Today’s Reading: Acts 11-12
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

Ruins of a Roman hippodrome in Caesarea. If you look carefully to the left and right, you can see the seats from which the spectators would watch the chariot races taking place in the oval space in the centre. Reynold’s shadow is seen on the bottom right.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Acts 11:16-17
Then I remembered the word of the Lord, how He said, “John indeed baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” If therefore God gave them the same gift as He gave us when we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could withstand God?
Our Scripture records an amazing shift in the hearts and minds of these believers in Jesus who practiced the religion of Judaism. Peter had baptized Gentiles without them first becoming Jews. For this breach of Jewish practice, Peter was on the carpet back in Jerusalem defending his unprecedented action. The key point in Peter’s defense was John the Baptist’s prophecy and its fulfillment both in the 120 in the upper room and now with the same “they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God” experience.
Consider the two deaths in chapter 12…that of James, the brother of John, and that of Herod. What a stark contrast one with the other. James was put to death by Herod. The end result was the opposite to what Herod intended. The fisherman Apostle, James, now sits with the King of Kings forever. The kingdom Herod sought to hold, crumbled. The glory he sought was instantly lost. The result of his pride was undoubtedly eternal damnation.
Another James, the one known as the brother of Jesus, is rising to leadership. We first hear of him in Mark 6:3. He gave us the book of James. Stay with us daily and we’ll get to James’ book eventually.
Lord Jesus, I thank You that, as John the Baptist said of You, “He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” By Your grace, may many more be baptized by You in the same way You did for the believers as recorded in the book of Acts. I magnify You in my worship right now. As Paul wrote in Ephesians 5:18-21, I desire with all my heart that I will continue to “be filled with the Spirit.” Amen!!!!!!!!
My Grandpa Mainse and his brother Ed would meet each morning at the fence between their farms for prayer. They were what was called “Shouting Methodists.” It is said that they could be heard over on the next concession. I’ve heard my Doctor of Theology father shout for Joy on one occasion. I’ve been so filled with the Spirit at times that it’s next to impossible to keep quiet or to express what’s going on inside of me in my ordinary English language. Of course, one can control one’s exuberance. The Scripture says, “The spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophet” (1 Corinthians 14:32). I find great strength for each day as my human spirit is filled with God’s Spirit. I experience an effective witness for Jesus and my cup of joy is filled to overflowing. Norma-Jean has recently given to our children and grandchildren a book entitled, “The Blessing.” The subtitle is, “Experiencing the Power of the Holy Spirit Today,” by Thomas Trask and Wayde Goodall, published by Zondervan. This is an excellent and thorough teaching resource. If you are hungry and thirsty for God’s Spirit in a greater way in your life, I recommend this excellent book (click here for information).
Yours for being “Filled with the Spirit.” By the way, I believe that this daily blog will help you and me to grow in God, so that our capacities for the Spirit of God will increase. I ask myself this: Am I continuing to be a small volume spirit or am I increasing in size? I think I’m growing, and thus I can experience a greater measure of God’s Spirit than ever before.
P.S. Last night I sent an email to the newly-appointed Ambassador from the United States to Israel…Gov. Mike Huckabee. Here is some of what I wrote:
Dear Governor,
Congratulations to you on your Israel appointment. You’ll do a superb job!
When I met you in Lakeland, Florida, in 2008, you wrote a note to Prime Minister Harper in your book. I delivered it to his hand as his friend. In 1980, Prime Minister Joe Clark promised during his election campaign to move our Canadian embassy to Jerusalem. As P.M. he reiterated his pledge, but he failed to keep his word! I know him personally, visited his Mom at his home. I warned him that he had touched the apple of God’s eye, Jerusalem, and told him, “Joe, if you fail to keep your word to Jerusalem now that you have the power to make it happen, you will not succeed as P.M.” Unfortunately, he did not follow through on his promise, and lasted only 9 months by losing a vote of confidence in the House of Commons.
Donald Trump made an election promise that he would move the Israeli Embassy of the United States to Jerusalem. If he is not 100% determined to follow through on this promise, he must not reiterate this promise as President. God takes this most seriously!
Thank you Pastor David, you must have given much prayer and thought before you sent that letter. I will be watching to see what happens. It also inspires me to be bolder for The Lord.
Beverlee I pray that you arrive safely as you travel. May God be with you.
Amen to your comments Eleanor M!
Wonderful David! May the Lord bless you with the anointing of the Holy Spirit more and more. Most interesting and important concerning the US and Canadian embassies to Israel. The sun is shining brightly here today. There’s a new day dawning! God bless all of us with His Spirit!
Rev. David I want to express my appreciation for the blog that we receive each day. Today, especially when you mention the new appointment of Gov. Huckabee as American Ambassador to Israel. I immediately thought of my Grandmother (1873-1953) and how she prayed for Jewish people. This was her prayer “Look down in compassion, O Lord Christ, upon Thine own people, the Jews, in all parts of the world. Open their hearts to receive Thee, their true Messiah and Saviour. Forgive those who have persecuted them. Help us to care for them , and ever to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for Thy sake, Who art both the Light to lighten the Gentiles and also the Glory of Thy people Israel. Amen My dear Grandmother was a woman of prayer and I still continue to pray this prayer but not as often as I should. Ruth Morrison
Bless you Ruth for sharing you Grandmother’s powerful prayer for Israel!
Yes, most interesting and important . .
Great comparison to the ” fates ” of Herod, and that of James, brother of John.
Interesting report regarding a previous Canadian conservative Premier.
What a great photo Reynold with your shadow in the foreground!!
As a new christian, Peter’s miraculous release from prison was one that touched me in a special way: Especially noting that the Angel did not dress Peter, but told Peter to get dress himself: But the Angel did what Peter could not do…He loosed the chains of off Peter…also opened the doors and gates to free Peter.
I appreciate your sharing your heart and your testimony…and your obedience in acting on the prompting of the Holy Spirit. I pray the anointing of the Holy Spirit on the words of wisdom in the e-mail to
Gov Mike Huckabee!!
Yes, what a contrast between the death of James the brother of John and Herod!!!
Thank you David for speaking to our leaders and giving them words from God. I have always been comforted knowing both Billy Graham and you have spoken to the leaders in both the USA and Canada. May God pierce their hearts and have them be wise and follow your God-given advise.
I have been following this Bible study for over two years now and still enjoy the simple truths you point out. I really look forward to seeing Reynolds photos as it brings me back to places my husband Dave (a good name ..dont you think?…it means “beloved”) and i visited with you guys on the Israel trip in 2013 Yellow Bus.
There are issues at the pool where I swim! I feel the devil is wanting to start trouble! I ask for prayers and ask the Holy Spirit to enter into my heart and the heart of all those who are involved, I pray the Holy Spirit will enter in and sort out the problems and bring peace to this situation.
I also pray that Mr. Trump will move the Israeli Embassy of the USA to Jerusalem!
I pray for all who need comfort and healing at this time in their life! I pray for those people and agencies who are helping the homeless!
I pray for those who are in need of great financial help; financial help to buy winter tires; to pay rent; I pray for more affordable in our communities!
I pray for those who have won big lotteries to prayerfully consider contacting some non-profit organizations who over-see affordable housing such as the Kiwanis Club and work an agreement whereby those who have money can donate and the non-profit groups can contact developers and begin a plan to construct affordable housing which is sound proof; has a working bathroom;shower, units that are clean and very liveable!
Much to pray about; Lord God we thank you that we can bring our prayers to You! We thank you and praise Your Name AMEN
SAH…praying for each request..God Bless you..and may He give you the desires of your heart!
I didn’t receive your Blog again today …