Today’s Reading: Romans 8
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

The Trevi Fountain is in Rome, Italy. Standing 26.3 metres high and 49.15 metres wide, it is the largest Baroque fountain in the city and one of the most famous fountains in the world. The song, “Three Coins In The Fountain,” comes from here. Prayer is effective reality, not superstition, like the wishes made here.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Romans 8:38-39
For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord…
All the verses in Romans 8 are keys which unlock the amazing provisions God has for us. Therefore, we may want to read this chapter over and over again until we are absolutely sure that we have made every word an integral part of our being.
Here are some random thoughts… (1) “The law of the Spirit of life.” This is like the law of aerodynamics. When the power is applied to the aircraft engines, the law of gravity is overcome, and we rise to new heights. Today, apply the power of the Holy Spirit and rise above sin and death. Amen! (2) Just imagine; no don’t just imagine, actually do it. Call the God of the universe “Abba,” or in our language, “Daddy.” (3) Our key verses, like dozens of other promises of God, offer the perfect antidote to worry, fear, and uncertainty. So lift up your head. Go into the world with total confidence. Nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing can separate us from the Lord Jesus and His love!
Lord God, You cannot lie. You’ve promised me Your constant presence, and I believe You 100%. Please grant me a new consistency in faith in You, so that I won’t worry, fret, or have any fear. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen!
These new technologies (such as the Internet) are a complete mystery to me. I understand almost nothing. I do understand, however, that NOTHING can separate me from God’s love. That’s the most important understanding in the universe. This amazing ability that God has to be able to give individual attention to billions of us is mind boggling. He’s far more sophisticated than the Internet, and He never goes down. God placed the physical laws in His creation concerning the Internet (millions of messages simultaneously). Man did not really invent the Internet; man simply thought God’s thoughts after Him and discovered it. Like North America, it was there all the time. The Native people knew that, and Columbus discovered it for the rest of the world.
Yours for communicating God’s love in person and through every available technology,
P.S. The great cathedrals of Europe contained magnificent sculptures. Most of them represented Bible people.They were created to communicate visually to a largely illiterate people. In my childhood we had something called “flannel graph.” Remember that? We are in a visual age. Have you checked out 100 Huntley Street’s video website lately? Why don’t you do a little exploring there today? Visit
Talk you Pastor David for your cooments on this Chapter. It is so encouraging to me. On Dec. 29 th I was taken to hospital and stayed there until last Thursday Jan. 5 They were checking for a stroke as well as vertigo. Turns out I didnt have a stroke but i do have vertigo. I am going to see a therapist tomorrow to see how to deal with the dizziness and nausea. Would appreciate your prayers dear friends. I have tried several times to put this request on but I must have done something wrong. Bless you all. Eleanor M.
Eleanor Praise God it was not a stroke but vertigo is a horrible thing and can be both frightening and debilitating. I too suffer and it is important that you get the help of the therapist to know how to deal with it.
I have prayed this morning for you and just be careful getting up. Blessings to you. Catherine
Thank you for your prayers everyone , it really helps to know others care . It gives me hope. xx
Lord we ask that You heal this vertigo in Eleanor! Heal her total body from any and all illnesses, heal her to Your Glory Lord, we celebrate Your Healing, we celebrate Your role as Lord God Almighty! You reign forever and ever! You will not forsake us! We celebrate EVERY DAY TO YOUR GLORY! IN JESUS NAME WE PRAY AMEN
God Bless you, Eleanor.. am praying for your complete recovery and for good health to return!
I have had vertigo as well, and have also been to a therapist who specialized in the manuevering therapy to get rid of it!!!
The therapy is very interesting, it helped me a lot!!What scarred me the most when my attack was at it”s worst was that it would never get better, it is so debilitating!! But it did get better, and so will you with God”s help and Blessing!
Lord Jesus I pray for Your intervention for Eleanor’s need of healing from this infection: Lord You are the Great Physician and I ask for Your Wisdom for Eleanor as You guide her through this problem. Nothing is too difficult for you and I pray for quick total healing for Eleanor from the dizziness and nausea. Jesus in Your Mighty Name I pray. Vertigo is not from you Jesus and I ask that it be removed from Eleanor. Thank you Jesus, Amen!!
Thank you Pastor David for our blog each day. I like the saying under the fountain picture “Prayer is effective reality not superstition….”
We are so blessed to have JESUS and that nothing can separate us from HIS love. Hallelujah.
Thanks to God for all of you people of the living God. And for the leaders, teachers and those who help us to keep on following Him.
Would you please pray for my brother Neil who needs to sell his house by this Friday or the bank takes it?
Thank you, and may God bless you today and every day.
Lord Jesus, I pray you bring the right people who will buy this house, to make it their home, and at the price that is exactly right and just in time. Jesus I pray this in Your Mighty Holy Name, Amen!!!
Lord You know everything about us! You know the pressure Neil is under, You have a plan for him Lord, we pray that the home sells in time, we also pray that You could speak to the bank and perhaps they may be moved to grant an extension if the place is not sold by Friday. Lord no matter what happens, You are involved in every aspect of this sale! We pray that all will go well for Neil and that all glory will go to You, Our Lord and Saviour, Our Provider, Lord You won’t leave Neil hanging! We thank you for doing all of this for Neil, strengthen his faith Lord, let him be a witness to his family and friends….thank you Lord we love You Lord AMEN
Thank you for your title today, “Don’t Worry, be Happy,” Made me smile as is what I needed as well as Romans 8:28. Prayed for you Eleanor for your vertigo. May mother had that and took medication for it. Also for your brother’s house Rob. Please pray also for a young man named David at our church who has to make some hard decisions. Thank you David for your explanation of Romans, a difficult book to understand. One thing I remember of Europe were all the cathedrals and statues. Ger
As I read this morning’s scripture …this song came to mind:
“Leaning on the Everlasting Arms”
“What a fellowship, what a joy divine, leaning on the everlasting arms; what a blessedness, what a peace is mine, leaning on the everlasting arms.
Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms, leaning leaning, leaning on the ever lasting arms”
What a powerful word; what hope and what freedom Our Lord has bought for us!!! What a precious gift…”Eternal Life”!!! Praise His Holy Name!! All Glory and Honor and Praise to His Holy Name!!!
Yes, “Abba, Father” how special is that!!! Bless you Pastor David for bringing this truth to the fore!! Praise God for your faithfulness in bringing this fresh daily manna to us: Including your words of wisdom and knowledge to enlighten our understanding of the WORD!! Emphasizing its importance for daily living. Bless you and all who join with you in the preparation of this blog!!
Lord, lifting up Eleanor, asking for a touch of your healing hand upon her life, according to your promise, “But if of him Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall ALSO QUICKEN (MAKE ALIVE) YOUR MORTAL BODIES) by His Spirit that dwells in you.” (Rom.8:11)
Also, bring something encouraging into Neil’s life today as he strives to sell his house by Friday. You know the situation. Remember, the Israelites, standing at the shores of the Red Sea, blocked in, no where to go, but in response to God’s direction, they stepped in and the Sea parted, giving them away of escape, with the
enemy perishing behind them. Lord, open up a way for Neil. Maybe, go to the bank again, and ask for just a bit more time, trusting the Lord to go before you.”
please pray for healing for Monica from the top of her head to the tip of her toes! Pray the Lord heals her heart! Also pray for her son LS that he finds another place of employment that will utilitize all his talents and praise and thank the Lord that he is seeking counselling for his mental illness….Thank you Lord,
Bless our choir practice tonight! Guard my mouth! Pray that whenever I speak it will be to the glory of God! Please pray the Lord will grant me financial favour so I can clear debts and help family and others! In Jesus Name AMEN
Dear David and Norma Jean
Just found out about Davids Health
Our prayers are with you
I remember so vividly our wonderful times together especially when you invited me to stay a while in your farm home , your prayer room you prayed for me, feeding the chickens and many more
wonderful lessons I learned from both of you
Norma Jean,It was so good to see you also
Making the most of time knitting
May our dear Lord heal David soon’
Love and prayers
Sharon and Ron Carlson
(Formally Sharon Balkan)