Today’s Reading: Exodus 33-34
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

The Tabernacle of Moses. This life-sized replica is situated at Timna National Park in Southern Israel.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Exodus 33:15
Then he said to Him, “If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here…”
How did Moses know that God’s Presence was with him? First of all, God promised that “My Presence will go with you and give you rest” (31:14). Moses was so very human. God had just promised His Presence, and now Moses uses that little word “if.” God gives grace in spite of our unbelief. Secondly, God allows Moses to experience His Glory. The Word comes first and then the experience. All we really need is His Word. He says to us, “I am with you always” (Matthew 28:20). This is His promise to us at all times. He also says, “Where two or three are gathered together in My Name, I am there in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20). We should not require more proof. Nevertheless, Jesus, with great emphasis promises He is “confirming His Word with accompanying signs. Amen” (Mark 16:20).
I praise and worship You, Lord God, for Your Presence. If You don’t go with me, I won’t go anywhere. I know according to Your Word that You are with me. Therefore, I will boldly move into this new day and into the rest of my life with excitement, knowing that You will work all things after the counsel of Your will (Ephesians 1:11).
I was waiting on God during a week of fasting and prayer about 14 years ago. I would show up in the Chapel very early each morning to petition God for His directions. Always I would think of Joshua, who was there with Moses every day in the tent of meeting. “…Joshua…did not depart from the tabernacle” (33:11). Joshua was there faithfully. It’s obvious why Joshua was to occupy a place of leadership.
One of those who would sometimes show up to pray with me in the chapel in the early morning was my co-host, Lorna Dueck, now Crossroads CEO. Lorna needs us to rise up, pray, and do our best to give generously this month…and then just to let her know you are solidly with her, give again within a few days! I’ll make sure Lorna gets the “double giving” list. By the way, I’m currently in hospital trying to fight an infection. Your prayers are appreciated.
Yours to help us all to know God’s will through His Word,
Lord, in today’s blog, David mentioned he is in hospital fighting an infection. Would you please fight that infection for him, and restore him to health? Thank you. Amen.
Jesus we are asking in faith to heal this man of God, David Mainse, you said ask and it shall be given! So we are asking and believing for a full recovery, and we thank you for that! Amen!
Many blessings to you and your family David!
Lord hear our pleas for David’s healing. Thank you for removing the inflammation that is causing the infection in him, in Jesus name we pray, amen.
Praying for you Pastor David, on hands and knees. Lord God, our Heavenly Father, great physician healer and protector, strengthen David Mainse with Your healing touch. Cover and anoint him with the precious blood of Your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Lord, fill David with the Holy Spirit that he may overcome the infection and be well again. We pray for Your loving mercy upon him. Give him strength rest and renewal, in the mighty Name of Jesus, we pray. Amen, amen, and amen. Blessings dearest saints in the Lord.
Commit your way to the Lord,
Trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass.
He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light,
And your justice as the noonday.
Psalm 37:5-6 NKJV
Healer, Hillsong
Dear David: We are praying for you and all my friends and relatives all over the world, where I send your blog religiously every morning at 6 a.m. ‘ WE CLAIM THIS PROMISE FOR YOU: ‘ BY YOUR WOUNDS DAVID IS HEALED’ (I PETER 2:24).
Father God we pray for your healing to flow through David and cleanse him from this infection. In Jesus Name!! Amen
I am praying for you. May the Lord continue to give you His peace. May He strengthen you. He loves you and so do we. Actually, we love you and Norma Muchly!
We add our Prayers to othera for Davids complete healing in Jesus name. We have been listening to Huntley Street since it first aired. If we miss an episode we watch on laptop. Thanks so much for such an upliftimg program Alex and Jill
Thank You Father in Jesus name that Your Presence is with David and You will bless him with rest and healing of the infection that he has.
We praise you Father Son and Holy Spirit.
Heavenly Father— Thank you for all your promises to us, for being faithful to Your Word. I know you have heard all the prayers for healing for your servant David and will answer them according to Your Will. Please give David’s care givers guidance on choosing the best course of treatment and care for the infection inflicting his body. Strengthen his family and friends as they journey with him through another illness, grant them courage to hope, to trust in You and Your Perfect Will for each one of us, whatever that may be. In Jesus Name we pray— Amen
Amen, and Amen
Amen brother David. Our Lord is with you always. He will see you through this attack from Satan… God will bless you further as you continue your new work in 100 Huntley Street… Amen and Amen!
As a child of God, Lord. I pray for a healing for David’s infection .I pray he heals completely . I pray rest for him and for his family. May the peace that passes all understanng be with the whole family. God Bless you, David and your family. Reynold’s pictures are so helpful. They would make a great book to accompany the bible. To actually see these places and holy buildings is just wonderful!.
Dear Pastor David, I am lifting up my voice to the Lord along with my blog friends, asking him to heal your infection. Jesus says in Mark 10v27 KJV. With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible. Dear Father in the precious name of Jesus I am asking you to heal this your dear servant once again. Be with his dear family and give him and them strength as he is in hospital. Thank you Lord for hearing our prays in Jesus precious name. Amen and amen.
David I am praying for your healing as well also I prayed the same prayer as you did
Thank you for your faithfulness to write even in when your not feeling well. I would appreciate you remembering us today. My oldest son Jeremy fell from 15′ off a ladder and broke his wrist. We are very grateful for Gods protection of limiting his injury because he fell on concrete. He is a faithful servant in his church and community. His wife and 3 small children would also appreciate your prayers. Thanks Brian/Betty Switzer
Thanking the Lord that your son was not seriously injured from his fall and praying for complete healing for his wrist and strength and courage for his wife and children too. Have also joined in the prayers for David’s complete recovery from this infection and for courage and strength and peace for Norma Jean and the Mainse family. I agree with all the prayers on this blog. Amen
Yes Lord, I also join in the prayers for the Switzer family and the Mainse family. Amen
I am praying for God’s healing too!
I have prayed for you David – rebuked the devourer in Jesus Name and claimed total healing along with all your other faithful believers – be with Norma Jean as she continues to walk with you.
Adding our voices to others, as we are praying for you Pastor David, and including your dear family!
David, I add my prayers with other bloggers for complete healing of your infection. I believe God is hearing all these prayers today and will answer. May God’s Presense and peace be with you as He was with Moses and Joshua. Thanks for your comments and prayer.
Yes, amen, Ger!
Have not got your video version since August 31st. which I post on Facebook.
Praying for blessings and healing in your life today. May the lord bless you and keep you in his care…..He has you in the very palm of his hands.
Dear David,
I pray for your complete healing along with your other
blog partners. I also pray that you feel the Lord’s presence
with you this day and you you feel our prayers ,love and blessings.
Bless you dear David. Our prayers are with you. What an amazing man of God are you. Despite being in hospital, fighting an infection , you so love our dear Lord and His word that you manage to continue your blog for us. . What an example you are for us all. I praise God every day for 100 Huntley and I’m so grateful for Lorna Dueck being back again. This is absolutely wonderful and I told her so in a letter to her. Thank you, thank you David. Praise God!!! Peace,joy, and wellness to you. Anne
God Bless you with strength and healing while you are in hospital.
My prayers are with you and your family from.
Edmonton Alberta.
Jenny Smith.
Lord, we ask that you fill David with your peace that passes all understanding and ask that you heal his body. May he enjoy perfect health. In Jesus name. Amen!
Heavenly Father I come before you on behalf of David Mainse for complete healing of the blood infection. I pray that the root cause of the infection be revealed to those caring for him at this time. Heavenly Father Who are in heaven, hallowed be Your Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done in David Mainse as it is in heaven; Lord God thank you that in heaven there is no blood infection so I pray in Your Name Jesus “as in heaven, so also in David Mainse body; healing of all things that are not of you.” Your Word says you took all our diseases and that by Your stripes we are healed…let it be so in David Mainse I pray in your Holy Mighty Name Jesus. AMEN and AMEN!!
I the Peace of God keep you and your precious family Pastor David during this time as you rest in the Palm of His hand. Thank you Jesus!!
Praying for you David, May the infection be healed in Jesus
Name ,May you feel improved and be strengthened in
His Name Amen ….R….
Precious heavenly father I bring before you Pastor David Mains who is now in hospital fighting an infection I think you that you are his healer and restorer and I pray for everyone who has lifted up a prayer to our precious David Mains and that you would restore him back to perfect health in your precious name I pray with all the bloggers and your name I pray amen
We echo all the prayers that have been lifted up for you today, David and will continue to bring these petitions to our Most High God until you are well again. Thank you dear God for bringing David through his journey, in sickness and health, so many times before and always for the Glory of God!!
Because He lives we can face tomorrow, Praise Him!
John and Lesa
Are precious Heavenly Father I think you so much for Pastor David Mains in my prayers now come before you that you would heal and restore Pastor David as he is now in hospital fighting an infection I think you that you are his healer and restorer and that you will bring him back to health it says in your word that by your stripes we are healed and I pray this over our precious David Mains and for any other bloggers that is not well including myself I have the flu right now so but this prayer is for Pastor David and everybody else and not really me so thank you thank you thank you God for everything in your name I pray amen
Sorry for the typo it’s supposed to say I thank you God not that I think you sorry for the typo oops
I agree with all the bloggers’ prayers for you Pastor David for your complete healing and for strength to continue to so faithfully serve HIM each and every day. Praise GOD from WHOM all blessing flow !!
I also join in praying to our Father in Heaven to heal you of this infection David. It is evident that God’s Presence is with you and may He continue to give you and Norma Jean and your precious family His peace. I am a viewer & supporter of 100 Huntley Street due to the influence of my mother who went to Heaven years ago. I love the analogy of Lorna Dueck as your Joshua. She is indeed!