Today’s Reading: Leviticus 1-2
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Inside the full-scale replica of the Tabernacle of Moses, behind the Brazen Altar and the Brazen Laver, you can see the entrance to the Holy Place. A priest would put blood on the horns of the altar (in this photo the blood is not real). The Living Bible translation of Hebrews 10:19 says, “Now we may walk right into the very Holy of Holies, where God is, because of the blood of Jesus. This is the fresh, new, life-giving way that Christ has opened up for us by tearing the curtain…His human body…to let us into the holy presence of God.”
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Leviticus 1:3
If his offering is a burnt sacrifice of the herd, let him offer a male without blemish; he shall offer it of his own free will at the door of the tabernacle of meeting before the Lord.
It was a bloody, awful place of death. The fires which consumed the sacrifice on the Brazen Altar represented Hell. People make jewel-encrusted ornate crosses for decoration, but we should not mistake the fact that the altar on which Jesus suffered the fires of Hell and death was not pretty. It was an awful place! Only the eternal, infinite God-in-flesh, Jesus, could take the sins of all of us and suffer complete isolation from His Father God as sin demanded. Only Jesus could take the instrument of the most horrible method of execution and turn it into the glory of the Cross.
The word “voluntary” emphasizes, with great clarity, the under-girding reason for burnt offerings. Jesus went to the Cross as a “voluntary” Sacrifice. The Cross was the place where an eternal settlement was reached between ultimate justice and the holy, without blemish, Victim. We should meditate on this, partake in communion with other believers, and read more fully today, if possible, Hebrews 10:1-25.
I confess my sinfulness to You, Lord Jesus, and I voluntarily give myself to identify with Your death on the Cross. Please help me to believe and understand that I now live in the power of Your life. I’m Your volunteer for living for You. In Your Name, dear Saviour, I pray. Amen!
I’ll never forget the day at Expo ’92 in Seville, Spain when the Salvation Army band from Bristol, England, marched through the streets and played the hymn, In the Cross of Christ I Glory, “…towering over the wrecks of time.” That day, Sept 1st, was the day of honour for Saudi Arabia. The Saudis brought a 747 load of young men from their Imam training school in Mecca. They distributed 200,000 flags bearing the inscription in the Arabic language, “Allah is God and Mohammad is His Prophet.” At the first intersection, the band had to wait for the Saudi trams to pass. Hell knew and Heaven knew the words on the flag in Arabic and the words to the hymn the band was playing, “Would you be free from your burden of sin? There’s power in the Blood.” The second intersection where they met, the Salvation Army band got there first and the Saudis had to stop. To me the symbolism and the power of spiritual warfare was never so obvious. The “Power in the Blood” defeated the effort to convert people to Islam. The next day at our Crossroads Pavilion of Promise at Expo ’92 (photo below), there were not just 700-800 decisions for Christ, as was usual daily total, but over 1,200 precious people made first time decisions to give their lives fully to Jesus. Nothing else had changed on earth, but in the heavenlies the victory of the Cross had been clearly declared! The number of daily decisions for Christ remained at over 1,200 for the remaining six weeks of the Expo. What had really happened? I think about this often.
Yours to encourage us all to voluntarily serve the Lord,
Amen! We praise You, Lord, and You, alone! You are the Alpha, the Omega, the beginning and the end. You are the great Yahweh, Jehovah Jireh Rapha and Nissi. We are nothing without You and everything with You. You are our strength, our rock, our saving grace. We live for You, and You, alone! It is all for Your power and glory. Amen! Praying for you, this morning, dear David. Thank you saints for keeping me in your prayers, today, for traveling mercies and strength; going to see my mom. Blessings fellow saints in the Lord.
But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear him,
and his righteousness with their children’s children—
with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts.
The Lord has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all.
Psalm 103:17-19 NIV
Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) – Hillsong United – Lyrics – Zion 2013
God Bless you and refresh you this day Beverlee as you travel; angel’s guard over you and keep you safe; I pray a sweet fellowship for you and your Mom in the Love of the Lord, Amen!!
Amen Beverly!!!
Beverlee Kay, you are an encouragement! Thank you. And may God bless and strengthen all you followers of Jesus. As Corrie ten Boom said, “The best is yet to come!”
Thank you, David, thank you and your family for all you do for us, daily, putting together this blog. Especially with you in hospital.
I have had cellulitis, that is what caused the infection in my hip replacement, 3 months after my surgery. I was on antibiotics from December 5 th until 6 weeks after my last surgery, February 23 rd.
I have been home for 6 months, and Friday, this week, I go in to have my other hip replacement.
I have just had a call from Huntley Street, and the lady prayed with me. It is wonderful that God put my name in front of her today, He is so good, and He is the only One in charge of everything in the life of a believer!!
I am asking for your prayers also, thank you in advance for praying for me. I am trusting that I will not be in the hospital for more than 4 – 5 days this time.
Beverlee, I hope you have a good visit with your mother, and you find her better than you expected.
God richly bless you all. Jeremiah 29 verses 11-14.
Amen, agreeing in prayer with you Mary, for a speedy recovery after surgery, and for the Lord to be in all that is done for you during and after hip surgery. Amen!
May Jesus, Who stays closer than a brother, Comfort and Keep you during your hospital experience, Mary. Prayer continuing for David also. Have a wonderful visit with Mom, Beverlee.
Amen Doreen:
Amen Doreen.
What a powerful testimony of God’s Power and Love …thank you Pastor David for sharing all that God did through your presentation at the Pavilion of Promise at Expo ’92 in Seville, Spain!!!
We were at the Vancouver Expo,what a great pavilion.God’s love was all over that pavilion! Praise be to God!
My daily 100word.ca stopped as of Saturday please reboot . as am not receiving at my email address of shadareb@gmail.com