Today’s Reading: Exodus 17
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

I found this fascinating rock formation at Timna National Park in the Negev Desert and wilderness of southern Israel. The hiking trail leads you right through the middle of this arch. – Reynold
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Exodus 17:15
And Moses built an altar and called its name, The-Lord-Is-My-Banner.
The Children of Israel asked an important question: “Is the Lord with us or not?” Again and again God proved that He was with them. Moses was frustrated because the people looked to him instead of God for their needs. The lesson is that we should not look to a leader or the government, or even our parents (as we grow older) to be our provider. THE LORD IS OUR PROVIDER! God provided an abundance of fresh water for the Children of Israel. He also provided a military victory over the Amalakites who had attacked Israel. Yes, our leaders need to be there. Like Aaron and Hur we must support our God-given leaders. When we hold up their tired hands, we’ll succeed, and when we let them down, we’ll fail. Our Pastor, our government leaders, leaders of ministries such as Crossroads, need to be supported. Check out Romans 13:1 and 1Timothy 2:1-2. That daily altar of prayer for our leaders should be as a “banner” which declares our faithfulness and our loyalty.
Lord, here I am at the altar of prayer. I pray for all who are in leadership over me. In this way, I join Aaron and Hur in lifting up tired hands. Thus I am assured of victory in the challenges of life. You are my “Banner.” I will tell the world that You are my “Lord.” In Jesus’ Name, the Name I lift high, Amen!
I remember the street meetings conducted on Saturday evenings when all the farmers would come to town to shop on the main street. This was before malls were developed. It was exciting to watch the Salvation Army parade from their citadel to their corner where they would pray, sing, play their instruments, and preach the Gospel. Their banner waved above us all to proclaim, “Blood and Fire.” A little humour here: one lady with a big personality asked me, “Do you know what your belly button is for?” And then with a big laugh, she said, “It’s to hold the end of the flag pole when you march.” The bass drummer was told by a very proper lady, “We have a bell which says, ‘Come to church.'” The drummer replied with the pounding of his drum and said, “And my drum says, ‘Go get them and bring them in.'” It’s really early in the morning as I type my blog. Later, I’m going to town and I must find a way to wave a banner, my witness that Jesus is Lord!
Yours for a wise, strong and effective witness for Jesus,
P.S. I love the Crossroads ministry. We can wave a banner by calling in a business year-end donation to help the ministry have a fresh start on the first of September. The easiest way to give is to call 1-888-288-0003 with credit card in hand (before August 31st). God bless you!!! Click here for a look at Lorna, our new leader for Crossroads. You can also give online HERE. Thank you!
It’s great how your family works together to make this blog. When I tell others about it, I always mention the different features – the link to the passage, the interesting photos, the commentary, the personal experiences, the prayer. Thanks so much to all of you!
Amen, David, in support of Crossroads, and amen to carrying our banners high for our God! He is mighty and worthy of our praise and servant-hood! Thank You Lord for the wonderful downpour of rain! Wishing all saints a most blessed day in worship of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23-24 ESV
Under His Pinions, Psalm 68:13 Song about deliverance.
Wouldn’t I love to hike that trail with the hole in the rock. Thanks Reynold for sharing.
Speaking of sharing The Word with other souls, my sister wrote a poem about that:
The Master’s Command
“Go ye”, is the Master’s command
and preach the gospel throughout the land
going then from door to door
sharing God’s Word with the rich and the poor
I must gird up my loins for the task this hour
Praying for God’s protection and power
The world is full of hate and sin
And few there be that welcome me in
I know by the look on their ashen face
They think I’m something from outer space
They do not understand you see
That this is what God requires of me
The excuses they give while at the door
Are stories I’ve heard before
But all is lost, but to no avail
If the story of Christ I cannot tell
With a prayer and a sad heart, I turn away
And hope to meet them another day
So I continue on and trust I’ll find
That special soul with God in mind
Lynda you tell your sister that I like her poem and thank
you for sharing it have a wonderful day bloggers
Am praying and supporting Crossroads, David. Thank you for scripture and song Beverlee and like your sister’s poem Lynda. God bless everyone. Has been a beautiful day here.
“His Banner of us is Love!”
Thank you ladies. I shall tell my sister you liked her poem. She has a published book of such poems so hope to share them eventually.