Today’s Reading: Numbers 12-13
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A Bee Keeper set up his operation in the north of Israel at the foot of Mount Hermon – “A Land flowing with milk and honey.”
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Numbers 13:30
Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, “Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.”
In Chapter 12, a very difficult lesson was learned by Moses’ brother Aaron and sister Miriam. God reaffirmed Moses’ leadership in no uncertain terms. Miriam had led the song and dance celebrating their deliverance from Pharaoh and the Red Sea (Exodus 15:20-21). Now she is punished temporarily with leprosy. Why not Aaron? Miriam was the leader in questioning Moses’ leadership. After all, she had cared for Moses when he was a little baby. No doubt she thought she had the right. Let’s learn the lesson of intercession. Aaron and Moses cried out to God for her healing (12:11-13). Nevertheless, she suffered the consequences given in Leviticus chapters 13 & 14. In seven days she was restored.
In chapter 13, there are 11 names that live in disgrace and 2 in honour. Only one tribal leader, Caleb of Judah, lived to see God at work. Also, Joshua, the personal assistant to Moses, who had been one of the spies, survived and succeeded Moses as leader.
Lord God, You promised a land flowing with milk and honey to Your people. May I be given the grace to believe You for the fulfillment of all Your promises that pertain to me. I ask these mercies in Your Name, Lord Jesus, and I claim the promised land of Your Kingdom. Amen!
What an amazing time to be alive with this technology linking the world! The old blessings are in Israel today too, with which the land “flows.” When in Israel for breakfast we would enjoy the sweetest honey ever and, from the milk of this land, we would enjoy at least three kinds of cheese.
Today is Remembrance Day in Canada. Canadians are remembering those who died in war. I cannot help but remember that it was in the Promised Land that Jesus died waging war on sin and evil. Jesus has won that battle for all who will receive His sacrifice on our behalf. This blog is one way to make every day a “REMEMBRANCE” day!
Yours for remembering,
P.S. It was four years ago today, my son Ron was with me in Israel, and in the picture below I was finishing the blog and Ron was preparing to post it, as he continues to do for me every day.
P.P.S. Below is the official government symbol for visitors to Israel. It’s the story of Joshua and Caleb who brought back, from the land of milk and honey, the largest bunch of grapes anyone had ever seen.
Thank you David & Ron, father and son for leading me on this journey through the Bible.
This time is a blessing to me … reading the OT and then a book from the NT is giving me fresh connection to the continuity of God’s word.
Thank you for your faithfulness … NW
To all our heroes–Canada’s Veterans. We honour you in remembrance, with profound gratitude and grace. Amen. Thank you God for restoration and David for the vlog, this morning. Blessings fellow saints in the Lord.
But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.
Hebrews 13:16 KJV
Hillsong – Hosanna–this song has been in my head all morning…
Amen Beverlee, my husband andI will be gong to our War Memorial this morning. It is just a little thing to do, yeit it means so much to our Veterans .
Thank you Pastor David for showing us the pic of you and Ron, you are such a dedicated family. Many people like myself receive such a blessing from this Blog everyday. Have a peaceful day in the Lord all Blog friends. Eleanor M.
Thank you for the song Beverlee, A good way to start the day Praising our Lord.
Thank You to all the canadian Vetrerans we honour you and will never forget you
Yes, Amen!!
Thank God for all our veterans who fought for our freedom here on earth but for Jesus who fought and gained our freedom from eternal death. Thank you David and Ron for the time and effort you have given for this blog and vlog each day. Have a good Remembrance day every one.
Oh, Yes Amen !! joining with you in prayer!!
Let us remember them and thank GOD for them, all who laid down their lives for our freedom. Thank YOU GOD for JESUS for giving HIS life for our salvation.
Amen! Gloria Sloan.
In honor of The Veterans.
On this day we thank each and everyone of you sacrifice for giving us the freedom to live in Canada today.
I also wish to thank the family’s of those who lost loved ones and pray that God may Bless all of you today with PEACE that only He can give you on this day of REMEMBRANCE.
God Bless you all.
Dear Brother David, how I thank God for you and your ministries! You are a treasured veteran in the greatest battle of the ages! Thank you for the battles you have fought and won. May the Master continue to bless, strengthen, and anoint you for His service!
And amen!!
Amen and Amen!!
Remembrance day…Yes, remembering the one who made the greatest sacrifice …God who gave HIS ONLY begotten SON: Jesus HIS SON who gave HIS LIFE FOR US!!!
Remembrance day …remembering those who died for us…in particular remembering my brother Joseph Bodnar who died August 19, 1944: WWII.