Friday, July 29, 2016


Today’s Reading: Mark 6

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

The carpenter’s shop in Nazareth at Nazareth Village.

GOOGLE MAPS – See where Reynold took the photo Click HERE.

Key Verse: Mark 6:3

“…Is this not the carpenter, the Son of Mary, and Brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon? And are not His sisters here with us?” So they were offended at Him.


They called Him “the carpenter” to belittle Him, but in reality that term praises Him. He is truly “the Carpenter of lives.” In the previous chapter, there are three examples of His higher carpentry. Firstly, He spoke the words, “Go home,” to the formerly demon posessed man, and Jesus became the Rebuilder of lives and families (5:19). Secondly, Jesus said to the woman who touched the hem of His garment, “Go in peace,” and He proved that He was the Rebuilder of the human body (5:34). Thirdly, Jesus became the Rebuilder of life itself with the word, “Arise,” spoken to the little daughter of Jairus. This “Carpenter of lives” is available to take the rebuilding contract for your life, your family, and for your circumstances. He also said, “I will build My Church” (Matthew 16:18). His hands were not as often portrayed in art; they were a working Man’s hands. Those hands are at work today if we ask for His carpentry. Go ahead, ask!


Lord Jesus, forgive me for the “do it yourself” job I’ve tried to do on my life. Please take over. Fix the construction mess I’ve made of things. You read the plans You have for me and please implement them, because You definitely know best! Amen!


I took a year off from my formal theological studies to fulfill my promise to the people of a northern community to plant a church. In my personal time, I committed to reading a sermon each day from books I had collected. I knew the saying, “readers are leaders.” I was now 20 and by November I had run out of money and decided to be a carpenter like Jesus. I borrowed tools and showed up at the Army Camp Petawawa announcing, “I’m a carpenter.” There were no certification procedures for carpenters then. I got the job, which lasted for several weeks. The cold, the challenges, and the rough atmosphere were testing my level of determination. I often drew comfort from the knowledge that Jesus was in the same trade until He was 30.

Yours in honour of the Carpenter of lives,



22 thoughts on “Friday, July 29, 2016

  1. Mark 6:6a “And He marveled because of their unbelief.”

    Jesus was astounded by the lack of belief in people, this is when he was physically performing miracles and saving souls right in front of them. You know, it seems to me that some people, if not most people, do not want to bend a knee to worship Jesus because they would then have to face the fact that they alone are not in total control of their destiny; ego gets in the way. Compiled with the reality that there is such a thing as “sin” and “judgement” ….. that’s way way too much for people to even want to approach. I’m just amazed at the lack of belief in people today as Jesus was 2000 years ago; but the facts remain, they don’t change just because we may not want to believe in them. Jesus is Lord, He came to save that which is lost. Sin, judgement and hell are real … and so is forgiveness, love and heaven. We’ll all be judged one day … how might our story end …. the choice is truly ours to make. I pray that we might all gaze upon Jesus with the eyes of a believer that He may not marvel at our unbelief.

  2. Take note of this blog David and comment Scott as I live in the same community I was born and grew up in. Also note that after the disciples had just witnessed the feeding of the five thousand, it says in verse 52, “For they had not understood about the loaves, because their heart was hardened.” We can find comfort in the words of Jesus, “Be of good cheer; it is I, be not afraid.”(verse 50b). Blessings saints!

    • I have had you and others in my morning prayers each and every day. May God bless you and keep you Beverlee Kay… in Jesus name – Amen

    • Lord Jesus I pray for your intervention in Beverlee’s life…I pray for Your touch in every part of her “body, soul and mind” with your anointing oil, healing and restoring her for your Glory. In Your Mighty Name Jesus I pray…as in heaven so in Beverlee. Amen!!

  3. Dear Rev. David Mainse

    Please form a group to go against the abortion law
    the Liberals will draft. Join up with other like minded people to go against the Liberals. And get into the consultations so that abortions couldn’t be done in Canada after one and a half months of pregnancy or so.


    Paul Treciokas
    A Canadian Citizen
    God Bless

  4. I don’t post all the time but I do uplift those who are in need of a fresh touch from The Saviour. Blessings on you dear Beverlee. Love in Jesus

  5. Thank you Pastor David for the analogy of Jesus as the carpenter of life.
    Jesus is the builder of life…the creator of all things!!

    Agreeing in prayer with you.

    Jesus, take my life and let it be wholly consecrated Lord in Thee!! Do with it as You will.

  6. Never got back to this blog yesterday but I join in prayer and say “Amen” to all the prayers sent up for you Beverlee. “May the Lord supply all your need, according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”(Phil. 4:19).

  7. Hi Rev. David Mainse,

    From the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, the Earliest of Church Manuals.
    It talks about the Way of Life and the Way of Death.

    It says “no abortion or infanticide”

    So no abortion is the correct answer.

    But it is important to engage in the consultations when drafting the new abortion law
    So that we reduce the amount of time of a pregnancy when an abortion can be done.

    Please get in touch with His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins at,

    to prepare for consultations or similar.


    Paul Treciokas
    A Canadian Citizen
    God Bless

  8. Hi Pastor David,
    The carpenter’s shop photo reminds us of our tour with you two years ago to Nazareth Village. You may recall you had to take a lady to hospital across the road after she fell and skinned her knee climbing the hill behind the shop. It was quite a surprise to learn that the Sea of Galilee is only about twice the size of Cook’s Bay here on Lake Simcoe. The grooves from the Roman chariots in the paving stones at one of the sites we visited made the scene come alive for me. We are so glad we had the opportunity to visit Israel with you. Happy birthday in a few days, too. Blessings

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