Friday, June 3, 2016

 SUNSET (four blog years) and SUNRISE (two more years, God willing!)


The Eastern Gate or “Golden Gate” of the Old City of Jerusalem, which leads to the Temple Mount. This photo was taken from the Mount of Olives at sunset. Could it be that the Messiah shall soon burst open this gate in order to enter the Temple area? Jesus entered through the Eastern Gate in His triumphal entry one week before His resurrection.


For those just joining us, today we start another exciting 730 days in our TWO-YEAR journey throughout the Bible. My name is David Charles Mainse, born August 13th 1936, in Quebec, Canada. If you’re new to this blog and just might possibly be interested in finding out more, you can check me out here. You may also want to view a brief video where I describe what “” is all about…click here.

So, I’m now 79 years old. This new two-year plan shows that I’m an incurable optimist (because in 2012, the doctors gave me two years to live). You can tell a lot about the company you’re keeping when you are sharing a coffee. Someone may say, “Is there any milk in that jug?” The one who says “pass the cream please” is me!

Today is the 54th birthday of the ministry of Crossroads. I’m excited to report that it is “HAPPY!” I’m honoured, along with my wife, Norma-Jean, to be the Founders. I can report good things about Crossroads. I expect to report in this blog, God willing, from time to time on the vision, the persons God has called to lead, and the results of the Good works of a ministry that is supported by God’s people. “Happy Birthday, God bless you!!!”

Now, here’s the plan for this blog:

  1. Beginning today, God willing, I’ll present to you fresh bread, two-year journey through the WORLD’S OLDEST BOOK, STILL THE WORLD’S BEST-SELLER – – THE BIBLE. We will start in the New Testament, go to the Old Testament, back to the New and then back again to the Old. To start, I suggest joining me in reading St. Matthew’s Gospel chapters 1 & 2… a good place to start, THE CHRISTMAS STORY. In the 1970s, I led a “Through-the-Bible-in-One-Year” program. Unfortunately, when we reached Leviticus, Numbers or Deuteronomy, more than half dropped out! After much prayer, I believe I heard from God to extend the reading to two years. This change, along with the New to the Old and back again approach, reversed the drop-out rate. I knew how many were following with me because new materials needed to be ordered in order to continue with the program.
  2. I read the suggested chapters at 4:00 am. At approximately 4:30 am, I’ll spend time in prayer. This early start has been a habit of mine, most days, since I turned 40.
  3. Around 5:00 am, I am usually at my computer keyboard where I expect to write my blog (or re-edit my original writing from our first two-year journey). First, I’ll write “100 Words” (forgive me in advance as I usually go over 100 words) on the theme of the key verse which I’ve chosen from the reading for the day. Second, I’ll include a “Prayer for Today” that we can pray together. Then third, I’ll include another section called “100 Personal Words,” which might be a personal meditation or a story from my life. 
  4. My son, Ron, who is an ordained minister, will format the blog in advance, and his wife Ann will proofread the text before the blog is posted. Ron also adds photos taken by my other son, Reynold, who is a missionary as well as a professional photographer and also an ordained minister. He has spent much time in the lands of the Bible shooting photos for the blog. His website is
  5. At 6:00 am, the day’s “Fresh Bread” comes out of the oven and is delivered from my place to yours.
  6. Each day, comments and replies to my post are encouraged (I do read all the comments, although I don’t usually get to personally reply…sorry about that!).
  7. NOTE: You can sign up for the daily email version of my blog by completing the subscription info on the home page at If, for any reason, it does not appear in your inbox, sign up again.
MAY GOD BLESS YOU AS YOU BEGIN (OR CONTINUE) THIS JOURNEY WITH ME…and please tell your family and friends to join us too! Perhaps you can post my website link on your Facebook wall (if you’re into that particular flavour of social media).

TOMORROW’S READING: Matthew Chapters 1 & 2

Yours for thinking God’s thoughts as we read thoroughly His Words,



36 thoughts on “Friday, June 3, 2016

  1. On board with you, dear David, and all the saints, for another two years of the daily Bible; third time around; and blessed beyond anything I could ever imagine! Wishing all a marvelous day, in the Lord!

    “You make known to me the path of life;
    in your presence there is fullness of joy;
    at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11 ESV

    EVER I LOVE YOU (utterly divine!)

    • Thank you David, family, and those who reply on the blog. What a wonderful piece of music, Beverlee, and it runs on into other beautiful selections. (a wonderful way to travel)! Have a blessed day all.

    • Amen! Beverlee Kay.
      Thanks for sharing that beautiful video & music.
      Our God is an awesome Creator, praise His Holy Name! Amen!!

  2. THANK YOU to everyone who has prayed for my friends and me! May God grant a great day filled with mercy and grace and love and forgiveness to everyone!

    • You are very welcome Sah, let us all continue you relish this daily blog for the next two years.
      Beautiful video Beverlee.
      God Bless everyone and welcome all newcomers. Eleanor M.

  3. I am with you, looking forward to the next two years. God willing. It is a great morning to head out to our cabin and watch the sun come up over the bush. I feel so close to the Lord when I am out there. God is good!
    You all have a blessed day in the Lord.

  4. There was a man “sent” from GOD whose name was David Mainse. My prayer is that GOD would continue to grant you strength to deliver that “fresh bread” daily which you spoke about.
    Bless you David and Norma Jean, Ron and Ann, Reynold and Cathy (members of my church (Lakemount Worship Centre in Grimsby).I remember the day you came to Arden Ontario and delivered more of that “fresh bread” to my boys who gave their hearts to JESUS at camp and are now grown men , serving our LOVELY LORD JESUS. Mike, my oldest used to say then-“Dad, do we have to go to church everyday” and I said YES, son; one day you will thank GOD that we did. Keep on, keeping on brother DAVID, you are a man after GOD’S own heart.
    Rev. Terrence (Terry) Felvus – Grassie On. ( PS Rev. Sam and Viv LEARNING say hello)

  5. We are with you David and excited to start yet another read thru with you! So blessed to hear you are doing better and home again! Isn’t our God amazing, we believe God still has huge plans for your life and ministry and continue to pray for you everyday!

  6. I now have your blog posted on three Facebook accounts on a daily basis, David.

    God Bless, on the anniversary of this Daily look into the Scriptures.

  7. I’m on board too David and asking the Lord for fresh insight and revelation along with you. Looking forward to this fresh new start and congratulations on your 54th anniversary of 100 Huntley ministry and the anniversary of God bless you, your family and staff and all my fellow bloggers.

  8. Looking forward to another 2 year journey. Your devotional helps me start my day! Thank you for your love and dedication. Congratulations on your 54th anniversary. God bless and protect you all. All the best!

  9. Thank you Pastor David for your faithfulness in teaching scripture and how it applies to us today and every day… This blog has been and still is a very precious gift that I faithfully read along with my early morning devotion each and every day… (God willing – will continue to do so with you for another 2 yrs).

    To blog friends and fellow bloggers… have a great day and God bless!

  10. I, too, am still with you David M, as we begin another two years in this journey through the Bible. Thank you for the past four, and looking forward to where you will take us this next two. 🙂 Blessings!!!

  11. Thank you Pastor David for your faithfulness to our Lord Jesus. I have learned so much from your explanations of Gods Holy Word.
    Thank You Jesus for extending Pastor David’s life we need him.

  12. Yes thank you David! I started in the middle 1 year ago and so excited to be at the beginning now- shared it with my CR group- let’s go!! Blessings to all and joy in the journey!

  13. Wow time does go fast. I have been with you since the beginning. Each time I get more of His story. So thankful for your faithfulness David. I hope to encourage more to read along.

  14. Been following since the beginning. Thank you for this blessing in my life. Thankful for God’s healing in your body also.

  15. Am with you too Pastor David…Praise God for you and your family as you guide us through the scriptures for the next two years!!

    To all participants…have a blessed day!

  16. Dear David,Norma-Jean and family,
    I look forward of another bible reading. How blessed we all are for people like you.
    Thank you, Thank you
    Doreen Brown

  17. Thank you David. I am a long time Crossroads partner and look forward to following your daily journey thru the bible. God continues his blessings thru you.

  18. Hard to believe we are beginning again……my third time around. I know I will find new manna each day. Thank you Pastor David et al.

    Blessings will abound

  19. Hi Pastor David and blog buddies:
    I too have been on this journey with you since the beginning. It’s hard to believe it has been 4 years!!!! Time sure is going by fast.

    I have decided to read the Bible in chronological order this time around but I will check in daily to listen to the video that will be posted daily.

    Blessings to one and all!!

    Much love

  20. Congratulations on the 54th Anniversary. Praying for ongoing health for David. Now I am into the third round of reading through the Scriptures on 100words. Already started today. Like Ruby, I want to be more conscious of reading and seeing the Bible in chronological order. Thanks to all who make happen. Blessings to Norma-Jean and the Mainse family and various ministries each are involved in. Excited not only to read the word but for a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit upon my life that will make my prayer life more effective and passionate asking God for a new outpouring of “the Spirit of Grace and supplication” upon my life (Zech 12:10). Blessings to all bloggers. Samuel

  21. Thrilled that I can be part of this incredible journey again – thank you, thank you to all who make this possible and especially for you David with Norma Jean who fearlessly guide your flock of bloggers. Love the sunset photo today especially – maybe Christ will come during this third round through His Word – so wonderful and the photo depicts this with the cloud formations themselves preparing the path it seems! God’s continued gracious blessing on all.

  22. I am planning on continuing to follow your daily blog for theNext two years D.V. I DO APPRECIATE this ministry very much. This will be my third time to follow you. God bless you and continue to use you to minister to others!

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