Today’s Reading: Leviticus 23
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

All along the Old City walls of Jerusalem you will see bricked-in windows which gave a good defensive vantage point for soldiers. This window is at the walk-in entrance at the Jaffa Gate.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Leviticus 23:5
On the fourteenth day of the first month at twilight is the Lord’s Passover.
We who live in the so-called “new world” have trouble imagining anything really old. The walls pictured above are old, but really old are the establishment of the seven feasts of the Lord. They began 3,500 years ago and continue in the lives and homes of observant Jews today. The early Christians were all Jews, at least until the conversion of the Roman army officer, Cornelius (Acts 10). They continued faithfully celebrating these annual feasts, and in the past year, thousands of believers in Jesus who are Jewish are still celebrating. Many of us who are Gentiles have joined them from time to time (the Feast of Tabernacles is celebrated this month). Jews who believe that Jesus is their Lord and Saviour describe for us with great joy how Jesus is the “Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). Some who read “100 words” are Jewish! Here’s an assignment for the rest of us. How do we see Jesus in all seven feasts? Here is a good summary article for you.
Lord Jesus, as a Jewish Man, You celebrated the feasts. What a joy it would’ve been to live in a booth made of branches for a week with You during the Feast of Tabernacles! May I celebrate who You are for 52 weeks every year. I rejoice in Your constant Presence. Amen!
On Norma-Jean’s night table for several weeks I noticed a book she was reading. It’s “The Practice of the Presence of God” by Brother Lawrence. Her book mark was in his “5th Letter.” I read there, “This King, who is full of goodness and mercy, doesn’t punish me. Rather, He embraces me lovingly and invites me to eat at His table. He serves me Himself and gives me the keys to His treasury, treating me as His favourite…This is what being in His holy presence is like.” You can find this classic book online in a variety of versions here or you can read it online for free here. Recently I read again a timely book published by our Crossroads Ministry on the current epidemic of teen suicide by Dr. Jerry Johnston and our former Crossroads CEO, Don Simmonds, entitled, “Why They Die: Curing the Death Wish in Our Kids.” Please, please get this book. It will motivate you to loving action on behalf of our teens. Every parent or grandparent needs to understand what is going on in the minds of today’s youth. You can request your copy here.
Yours for celebrating His Presence, and for ministering as His representative,
Thanks for the link to the article, David. Praying for you and all saints. Enjoy the windy day.
Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation.
Give heed to the voice of my cry, my King and my God,
For to You I will pray.
My voice You shall hear in the morning, O LORD;
In the morning I will direct it to You,
And I will look up.
Psalm 5:1-3 NKJV
For The Lamb (Acoustic Version)
Thank you for the reading of the feasts I never read them before
God bless you and your family you are in my prayers
May God bless and keep all of you. Thank you for your faithfulness. And thank You, Lord God, for Your love for all people everywhere. Please open people’s eyes, minds, and hearts to know You. Give Your people boldness and compassion to share Your gospel, and bless all Your missionary people everywhere. I pray for a great revival, an awakening that will bring many, many, many into Your Kingdom, Lord. In Jesus’ most precious name, amen
Amen and amen!
God Bless you Pastor David for this morning’s manna which included the informative links, covering the seven feasts of the Lord!!!
What a feed!!! Thank you!
Yes Pastor David I also enjoyed the link. It it great to have the Festivals explained nm this manner. I remember a couple came to our Church years ago and did the Passion Supper. I remember that it was very interesting . Keep well and bless you your family and all bloggers. Eleanor M.
Sorry meant to day Passover Supper.
Irene we are praying for healing for your sister Ollie! We pray that the visit to the Docotors went well, we bless all who work in the medical profession!
We pray you will let us know how things are going in her life!
God bless you Irene! Thank you for your prayers also….very much appreciated!
Thank you Sah!!!