Today’s Reading: John 1
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Here my son Reynold is sitting at sunrise on the edge of a cliff that overlooks the Jordan Valley and Dead Sea. You can also see the mountain of Masada and the Roman seige ramp to the right. Jesus is “The Word.” Jesus is God’s primary way of communicating to us. A secondary way is in the wonder of creation.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Could we take the time now or later to read, along with John 1, Colossians 1 and the first chapter of Hebrews? This will let us know, once and for all, who Jesus of Nazareth is. If we have decided to believe those who knew Jesus best, like John, or those who were educated and elite Jewish scholars, like Paul and the writer to the Hebrews, we are NOT left with the option of believing Jesus is ONLY a prophet or ONLY a great teacher. He is all of these and MUCH MORE. Intellectual honesty demands that we confess that God communicated His message to the human race in one “Word,” Who “dwelt among us,” One who showed His glory to many of His contemporaries, “The glory as of the only begotten [not created] of the Father.” We’ve just completed reading Leviticus, Moses’ revelation of God, and now it would be helpful to read again John 1:17-18. The transition from Moses to Jesus is clear. This was so evident in the first century that thousands of Jews believed it, including many of the Jewish priests who were truly open to the “Word” of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Lord Jesus, You are, in Your Person, the fullness of the communication of the Great “I Am” to the human family. Bless me, Lord, I pray, to be able to communicate to others the fact that You, Jesus, are 100% God, as well as 100% Human. Amen!
My eldest son, David Reynold Mainse, as just a boy, said to me one night as we gazed at the stars, “God did that.” We marvelled at His creation. I can’t remember my exact response, but I know that I tried to never miss an opportunity to point out that this great Creator was born in Bethlehem as One of us. The Angels in the night sky sang to the shepherds of God’s Glory and instructed them to find this Child. The shepherds did so and worshipped Him. Just now, I’m overwhelmed with the need to worship Him. Norma-Jean would always sing to our grandchildren (and now great-grandchildren) at bedtime, “All hail King Jesus, all hail Emmanuel, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, bright Morning Star.” This has always been her “tucking in ritual.” In case you don’t know this song of worship, I’ll ask our son, Ronald Wesley Mainse, to try to find it on the Internet so you can join in the rapture of worshipping Jesus, King of the universe. [Found it…here]
Yours to help us to be among those who receive Him and thus have the right to become children of God through believing in His Name (John 1:12),
REMINDER: If you wish to post a comment on my blog, go to and click on the “Comments” bubble (which is next to the date). Then scroll to the bottom, where it says, “Leave a Reply.”
Oh, the Lord was calling me, very early, this morning. I could not wait to read John 1. Thank You Lord, for being our everything and for Your beautiful creation all around us! Words simply cannot express the love we feel for/from You! Stunning photo and caption, Reynold. Praying for you, dear David, and all saints of the living blog. Wishing all a blessed day, in the Lord.
It is good to praise the LORD and make music to your name, O Most High,
proclaiming your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night,
For you make me glad by your deeds, LORD; I sing for joy at what your hands have done. How great are your works, LORD, how profound your thoughts!
Psalm 92: 1-2, 4-5, NIV
Here I am Lord with lyrics, Eric Tom
PTL Made it through Leviticus,happy to be back in the New Testament!
God bless you David as you direct us through God’s word!
Praise the Lord,! What an awesome God we serve.
I am overwhelming with joy and gladness to know that God the Father commucates with me. As it is fall, I in AW of God’s creation. He has made it for us to enjoy. Today lessons is a powerful message to us.
Thank you Pastor Maines for blessing us today and always throughout all your blogs.
God bless you!!!
For many days I have been thinking about writing a comment. This is new to me. Today when I saw the “reminder”, I thought, the Holy Spirit is telling me “this is your day!” I am so thankful to you, David, for creating this wonderful blog. I am so blessed by every part. I want to share that I am very excited that I will be touring Israel with Ron and Ann and the Crossroads ministry very shortly. God is so good.
Good for you Wendy. What an opportunity, I would to go to Israel.
Bless you Pastor David and all bloggers. Eleanor M.
Sorry I mean would love to go to Israel.
Thank you Eleanor.
That is awesome, Wendy! Enjoy your trip to Israel with the group. God bless you!
Thank you Beverlee.
Am enjoying John 1 and the blog this morning. Rejoicing that I am one of them who have received and believe in Jesus. The photo and songs blessed me also. Enjoy your trip Wendy; I did last year immensely. The Lord bless you David and all fellow saints. We had a new member added to our family on the 13th, Caleb Mark. Praise God!
Congratulations on your new family member, Caleb Mark, Ger!
Praise God. What clear and repeated message of Who Christ is ,ABOVE ALL OTHER CREATION, LOVE AND POWER.
Praise the Lord for all he has created
What a glorious morning…singing with you “King of Kings and Lord of Lords”
Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice
Thank you Beverlee. God bless you.
Nice to be in New Testament .Makes me so grateful for what Jesus did for us!
Amen–it is a great reminder!