Today’s Reading: Exodus 27
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The High Priest in front of the Golden Lampstand in the Holy Place. This lamp would burn continually and brightly, fueled by pure olive oil. This photo was taken in the full-sized replica of the Old Testament Tabernacle, which was on display during the summer of 2012 at the Crossroads Centre in Burlington, Ontario. Rev. Rick Hiebert portrays the High Priest.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Exodus 27:20
And you shall command the children of Israel that they bring you pure oil of pressed olives for the light, to cause the lamp to burn continually.
The horns of the altar literally stand out for all who enter the outer court of the Tabernacle (in tomorrow’s blog we will include a photo of what those horns on that altar may have looked like). As with some animals, the horns speak of protection from attack as well as weapons to attack. Defence and offense are God’s commitments to us. God cares for all who trust Him. Animal sacrifices were consumed here. For we who believe in Jesus Christ, the Sacrifice of the Cross provides protection and also we must be on the offensive with the Cross as our message to the whole world. The olive tree and its fruit always represent the spiritual devotional life of the people of God. The olive oil was to be replenished without fail every day. The Sunday School chorus says, “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.” This blog is one way to make sure our spiritual life is burning brightly 24/7.
Lord God, I pray for fresh oil in the lamp of my life today. Holy Spirit, You are often represented in Scripture as Oil. When my light is about to go out, please fill me with Yourself, Holy Spirit. I want to be a brightly shining light in this dark world. Thank You for answering my prayer. I receive it now, in the Name of Jesus, the One of whom John the Baptist said, “He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire” (Matthew 3:11b). Amen!
Among my childhood memories are the words of prayers I would hear God’s people pray. One had to do with holding onto the horns of the altar. My imagination was fired with a picture of the one praying, holding to those horns and refusing to let go until God’s voice was heard and His purposes fulfilled. This is a stubborn, unyielding determination to stay in fervent prayer until the answer came from God. “Yes!” “No!” “Slow!” “Grow!” Then there was my Father’s prayer and one of the many couplets he would quote. It went like this: “May Heaven come down our souls to greet, and Glory crown the Mercy Seat.” I was not too sure what it meant, but I knew that as Dad was praying his face lit up with joy. What an amazing spiritual inheritance I received from my parents. Norma-Jean and I had a different pattern we followed with our children, but the results were the same in their lives as in mine. The Oil was replenished daily and the flame continues until today.
Yours for the daily infilling of the Holy Spirit, helping us all to burn brightly,
We are still not receiving your blog on our email site. It came for 2 days and I have to go to Google your blog daily to be sent to my friends all over the world.. Thanks David, and Ron for all that you do. We love you
Shirley and Reg, go to the Home page (click at top left of this page), then at the top right hand corner of that page, resubmit your name and email address and you will receive them regularly. That is the only way to correct this.
Amen, amen and amen to that beautiful prayer, David!!! We shine in this world as Your Light, Lord, on earth as it is in heaven. Today is a day filled with honour and glory to You, our Almighty King, as we worship and praise You, the Name above all names. An overwhelming sense of love and peace is radiating, this morning. I keep hearing the words of the Spirit say: Your joy has been restored. Your joy has been restored. Your joy has been restored. For the Lord God Almighty holds the reigns to our peace. Amen. Blessings of love peace joy and prosperity to all saints of the blog. Peace and comfort to you, dear David, and the entire Mainse family.
Light shines on the righteous and joy on the upright in heart.
Rejoice in the Lord, you who are righteous, and praise his holy name.
Psalm 97:11-12 NIV
Even in darkness light dawns for the upright,
for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous.
Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely,
who conduct their affairs with justice.
Surely the righteous will never be shaken;
they will be remembered forever.
Psalm 112:4-6 NIV
David Crowder Band – How He Loves Us (Slideshow + Lyrics)
Rev. Mainse. I was so sad to learn of your MDS condition. Selfishly, I’m asking God for a complete healing for you. I miss seeing “contact” in my email notice each morning. As my dear little son said many years ago, “God can do anything.”
I don’t know if you will remember this David, but way back in the 80’s I wrote to tell you that I was drawn to Christ after seeing the way your face glowed on the screen. You later invited me to be interviewed with my husband on 100 Huntley. The interview was actually done by Moira, but we were on set with you, and your face was radiant. May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you David, and give you peace.
Hi David:
I certainly pray that you rebound well. This world, though I know will carry on, would be a darker place without you. You shine forth God’s light so powerfully. Right now, your Ministry is in the hospital. Get well. You play a very powerful role in this Ministry.
“Fill me now, fill me now, Spirit come and fill me now, fill me with Your Holy presence, come OH come and fill me now”.
Fill us with Your Holy presence, come OH come and fill us now!! Fill us with Your Oil of Joy and Gladness, for the Glory of our Father in Heaven in Your Holy Mighty Name Jesus, I pray…Amen!!
Yes. indeed, Pastor David, you were blessed with a Good Heritage: And you have not wasted it…thank you for sharing it with us, with wisdom that comes from above…extended to us through this blog…”fresh manna” anointed of the Lord daily!!
and I pray that “The Joy of the Lord be your strength” and a clean bill of health by the Great Physician, restore you!!! Thank You Jesus, Amen!!
Yes, want to let my little light to shine as well. Surely Jesus will baptize us the Holy Ghost and fire. Fill us anew each day. Just heard a sermon on TV on how to live in these and our last days, using the text 1 Corinthians 15:58 that went like this: Be hopeful, Be courageous, Be productive. We need the Holy Spirit in our lives and churches today. Thank you for the powerful blog David and saints. Prayers for your continual recovery in health servant of God!
Went to Emmanuel Baptist Church in Picton, after service at Wesley Acres, this morning, and then again tonight at 7 pm for Bible Study. It was awesome and refreshing to study Gideon in Judges 6. As we need God, so He needs us to need and hunger for Him. Thank You God for constantly being there for us. Oh how we love You. Amen.
I am in very desperate need of a financial breakthrough this is serious and I need very much and a lot of prayer thank you and God bless you all this day amen