Today’s Reading: Exodus 20-21
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A road winds through the Negev Desert/wilderness. There was no such highway for the wandering Children of Israel.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse – Exodus 20:1-2
And God spoke all these words saying, “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.”
Again God declares Himself as the “I AM.” Jesus said, “Before Abraham was, I AM” (John 8:58). Make no mistake about it. Jesus claimed over and over to be the Lord God, the same One who delivered Israel from Egypt. What a contrast between these revelations of the “I AM.” Here there were thunderings, lightning flashes, trumpet sounds, the mountain smoking and thick darkness. And 1,500 years later, there was the Baby in the manger, Jesus taking the children on His lap, Jesus weeping over the needs of people, and Jesus allowing human hands to crucify Him. From time to time in Genesis we saw God walking with Adam and Eve, walking with Enoch, becoming a friend of Abraham, but also driving Adam and Eve out of the Garden and judging the human race with the Flood. How can we ever understand this stark contrast? The answer is “The Cross.” God’s anger against sin, and His love for the sinner came together in Jesus. There was thunder, lightning, an earthquake, and darkness at noon as Jesus was dying. There was also the greatest manifestation of Love in history!
Lord Jesus, great “I AM,” I’m overcome by Your awesome Person. I can do nothing right now but worship You. The words of the living creatures who are before Your throne come to mind; “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!” (Revelation 4:8). Also, the words of the 24 elders who fall down before You and say, “You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and honour, and power; for You created all things, and by Your will they exist and were created” (Revelation 4:10-11). I praise You, Lord, and will do so for ever and ever. Amen!
I tried but failed to put my commentary into 100 words. Not only the books of the Bible, but thousands of other books have been written to help us understand Who the “I AM” is. I remember reading a story while still a teenager – This eminent naturalist was walking in his garden when he accidentally stepped on an ant. He thought, “How can I let an ant know that I really don’t mean him harm?” Then it occurred to him that he would have to become an ant to communicate with other ants. I remember thinking that when God became Man, His condescension was greater than a man becoming an ant. The fact is that there is no illustration that can adequately portray what really happened when Jesus became One of us. All I could do was to bow down and worship the great, “I AM.”
Yours so that together we may worship the “Lord God Almighty,”
Thank You Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth for setting us free
The Ten Commandments–so crucial and all commanding–that we live our lives defined by the higher moral power and principles of living set out by our Creator God. That You would send Your Son, our Beloved Jesus, to earth, to die as a sacrifice, whereby we would obtain forgiveness salvation and ever lasting life is so mind blowing we can hardly grasp Your love for us. We thank You, Lord, and give You all the praise and glory. Oh, how we love You! Blessings fellow saints, in the Lord!
And this is his commandment: We must believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another, just as he commanded us. 1 John 3:23 NLT
This I Believe (The Creed) [Lyrics] – Hillsong Worship
Amen Beverlee
Thank you Pastor David for pointing out once again that God is the Great I am.
Have a Blessed Day everyone.
Yes and Amen I love the song I Believe, and other songs from Hillsong Worship
God Bless you
Just watched 100 Huntley St. and am sorry to hear you are in the hospital David. Am praying for you and the goal of 100 Huntley St. will be met by Friday. Was really blessed by the program this morning. God bless everyone!
Amen !
Dear David, I am so thankful to receive your email every day. You are so spiritually wise in giving forth God’s Word in this manner. I forward it every day to my friend over in New Zealand.. This morning I received an email from Tara, a young lady in my church, the St Thomas Pentecostal Church tellin me her brain tumour is still growing and may need oral chemo. David, as i prayed for her, I thanked the Lord again for His wondrous healing He gave you and i pray the same for her. And i ask that you remember her too. God bless you and Norma Jean as you continue serving Him. Sincerely Ruby Sykes.
YES and AMEN!! Holy, Holy, Holy is the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!!! Worthy, Worthy Worthy is the LAMB WHO WAS SLAIN!! YES, YOU ARE WORTHY LORD to received HONOR AND GLORY and POWER!! AMEN, and AMEN!!
Heavenly Father I pray in the Precious Name of Jesus and ask for your intervention on behalf of David Mainse. I pray Lord for Your Highest and best in his life this very moment. You Oh Lord are the Greatest Physician and restorer and refresher of life. I pray for Your Precious Blood to flow through David this moment for a complete healing in him. I praise you and thank you Jesus in Your Name I pray, AMEN!!!
Yes, Lord, in agreement with saints, for Your precious Blood to cover and coat David Mainse, that he be healed protected strengthened and renewed. In your Holy Name, we pray, amen, amen, and amen!
Amen from me too.
Amen and Amen !
Yes Amen! Love that it is well with your soul David!!
Praying in agreement with everyone that The Lord surrounds David with healing and love. Bless the family as they minister to David.
Praying in agreement with all bloggers for David Mainse return to good health.