Sunday, December 4, 2016


Today’s Reading: Acts 14-15

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


This Temple of Zeus, also known as the Olympieion, is a Greco-Roman temple in the centre of Athens, southeast of the Acropolis. Begun in the 6th century BC, it was not completed until the reign of the Emperor Hadrian in the 2nd century AD. At the time, it was the largest temple in Greece.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Acts 14:23

So when they had appointed elders in every church, and prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord in whom they had believed.


Imagine… After a miracle was performed, they thought Barnabas was Zeus and Paul another one of their gods. Before long, the crowd considered them demons to be stoned. We cannot depend on popular opinion. We must have solid teaching based on the Scriptures. James, now recognized as the Pastor of Jerusalem, brings the Church back to their foundation by quoting God’s Word. This clear dependence on the Hebrew Bible was essential for consistent doctrine. As it was then, so it must be today. With prayer and fasting, elders who are well established in Scripture should be placed in leadership roles. They may not always agree, as in the case of the dissension between Paul and Barnabas. Their differences were not doctrinal but procedural. Today, this disagreement might result in an independent church being planted nearby, which might become a new denomination. Paul and Barnabas, while they separated, did not act in such a way. They simply went in different directions in spreading God’s Word.


Dear Lord, while our leaders may have differences in how to proceed with Your work, may they be in complete unity in the doctrines of eternal salvation. Give me the grace of loyalty to those who lead in my church. With Your help, Lord, I commit to prayer and fasting on their behalf. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen!


I am amazed at the gigantic temples, such as the one to Zeus, pictured above, which are found everywhere in the ancient world. Lucifer, at one time known in Heaven as “the anointed cherub” (Ezekiel 28:14), desired worship for himself and tried to take the place of God. I believe he inspired the building of these temples, and then he and his fallen angels inhabited these temples in order to receive worship here on the earth to which they were banished. The religion business is filled with what the Bible calls “deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons” (1 Timothy 4:1). I don’t worry about these entities taking control of my thoughts and my life, because I practice daily prayer for protection by the Blood of Jesus, and I daily do as James, the Pastor referred to above, teaches me, “Therefore, submit to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you!” (James 4:7-8).

Yours for a consistent, joy-filled life in Christ,


P.S. 100words is an outreach of Crossroads Christian Communications Incorporated, an official charitable organization in both Canada and the United States. This week I’ve been moved to pray fervently for the mission in many parts of the world and also to give sacrificially. Will you join me? Jesus said, “Inasmuch as you’ve done it unto the least of one of these, you’ve done it unto Me!!!” When considering your Christmas and year-end giving, please remember Crossroads. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!! (click here for donation information).

15 thoughts on “Sunday, December 4, 2016

  1. My mom passed, yesterday; thank you saints for keeping my family and me in your prayers; so grateful I went Friday and had most of the day with her, alone; read her Psalms and sang Jesus Loves Me and Amazing Grace; had a very special good-bye together. Praying for Vivienne, Graham; Doreen’s friend Christianne’s sister, and all saints, today.

    He went up on a mountainside by himself to pray.
    Mt 14:23 NIV

    Come to Jesus-Chris Tomlin

    • My deepest condolences over your mother’s passing. When my mother passed in August the Lord bless me too with many moments alone with her, to sing to her, to say with words and in silence how much I loved her and how grateful I was to have in my life for as long as I did. May the Lord’s comfort be yours now and in the day’s ahead. Your posts have always been a source of encouragement to me over the years– grief can be a strange journey, so you are in my prayers as travel it and I hope you find the encouragement from others as freely you have given it us.

    • very sorry for your loss Beverlee Kay; very thankful that you were able to spend the time with her; thankful that you prayed together; thankful that you had a special good bye together; and one day we will all gather at the throne of Jesus and we will all rejoice in this coming together again; PRAISE AND THANK GOD yes, Jesus loves us! His Word tells us so; may these Words bring comfort to all who are grieving at this time……PRECIOUS LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYERS

    • Sending my condolences to you , dear Beverlee, on the passing of your mother. How precious that you could spend the last earthly hours with her. God bless you and your loved ones.

    • Oh Beverlee how wonderful that you were able to be with your Mom, for a time of prayer and worship as you bid her “farewell”. I pray for comfort and peace for you and your family for the next few days, and for the days to come!
      Bless you Beverlee for your input in this blog with links of worshipful songs!!

    • Beverly k my prayers and thoughts are with you at this time with the passing of your mom I pray that God’s love and comfort will surround you at this time of loss may Jesus be with you and then

  2. Love to you and your family Beverlee, what a rejoicing there is in heaven now that your dear mother is there. No more pain and sufferIng, so glad you had that special time alone with her. Bless you today and all friends of this blog.

    Thank you Pastor David once again for yout faithfulness .

  3. Dear Beverlee, may you experience the comfort of the Holy Spirit over the loss of your Mother. How wonderful that you were able to have that special time with her. God is so good and faithful and you know she is in the Lord’s presense. I had the privilege of caring for my mother in her home here for 14 and a half years and so I know what that loss feels like. God bless you dear sister and thank you for all your faithful ministry to us.

  4. Thank You Lord, for allowing Beverlee to experience that time with her mom before she went to her reward. How wonderful. I had that experience with my dad. I looked after Mom for some years and had a great relationship with her. My husband passed 2 yrs ago this Christmas. I’m doing okay. There are times, though, when the memories flood and I feel the loss. May God Comfort you greatly, Beverlee.

  5. Thank you beautiful saints of the living blog, your comments and prayers mean the world to me. God’s continued blessings to all of you.

  6. Your scripture links Pastor David add much to the scripture in each daily blog, thank you. Yes its amazing how large those temples were!!!

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