lifted up in our family’s prayers today. Thanks for the link to your interview with George Foreman. My husband and I were so encouraged by watching it, and plan on showing it to the rest of the family this evening. May the joy and the peace of the Lord Jesus fill your hearts and souls through this time. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Hi,Ron,I can’t add to what has already been said,other than my prayers are with you all.I thank God for this blog and all connected with it.I’m well over the half way mark in my second journey through the bible.I’ll just add a repeat of a poem I wrote shortly after I began reading this blog.God bless
Catch The Fire (4 David Mainse)
Though you have walked many oceans
And spread My word to many nations,
I saw in you and your devotions
A servant of joyous exhalations.
You have not asked for earthly wealth,
But just to be my most humble voice
And when adversity was kept in stealth
You still worshiped Me out of free choice.
So out of free choice I give you
More time upon the stage of learning,
Whereby My word you show to be true
And catch the fire that’s forever burning.
G W(Bill) Marshall / 01 February, 2014
I just read 2 verses from another devotional from Haven Today, which I will pass on to you.
A Life Preserver
Psalm 143:11
“For your name’s sake, O LORD, preserve my (David’s) life; in your righteousness, bring me (David) out of trouble.”
“The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” (Psalm 121:8)
Amen and Amen!!
TY Karen for sharing those wonderful words from Scripture! I needed to read them today!
Full moon sends my mental illness into a tail spin, so thankful for this blog and all the encouraging prayers for David and His family……
Hi David and Norma-Jean. We pray for you daily and now we will pray for your healing. Blessings my friend.
” Be my symptoms what they will –
Jesus is my healer still !”
Praying for you “God sent his word and healed them “
Amen!! to every comment above.
This is the confidence we have in approaching God; that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us—whatever we ask— we know that we HAVE what we asked of Him. Be healed our beautiful David, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Dear David and Norma Jean, you are inspirations to everyone. In hospital, in pain, and still smiling at the camera! God bless you both and keep you strong as you await His healing.
Dear David: We will be saying a very special prayer for you and will offer my daily mass for you and our daily rosary for you full recovery. We pray that Jesus’ resurrection power will bring healing and restoration to your spirit mind and body. Amen
Gracious and loving Father, we bring Pastor David before you and ask that your power of healing surround him and remove the pain he feels.
Grant him complete healing and remove the bad cells in his body and build up his immune system to enable him to fight these infections.
Give your peace that passes all understanding to Norma Jean and the whole family and may they sense your divine presence.
Continuing in prayer daily for all of you .
So sorry to hear you are back in hospital, Pastor David!! Praying for a quick recovery, asking Jesus to intervene on your behalf, to relieve the pain, and to restore your health…Jesus in Your Might Name I pray, You are the Greatest and most faithful physician…thank you for answering this prayer according to Your Will and Your Will is always for our highest and best, and I pray for Your Highest and best within David Mainse’s body and soul; I pray for Your anointing healing oil to flow over and through himl!!! Amen and Amen!!
I also pray for Norma-Jean as she stands by her husband, for your to encourage and uphold him in pray, and for the rest of their family, I ask for peace of mind; thank you Jesus, Amen!!!
What a spectacular picture Rev. Reynold…thank you!!
Thank you Ron for posting that picture of your mom and Dad, and especially for letting us know, giving us opportunity to join with you and your family in prayer for your quick recovery for your Dad.
Joined in with your powerful prayer this morning Pastor David. Your faithfulness in bringing forth this daily manna, not counting the cost, under all circumstances!! May God continue to bless and strengthen you both now and always.!!
Dear David my prayers are with you and may JESUS GIVE YOU A SPEEDY FULL RECOVERY
What a beautiful picture of you and Norma-Jean. You look radiant. Will be praying for you and for Nelson (my cousin-in-law) who had his 8th operation on his leg today. Very serious. Prayer that he will, along with his wife, call to Him (Jeremiah 33: 3) and also be physically healed. May God’s Perfect Will be done in your lives, David & Norma-Jean. Your ministries have been remarkable over the years and have a lasting impression on MANY. Thank you. May your recovery be quick and may your strength return quickly David.
God bless you Doreen
May God heal your cousin-in-law, may God guide the surgeons as they do another operation and may the Holy Spirit enter in and completely heal this leg and bring joy and happiness back into Nelson’s life and to all who are caring and love Nelson! AMEN AMEN AMEN
So very sorry to hear you are in the hospital. I admire you greatly as a man after God’s own heart, you have helped me very much over the years watching Huntley St. I will be lifting you up in prayer daily to our Lord for a quick recovery.
Amen to all the comments above and David and Norma Jean and my prayers are with you David God has healed you once before and he can do it again so we are believing for a miraculous healing in Jesus name I pray amen
Blessings and comfort to you and your family.
Dear David and Norma Jean,
Just this afternoon three of us who meet regularly to study the Scriptures as outlined in 100 Words, prayed over your picture -we use our iPads – deeply touched by your devotion to the Lord, to each other and to us who eagerly wait for the next day’s fresh manna. We are never disappointed. Thank you so very, very much for getting us excited and “addicted” to the Word of God. The story of salvation is mind-boggling and beyond comprehension. Such a great and wonderful, kind, loving and compassionate God who provides for us in each circumstance. And I believe, and I know you do too,, even Far better than I do the verse we’ve just studied in Romans 8:28. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!
So sorry you are dealing with infections and in hospital but praying the precious Lord would lay His healing hand upon you. God bless you and Norma Jean ????????
Be encouraged Pastor David …you and Norma-Jean are in my prayers always!
Your ministry continue to be such a blessing to me and my family, for an opportunity to serve theLord as a prayer partner since 2012. You gave my special son Andrew a chance to volunteer in 2012-2014! You continue to be a blessing! I want to tell you this! God bless you always!
Praying along with everyone else that God would raise you up once again. There must be someone in that hospital who needs the witness of your beautiful smiling faces……May He continue to bless you both richly.
Norma Jean and David Really miss u guys.Been some time since we connected.Have been praying and soliciting prayers from partners thru out your “battles”.We often recall “canal adventure”with fond memories.God is great!! Barb and ian