Today’s Reading: Leviticus 19
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

Panorama of the Sea of Galilee looking from the north to south. The grain fields on the slopes are ready for harvest. My two sons and I gleaned from the fruit hanging over the fences while back-packing along the road which runs along the far side of Galilee. Ron was 14 and Reynold was 16. We qualified as “The poor and the stranger” described in Leviticus 19:9-10.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Leviticus 19:2
Speak to all the congregation of the children of Israel, and say to them: “You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy.”
Seven of the Ten Commandments are emphasized here. Obviously, God knows that we need reminders. An old preacher was asked how he made sure his points were well made. He answered, “I tell them what I’m going to tell them, I tell them what I’m telling them, and then I tell them what I told them.” The truth is that we need all the help we can get to more fully understand God’s Word. If you have not already done so, I have a favour to ask of you. Please help me, like the old preacher, to tell the story to as many as possible. Consider sharing a link to 100words.ca on Facebook, twitter, e-mail, and even the old fashioned way of letters and phone calls. There are bulletin boards, as well as the really old way, word of mouth. God really hammers “tale-bearing,” or gossip, in today’s reading. But there is a GOOD tale to bear as well! Amen? Verses 6-8 were health guidelines. There was no refrigeration. God’s Word has a multi-purpose application.
Lord God, I’m so thankful for the honour of Your call to read Your Word daily and participate in this blog. I am to love my neighbour as myself, as You reminded me again in our Leviticus 19 reading. Please help me to find fresh, creative ways to “love my neighbour as myself” today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen!
The law of “gleanings” is here in our reading. This involves the harvest of grains, as well as fruit. In Israel today, this is still the law. My sons, Reynold, Ron and I took advantage of this in March of 1978 when we back-packed around Israel. There were no corner stores for many miles, but there were orchards of oranges, grapefruits, and something we never saw here at home, pomelos. They looked like grapefruit, only bigger and sweeter. Actually, these “offerings” hung over the fences. I’ve prayed fervently over the years that the “Fruit of the Spirit” (Galatians 5:22-23) would be hanging out there in my life, so that everyone I meet could “Taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8). Every day, my son Reynold “offers” his photographs, taken during his travels in many Biblical locations. Let me also recognize my son Ron and his wife Ann. They “offered” to check this blog for spelling and punctuation errors, and Ann, an American, as well as a Canadian, ensures that when I use the American spelling of words like “favor” (American), they are changed to the international British (and Canadian) spelling, “favour.” Way to go Ann. Ron puts his brother’s pictures in the blog, and makes sure the technical matters, of which I know very little, are cared for.
Thank you to all my faithful helpers and readers,
David, I just want to say how grateful I am for the encouragement to stick with
Reading through the Bible. Also I am thankful to the Lord for your continued
Healing, will keep praying that God grants you many more years of service to
Him. I myself have a breast cancer that i
Praise God for His faithfulness and love. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I really enjoy reading Scripture, your explanations and personal notes David and -time permitting -checking out links, as well as the photos. This is a great ministry. Many blessings, Deborah
Amen and amen!Happy Thanksgiving to the Mainse families and our blog families. May our Lord richly bless you.
Yes, Amen and Amen!!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO THE MAINSE FAMILY, and thanks for this morning manna which comes to us daily!!
Happy Thanksgiving to all this morning. After reading David’s blog this morning, I had a big ole smile on my face. God is good.
For all of us right now who cannot be “happy” please remember there always something be thankful to God for— one of the things I am thankful for is this blog– and the fellowship of believers it has foster– blessings to everyone who is reading this blog today, a tiny pebble into the river of God’s Grace that the Holy Spirit has caused the ripples of it to extend further out that we can imagine. Amen
In yesterday’s Sunday issue of the Vancouver Province paper, they had 2 pages of short interviews from immigrants, about why they were thankful about coming to make a permanent home here in Canada. Some were from war torn Europe and the war torn middle east. Others were from different African nations. Some were from China and other eastern countries.
I read them all and when finished it drew a tear to my eye… We have a lot to be thankful for here in this wonderful country of ours where we are relatively free from discrimination etc. etc…
To the Mainse family and all fellow bloggers and followers of Lord Jesus – may you each have a wonderful day as you celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends.
God Bless.
Thank you David, Ron, Renold and Ann for your following God’s heart in putting
this blog ( our manna) everyday you do a wonderful job I love the pictures you take
Renold it feels like I am there. I love the picture of you David and Norma Jean to all
your family Happy Thanksgiving !
Dear David and everyone at Crossroads
Just want to express special thanks to our amazing God for ALL HE IS and for all He has done and for all He has promised He will do.
Also thank you to 100 Huntley Street for so many years of committed ministry to bless so many Canadians.
I first watched 100 Huntley Street in1976 and right away saw something in you David and Norma Jean and all the others that attracted me.
Ultimately God used you to draw me into a much closer walk and much greater commitment.
God has so blessed us down through all these years and even gave me the privilege of ministering at Crossroads with the ministry Hope For The Abused ,along with Audrey McRonald.
My husband Jim and I are extremely blessed to have been privileged to support Ceossroads throughout these years.
God bless you all as you faithfully soldier on
Thank you again for your faithfulness
Love in Him Eleanor
Happy Thanksgiving to all. As I was driving to town last week a field of freshly dug potatoes was definitely being gleaned. There were people all over the field with there buckets. Gleaning is still going on today. Thankful for a good life here in Canada.
Amen, David! Praise God as he reminds us throughout Leviticus 19: “I am the LORD your God! Pastor Nathaniel Forsey at Kingsway Christian Church, in Kingston, yesterday, reminded all the saints how blessed we are and to praise God with thanksgiving continuously. No matter what our circumstances, no matter how bad things can be, we sing with happiness and joyful praise! We are alive, we are in a place of worship, we are blessed beyond comprehension, and we adore You, Lord!! We are noting without You but everything with You and we give You, all the thanks and praise! In Jesus’ mighty Name, amen, amen, and amen. Blessings dear David, and fellow saints, in the Lord!
Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Romans 5:5 NKJV
Your Love Changes Everything, United Pursuit, (ft. Brock Human)
Thank you for this ministry. Happy that your health has improved. God is good.
Just letting my fellow bloggers know that I will be leaving for New Zealand tomorrow, for 3 months. I’m not sure if I can get this blog there. Does Crossroads extend that far? If not, I will “gestimate” how far the Bible reading has advanced and hopefully not be too far behind. Blessings to all. Thanks David Maines for being so faithful in doing this excellent teaching. May Jesus continue the healing process of your body. If I can’t . receive this, then I’ll say Merry Christmas to all. I will be visiting my daughter and her family in N Zealand. mi
I pray the Angels guard over you as you travel, Beth, and also during your 3 moths in New Zealand. I pray your time will be fruitful and special as you visit with your daughter and her family.
God’s Blessings and protection, in the Name of Jesus Our Lord I pray, Amen!!!
Praying for a safe and blessed trip to New Zealand, Beth. Enjoy your daughter and family!
We are so blessed to have this daily manna! The blessings of the Lord on you and your family Pastor David Mainse. Blessing you on this Thanksgiving Day!!!
God bless you Beth Morrison as you travel to New Zealand! May you be blessed with many good experiences! If you can blog to us on this blog, that would be great!
Thank you all for the prayers and blessings.