Today’s Reading: Acts 3-4
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

A panorama of Jerusalem at sunset. Our El Al passenger jet will be heading in the same direction as the sun, that is in a westerly direction, at approximately 6 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (I’ve prepared this blog Wednesday, just before our flight). My son Ron is set to post this to you at 6 a.m. Thursday. Norma-Jean and I, along with our friends and fellow travellers, arrive at the Toronto International Airport just before 7 a.m. I expect to greet the sunrise as we arrive.
Key Verse: Acts 4:12
Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.
Believe it or not, the choice is ours! Our salvation is ONLY in Jesus Christ! Do other names come to mind? They pale into insignificance in the blazing glory of “the Light of the world.” We should note how these early believers quoted from their Bible, and we should do the same with both the Hebrew and the Greek Scriptures. What we call “the New Testament” would not be written for several years. The Apostles had not yet heard of a “new” set of Bible books. They were all Jews. The councils of the Rabbis had heard from God as to what writings qualified to be in the Bible, as did the early Church leaders for the new writings of divinely inspired Scripture. We may want to look up Deuteronomy 18:15-22 to see how Peter quoted his Bible from memory (Acts 3:22-23). God willing, the next book we’ll read together will be Deuteronomy. Amen!
Lord God, there is so much in today’s reading that’s filling my mind and heart. Please cause that which You desire me to learn to be absorbed and assimilated into my life today, and may it also spill out through me to others. In Jesus’ Name, the only Name given among mankind by which we must be saved, I pray. Amen!
I pray the above prayer with great fervency. I’ve preached several messages from today’s readings over the years. I ask most sincerely for the prayers of you who read this, that I’ll receive guidance from the Holy Spirit for “” There are volumes that could be written. For an entire year during 2004, five days each week, Dr. Paul Maier, Professor of Ancient History at Western Michigan University, Rev. Dale Lang, Anglican Minister from Tabor, Alberta (whose son was murdered in the corridor of his high school), and I led our 100 Huntley Street TV viewers through the book of Acts, verse by verse (260 segments on the book of Acts!). We called it “HIStory” (emphasis on “HIS”). Paul gave the historical perspective, Dale gave the application to our daily lives, and I was the moderator. Here is a link to one of these segments from 2004 which ties in to today’s reading (click HERE).
Yours for an overview of the entire Bible in 730 days. Are you still with me?
Yes David, I am still with you reading the scriptures.
I get to teach the children about the one door on the ark today.
Daily prayer what a amazing way to start our day our spiritual workout. Those words of wisdom from your group Rev David should be used every day as we go through Acts.
I’m with you too!
Still here and very grateful for your testimony of faith. ‘Father God, it is good to praise You and make music to Your name, O Most High. We proclaim Your love in the morning and Your faithfulness at night. We give You thanks for permitting us to bear fruit in old age. We lift Pastor Ron to You and ask for Your Holy Spirit to fill him with all the words we need to hear on 100 words. Thank You in Jesus’ name Amen.’ Blessings, Deborah
Yes, I too am still with you.
Bless you David and all my blog friends.
Hi David Mainse,
It’s Grey Cup Sunday. Just a reminder, we all need your Voice to save lives that would have been destroyed by abortion. We all know life is a precious gift from God and no one has the right to snuff it out. What a sick world we live in if we allow this.So let’s not allow this. It is important to get involved in the political process to stop this. Or only allow abortion 15 days after the 1st missed period. Sir, we need your help, we need your Voice.
Thou shall not kill!
I’m still with you. is a blessing to me. I really appreciate your work and effort required in making this happen. With love, Martin
I am still with you too David.
I to am still with you. Just want agree with Martin. Thanks David for your efforts in bringing us “Manna” each day. Rick
For sure, I am with you. Enjoying the word you give us every day. A great blessing!
Thank you for your good words yo us each day. A blessing indeed.
David, this blog is a blessing. Jesus still has the words of life – He is the Word of Life! Thank you for bringing the Word to us every day. May God bless and strengthen you and all the participants in this blog.
Please, Lord God, give us all that boldness that the early church prayed for:
“O Sovereign Lord, Creator of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them— you spoke long ago by the Holy Spirit through our ancestor David, your servant, saying,
‘Why were the nations so angry?
Why did they waste their time with futile plans?
The kings of the earth prepared for battle;
the rulers gathered together
against the Lord
and against his Messiah.’
“In fact, this has happened here in this very city! For Herod Antipas, Pontius Pilate the governor, the Gentiles, and the people of Israel were all united against Jesus, your holy servant, whom you anointed. But everything they did was determined beforehand according to your will. And now, O Lord, hear their threats, and give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word. Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”
Acts 4:24b-30
Thank you Mr. Mainse.
I still enjoy this blog ! 🙂
Thank you again !
Diane 🙂
I am still with you for the second time around and look forward to each day’.
Enjoying my second time around. The Word reveals new insights and questions as we go along. Thanks for your tranparancy and faithfulness. Many blessings!
Pastor David you asked if we were still with you doing this blog and I will give you a resounding yes I am with you thank you for this blog amen
I’m still with you too, David. Second time around for me too. I don’t think I would have made it through without the blog. Thank you so much, your two year plan really does work!
Yes, David, I am still with you. I love spending time with you each day in the Word.
Absolutely with you, dear David–all the way!! Blessings dearest saints in the Lord!!
Yes I am still with you. Second time around.
Also my second time around with you, David. So thankful to be able to receive your blog here in New Zealand. Enjoying spring in this beautiful land and blessed to be here with my daughter and family. Sending blessings across many miles to all bloggers and the Mainse family.
Yes, David, I can’t miss it! I love it and love the Word of God profoundly. The blog keeps me focused and going. I am so enriched and thrilled to be part of this crowd of witnesses yearning to know our God better through His Word. God bless you all!
Yes I am still with you.
I am still with you all. I most often get 100 Words on my cell and so I don’t often reply. (I don’t want my cell and my computer linked and they keep trying to make that happen). I wouldn’t miss a day (and haven’t since the beginning). Am praying that the Lord will guide you and give you the answers you are seeking for the future of the blog. Enjoy your time in Israel.
I am with you for the third time through the bible. I can’t thank you enough for keeping me in the word!!
Praise God for a wonderfully day!! God bless you all…praise God for this word today lifting up Jesus and His miracles brought forth through His church.
May the Lord protect you David and Norma-Jean on your Journey and everywhere you go.
Blessings to all!!
Yes, Pastor David, I’m with you too and I ask the Lord for faithfulness and commitment to stay with you daily. Thank you!
I am also with you Pastor David. Thank you for you dedication and perseverance. Eleanor M.
Still with you David! Blessings on you, and all the bloggers!
I’m still with you the third time through the Bible. Thank you and God bless you for all the work you put into the daily reading so we all can learn from it.
Still with you…Thank you for your faithfulness !
Yes David I am still with you, however, my computer was down for 17 days so today I’m up and running again and must catch up on all the blogs i missed. I surely missed getting into the Word every day with the blog and your 100 words.
I will have completed the Bible for the 1st time on Jan. 15/17 and will more than likely continue and begin for the 2nd time. Cannot thank you enough for your faithfulness in bringing the vlog & blog each day. Blessing to you and all those involved in putting this together. I’m so thankful that GOD has given you the strength to continue in spite of the ill health you have experienced.