Today’s Reading: John 2 – 3
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

Here is a panorama of the modern-day city of Cana (John 2). The population at the time of Jesus would have reflected more the size of a small village.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Jesus repeated the John 3:16 truth again in 3:18, and in 3:36 He restates this fact. We should watch for when the Holy Spirit inspires the writers of Scripture to record these repeats. Jesus would not waste words, but would make sure He got His point across. In this case, eternal destinies are at stake. The words “believe in” make all the difference. We can believe about Jesus, or believe maybe, and go through all the motions of religion, but nothing will change. Believing “in” Jesus changes everything! This is what a bride does when she walks down the church aisle and says, “I will” and “I do.” She is giving her very life to her beloved. According to Jesus, in marriage, the two become one. We are one with Him. Jesus, as in the wedding in Cana, literally becomes the LIFE of the party. Our celebration of our union with Him goes on forever. We should celebrate together with others as often as possible. Going to Church and enjoying the company of others in Christ’s Bride is a natural expression of our union.
Lord Jesus, You gave Your life to me, and I’ve given my life to You. I believe in You. I pray for grace so that I won’t take You for granted or bring any disgrace to You. You love me and have told me over and over that You do. I love You too, with all my heart. I delight in Your presence! Amen!
A few blogs ago, I mentioned a live Canadian Broadcasting Corporation TV interview where I was asked about money. In that same show, the host, who was a one-time ordained minister, said that Jesus only spoke of being “born again” once. I answered, “Charles, have you been reading your Bible faithfully lately?” Jesus said that twice for a stronger emphasis. The Apostles taught this in several places such as in 2 Corinthians 5:17. Saint Paul taught that if we are in Christ we are new creations. Old things have passed away and all things have become new. What an amazing opportunity to boast in the Person and work of Jesus.
I can’t let this blog pass by without mentioning that in 1983 our second daughter, Ellen Jean, married a young man named Nizar Shaheen, whose home town is Cana of Galilee, where Jesus performed His first miracle (John 2). His culture says that the groom’s family puts on the wedding, not Ellen’s family. Nizar’s arrival at the church in Cana was spectacular. He was dressed in white and rode on a highly decorated white horse with hundreds of men dancing around him. The bride, on the other hand, simply slipped out from the background to stand before the pastor for the ceremony. Experiencing a Middle-Eastern wedding helped me to understand the coming of Christ for His Bride in a new way (Revelation 19:11 & 21:9). I’ve taken the time just now to thrill to the reading of the last chapter of the Bible, Revelation 22. I recommend it. Also, I encourage everyone to check out what God has done with this Cana marriage by visiting the website of Nizar and Ellen’s ministry to the Arab world called Light For All Nations.
Yours to tell the stories of the past, an old man’s joy, and to teach that we can be confident that God will put the final period to the stories of how His Bride and He have done God’s will on earth as it is in Heaven,
We are waiting to hear an update on you, David. Oh, thank You, Jesus, for being the light of our world! Surely You are coming quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus, come! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all, saints. Amen. Wishing you a glorious day in the Lord.
Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, you who lead Joseph like a flock. You who are enthroned upon the cherubim, shine forth. Psalm 80:1 ESV
Never Going Back, United Pursuit (So in LOVE with this song!!!)
Amen, by the grace of God I’m going on. Remember seeing the wedding of Nizar and Ellen on 100 Huntley St. Jesus is still the miracle worker today. Is a lovely day here in NB. Blessings saints!
It was good to read the last chapter of Revelation again. What a blessed hope we have in the Lord. Thank you Pastor David for you faithfulness, getting the Word out early every morning. I do love hearing your memories of your dear family keep them coming. Praying that your heath is improving every day.
Blessings to all .
“This is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it “. Eleanor M.
Does anyone know the rest of this verse?
Tune: Londonderry Air. ( Danny Boy)
For God so loved the world, I find it written,
In verse 16, John’s gospel, chapter three.
He gave His life, Who was for sinner’s smitten.
Upon the cruel cross, at Calvary.
Thank you for all you, who write in this blog, and especially to those who prepare it daily.
May God bless you all. Mary.
I have been praying for you David and wondering how you are doing. I love reading your daily blogs.
Yes!!! please do bring us up to date on how you are doing David….you are so special to me/us…and journaling along with you well into our 3rd time is so Eternally worthwhile/precious/wonderful/vital….. beginning each morning…best investment ever and so very thankful!!!…( also love to read fellow bloggers input:) )
Amen Janina!
Blessings everyone for a wonderful day!
I to have been wondering how you are doing as well David .
Yes, up date is needed love your leadership!
Thank you, David and Ron for your faithful, uplifting blogs. I also appreciate the links you give for the lovely songs and other items of interest which make it easy for us to access them. May the Lord continue to bless your service through these efforts.
I pray God will keep everyone safe on your trip Wendy! Sounds exciting!
Congratulations Ger, another member of a family!
Maybe I missed a blog! I had thought that David Mainse was at home! Has this changed! I pray that he is recovering nicely at home! Please update if this is not the case! thank you.
Lord speak to some Christians in my community to plan some events in the late afternoon or early evenings for those who have sleep disorders, they are not able to attend any events at Church during day….Lord even a musical group which could gather once a week and we could sing Gospel songs, have a cup of tea, visit with other people from other congregations…..I miss not being able to go to church in the mornings, however, there are about 4,000 of us who are Nocturnal, go to sleep around 4 a.m and awake around noon! We get good rest and I thank God for this good rest, it just means that I have to arrange to get things done and I have to pick and choose what I am going to do, sometimes I have to leave things go….it is hard……however I truly believe
God brought this about because He saw who needed this restful sleep! So, I ask Him to provide some means of getting together to Worship our Lord God and to praise Him and to encourage and uplift each other. In Jesus Name I pray amen
May God grant everyone a blessed peaceful day!
Thank you so much for your prayer.
Even so, “Come, Lord Jesus” Amen and Amen!!!