Today’s Reading: Mark 14
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On the other side of this security fence is the region of the ancient town of Bethany. The fence was constructed in 2003 to protect Jerusalem from attacks from terrorists. This view is from Bethpage on the southeast side of the Mount of Olives.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Mark 14:29
Peter said to Him, “Even if all are made to stumble, yet I will not be.”
The INTENTIONS of JESUS were clearly revealed in His declaration that the Bread and the Cup were His Body and His Blood. His suffering and death in our place was about to take place. Nothing could turn Jesus away from this. On the other hand, there was Peter. His INTENTIONS were great, but his actions were so very human. In the courtyard of the High Priest, Peter could not stand up to the waitresses who identified him with Jesus (Mark 14:71-72). The Bible is totally honest. Peter was a man of God who became one of the leaders of the early Church. His example shows us that it is impossible to follow Jesus in our own strength. Oh, how we need to be baptized with the Holy Spirit. Fifty days later, after the Holy Spirit filled them on the Day of Pentecost, Peter was boldly proclaming Jesus on the streets of Jerusalem. That day, approximately 3,000 people became believers (Acts 2:41). The Holy Spirit enabled him to carry out his INTENTIONS!
Lord Jesus, John the Baptist said of You, “He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire” (Matthew 3:11b). I need You, Lord Jesus, to baptize me now. I ask You for Your Power to come upon me (Acts 2:4). I wait in Your Presence, expecting the same outpouring of Your Spirit as on Peter and the others throughout the history of the Church.Thank You, Jesus! Amen!
I identify with Peter. Before Jesus baptized me with the Holy Spirit, I found it nearly impossible to stand before people to share Jesus. After, I was amazed at how bold I was. I preached on the street, on radio and on television. I saw open doors of opportunity everywhere. I was very aware that Peter had spent three years being taught by Jesus, Himself, and before that no doubt he had studied the Scriptures for years in the synagogue with the guidance of a rabbi. I surely needed Bible College studies. I started with a correspondence course and then enrolled in Eastern Pentecostal Bible College in Peterborough, Ontario (now Master’s College and Seminary). For me, a thorough knowledge of God’s Word and the Power of the Holy Spirit made all the difference. What a joy to serve the Lord Jesus Christ!
Yours for effectively sharing the Word of God in the Power of the Holy Spirit, the only way to effectively implement His INTENTIONS,
What a joy to serve the Lord, indeed! Mark 14 is so substantial. We take our stand and proclaim You to the world, Lord Jesus. You are the one and only Saviour, Redeemer, Comforter, Protector, Guider, Healer, and Leader in heaven, on earth, and in our lives. You are the Alpha and the Omega–the beginning and the end. We are nothing without You, but everything You. In Your Hands do we place our trust, and give You all the praise and glory! Amen. Blessings fellow saints in the Lord!
“His name shall endure forever;
His name shall continue as long as the sun.
And men shall be blessed in Him;
All nations shall call Him blessed.”
Psalm 72:17 NKJV
In Over My Head // Jenn Johnson // We Will Not Be Shaken Official Lyric Video
Amen David. I am glad the Lord baptized me in the Holy Spirit back in 1972. He gave me boldness and helped me through many situations as I prayed in tongues in my devotions and sometimes in church. Always enjoy hearing your testimony David and God bless you fellow saints!
Peter must have been so frightened and ashamed to deny Jesus. I’m afraid I would have done the same thing. I would have lied to save my soul (life) which is an oxymoron but hopefully the day will come when the strength and wisdom will help me thru similar but not so drastic circumstances in my life. It takes time I know.
Great blog Rev. D. Mainse and enjoy your stories.
God forgive me but I probably would do the same thing Lynda! i am a coward and I have many times, just recently, have had the Holy Spirit convict me of a sin (which I know better) and yet…..there I was, very ashamed, crying, and all I could say was Lord I am so sorry, please forgive and please keep the devil out of my life and may the Holy Spirit continue to prick my conscience….thank you Lord for Your total foriveness and then on I go feeling the Love of the Lord …yes, at least now I know or am aware of what is happening, it is the work of the Holy Spirit and I thank God
asking prayer partners to pray for a small business I started, I have someone selling hand knit items that I make and enjoy doing so but I am not a seller, My friend is and please pray that he will sell them all shortly, and I have another 70 to go and that will be until December! Thank you everyone and may God bless each person on this blog in very special ways!
Just finished David’s “This Far by Faith” book. So many, many, memories. So many wonderful opportunities you and Norma-Jean had! I saw you bring the “100 number” from downtown Toronto to Burlington. I was at the first prayer meeting you had at the Burlington site as it was near completion. I don’t, for some reason, remember the hot-air balloon with Pastor Dale?! I want to get copies of the book for family and friends. My daughter and family are in Cambodia right now. My granddaughter is working for a Christian organization there for the summer before returning to France to stay with grandparents while in university. Lori-Anne sent me a pic of 10 million bats flying out of a cave at night. They eat the bugs (mosquitoes) in the rice fields at night. She and her husband lived in Cambodia for 10 years and have good knowledge of the area. It is still a very needy country. Please pray for that country. Thanks.
I was there, at the Crossroads building, too, then, Doreen! 🙂 Praying for Cambodia, Lord, that Your Mighty Hands would hold uplift and strengthen this country and for Your Blessings to abound upon the people and their land. We give You all the praise and glory. In Jesus mighty Name. Amen!
Amen. Lord God, pour out Your Holy Spirit all over this broken, sin-sickened world. We so need You. Bring people to You today, Lord. We commit them to You. And please help all Your people to be strong and bold in You, Lord, so others can see and hear and know that You are alive and You care about them. Be glorifies and magnified in and through us, we ask in Jesus’ name. And thank You, Lord God, for You’ve done, all You’re doing, and all You will do!
“God sent His Son,
and called Him Jesus.
He came to love, heal and forgive…”
Amen, Rob. Love that song!
God sent his son (BECAUSE HE LIVES)
Me too Pastor David…my reactions would not stand up too well.
“Fill me now, fill me now, Holy Spirit come and fill me now, fill me with Thy Holy presence come Oh come and fill me now.”
“Spirit of the Living God fall afresh on me, Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me. Melt me, mold me, fill me use me, Spirit of the Living God fall afresh on me.”
Have a wonderful day in the Lord all you saints!
Lynda on August 6, 2016 at 10:04 am said:
Peter must have been so frightened and ashamed to deny Jesus. I’m afraid I would have done the same thing. I would have lied to save my soul (life) which is an oxymoron but hopefully the day will come when the strength and wisdom will help me thru similar but not so drastic circumstances in my life. It takes time I know.
Great blog Rev. D. Mainse and enjoy your stories.
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sah on August 6, 2016 at 7:04 pm said:
God forgive me but I probably would do the same thing Lynda! i am a coward and I have many times, just recently, have had the Holy Spirit convict me of a sin (which I know better) and yet…..there I was, very ashamed, crying, and all I could say was Lord I am so sorry, please forgive and please keep the devil out of my life and may the Holy Spirit continue to prick my conscience….thank you Lord for Your total foriveness and then on I go feeling the Love of the Lord …yes, at least now I know or am aware of what is happening, it is the work of the Holy Spirit and I thank God
asking prayer partners to pray for a small business I started, I have someone selling hand knit items that I make and enjoy doing so but I am not a seller, My friend is and please pray that he will sell them all shortly, and I have another 70 to go and that will be until December! Thank you everyone and may God bless each person on this blog in very special ways!
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