Today’s Reading: John 12
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

The view towards the Old City of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives. Mt. Zion is central on the horizon. The City of David is on the left and in the foreground is the high point on the wall which is known as the pinnacle of the Temple.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verses: John 12:10-11, 31
But the chief priests plotted to put Lazarus to death also, because on account of him many of the Jews went away and believed in Jesus… Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out.
Like Lazarus, we who believe in Jesus have been raised from the dead. Ephesians 2:1 describes us as “dead in trespasses and sins,” but now “made alive.” We are living proof that Jesus is real and that He brings new life where there was death.
Our second key verse declares the reality of what happened at the Cross. The world, with its pride and rejection of God, mistakenly thought it was judging Jesus. The opposite is true. God was judging the world by the way it treated His Son. The so-called “ruler of this world” thought he was the winner, but again the opposite is true. The pretender to the throne was cast out. Jesus is King. His eternal Kingdom was established forever and ever. Amen!
Jesus, You are Lord of all. Grant that I may demonstrate that I’ve come out of the grave and discarded the grave clothes. May my life be the proof that You judged the world and deposed its ruler. I celebrate my new life with great joy. Thank You, Jesus! Amen!
I thank you who send me a reply. I read what you have written. The best way to get answers is by asking your Pastor or a Bible teacher at your local congregation. You can critique what I have written with your friends on facebook, or better still, in a home Bible Study with your brothers and sisters in Christ and potential new believers. If you start a home study group, get the blessing of your church. Beware of false teachers who may come to your door or who may be on radio or TV. There is protection in the fellowship of a church which is affiliated with an established denomination. Here in Canada, you can check the website of The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada for affiliated churches. Also, there are local congregations of the historic denominations which may not be a part of the EFC, but they are true to the historic Christian faith. Check out the church. Click here for the most ancient declaration and summary of our faith, “The Apostles Creed.” Still have questions? Make an appointment with a Pastor.
Yours for the glory of the One Who said, “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself” (John 12:32),
Amen, David! We are living for You, Jesus! Praise God for Your Holy Name! Wishing all saints of the living blog, a blessed day in the Lord!
O LORD, in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch. Psalm 5:3 ESV
Ever Be // Kalley Heiligenthal// We Will Not Be Shaken//Official Lyric Video
Thank you for your faithful example and witness of Gods word
our prayers are with you and the outreach of Crossroads
Beverley, I just wanted you to know how blessed I am by the music you recommend listening to. What a beautiful praise song this morning. Thank you.
Thank you David for being faithful in your boots every morning. Some days it is the only scripture I get to read.
To God be the glory. Blessings to all today.
Lol. Not boots David, spell check ugggg! Should be blog.
PLEASE pray for my son, he may be having a heart attack, he is only 38 years old. He is a Christian , and has a wife and 3 young children. He is in emergency right now. Thanks.
I have just prayed for your son Mary. Bless you dear friend in Christ.
Amen praying for your son Mary for guidance for those tending to him; and for total healing
Yes Mary, just prayed for your son, Amen !
Hi,Mary,I trust your son is stable now?I just now prayed,a day late but for recovery.God bless
Our Father
Oh God our Father you love us so,
We are blind and can not know
Just how great and kind you are,
Content to love us from afar.
We turn our backs and still you care;
We close our eyes but you are there.
Oh,why are we so far gone:
We must choose freely for Zion.
We hurt you daily by endless sin
But still your light guides us in.
You could not know how weak we are
So you sent us Jesus to bear our scars.
We are a mixture of sin and praise,
But still you lift our spirits to raise
The love that you see in us still,
A desire to follow your holy will.
G W (Bill) Marshall /Oct 10,2011
Yes, Mary have prayed for your son. Good advice David. Looking forward to seeing you on 100 Huntley St. Glad you are back Beverlee.
Praying for you pastor David and 100 Huntley ST.What a blessing to have this program in our country.I look forward to each day hearing and reading God’s inspired word.Also reading the comments and prayer requests.
I pray for him often.It was a ‘quiet confidence’ that caused me to write this poem:
Catch The Fire (4 David Mainse)
Though you have walked many oceans
And spread My word to many nations,
I saw in you and your devotions
A servant of joyous exhalations.
You have not asked for earthly wealth,
But just to be my most humble voice
And when adversity was kept in stealth
You still worshiped Me out of free choice.
So out of free choice I give you
More time upon the stage of learning,
Whereby My word you show to be true
And catch the fire that’s forever burning.
G W(Bill) Marshall / 01 February, 2014
I just found this earlier prayer in another file which I had forgotten:
In The Blood (4 Pst.David Mainse )
I pray for healing in the blood,oh Lord,
I pray You will stretch out your hand,
That You,my Lord,with Your fiery sword,
Will show justice and not let evil stand.
I know,my Lord,that Satan has cursed me
And that only you can remove this hex,
For it is you,Most High,that none can see,
Who can take any scourge from our necks.
So I pray for healing in the blood,my God,
That you allow me to serve you,
So as I spread your word all may laud,
The name of the Father in all we do.
G W (Bill) Marshall / 12 September, 2013
12 No one has ever seen God. But
if we love each other, God lives in us.
If we love each other, God’s love has
reached its goal—it is made perfect
in us. 1 John 4:12 (ERV)
Thanks again,David.My short Christian life has a long testimony to it which my mentors,several Pastors and a deacon(and CMA) who are now my close friends,know.I do share portions with links on my FB.If you find time to check it,I’m standing next to my DL 1000.Mt leather jacket has a large cross on the front compliments indirectly of the CMA.The poems I write and how they started is the reason for my faith.Besisde most of today’s scripture,I posted these words below.I’m about half way through my second trip through 100 Words.Thank you for leading.God bless
” Without Sin?
Without sin how would we know where the beginning of truth is?There is no definite boundary to the light of a candle.A ‘white lie’ is still a lie and,arguably,close to (on which side?) this boundary.Satan hides his lies inside a lot of truth.Here’s an anology:
Experts on counterfeit money don’t study the bogus money but instead they study the genuine money so well that they know the bogus money by what it does NOT have.
Knowing God’s word is the only way to spot Satan’s lies when you here it from bogus (Prosperity preachers are good examples.) preachers who know the bible inside and out and use it to ‘their’ advantage.
11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. “
Thanks Bill for your interesting comments.Will be sharing them!
God bless,Al.
It was good to see you this morning on Huntley St. David. You are still looking good thanks to the Lord for keeping you with us.
Prayed for your son Mary. Welcome back Beverlee Kay I missed your music link.
David thank for this blog it has been a blessing for me. At lot of things that I did not understand is now clear and getting clearer.
Have a blessed day fellow bloggers, and may God continue to Bless us all.
I prayed for healing for your son, Mary. My the Lord bless him. I also have a son 38 yrs old.
Amen to all the comments today yes Beverly is good too see you back again I’ve missed your comments and Mary my prayers are with you and yes I am looking forward to watching at least read with Lorna and David and Kathy and Reynold so God bless to all and to all the blogs have a great day God bless you all amen thank you
appreciated seeing you and Lorna on TV this morning; so special!!
Am praying for you David, for total healing in Jesus Name, Amen!!
On my fridge door is a copy of the “Apostles Creed”.
Today’s scriptures again point to all Jesus endured even before going to the Cross; the taunts, the accusations; the animosity; He withstood it all!!!
Great photo Reynold:
Was special to see and hear Kathy and Reynold this morning as they were interviewed by Cheryl Weber. Sharing their hearts and ministry in Uganda and all the Lord is doing there through them. May God continue to Bless and strengthen them in all they do.
I love the scripture posted today. Mary, I prayed for your son and your family. You once asked me to pray for you, David. You never told me what it was about. I did right there with you then in North Bay. I’m asking the same from you today. Grateful. Bless you all.
David I watched 100 Huntley Street today and it was great to see you and Lorna and Kathy and Reynolds on the program it was a great program God bless you all amen
Thank you Sah and Lianne for your prayers from yesterday. I belong to a wonderful church in Brampton, very supportive ladies. Our minister is amazing and was recently nominated for Bishop.
Praying for you Mary for your son, you are going through too much right now!
Thanks for the outreach over the years.
I would like to know the doctor who treated you back to health.
I have a relative fighting a certain condition who could benefit from that
alternative medicine. We are a Christian God-loving family. So help
us and share the doc’s name and address to the above email. I heard
your testimony in Church.
Thank you.