Today’s Reading: Joel 2
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Many messages have been preached from this podium at Christ Church which is located inside the Old City of Jerusalem. In our readings of the writings of the prophets, God has sought to communicate messages of mercy, forgiveness and also inevitable judgment for sin. The message of the church to Jerusalem and to the entire world is represented by the cross carved into the olive wood. Jesus has taken upon Himself the judgment of God for sin, and through Him we receive mercy and forgiveness.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Joel 2:13, 17, 28-29
“So rend your heart, and not your garments;
Return to the Lord your God,
For He is gracious and merciful,
Slow to anger, and of great kindness;
And He relents from doing harm.
…Let the priests, who minister to the Lord,
Weep between the porch and the altar;
Let them say, ‘Spare Your people, O Lord,
And do not give Your heritage to reproach,
That the nations should rule over them.
Why should they say among the peoples,
“Where is their God?”‘
…And it shall come to pass afterward
That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your old men shall dream dreams,
Your young men shall see visions.
And also on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days.”
There is so much in today’s reading from which we can learn. Because of the importance of Joel 2, we have quoted more verses in this blog than in any other to date.
(1) Twice Joel writes in this chapter, “Blow the trumpet in Zion!” The central mountain in Jerusalem is Mt. Zion. The trumpet symbolizes the preaching of the Message. May we proclaim God’s message faithfully!
(2) Tearing garments still symbolizes extreme grief for many Jewish people. May our hearts be broken in “fasting,” “weeping,” and “mourning” over our sins and the sins of our world!
(3) Priests, whose job it is to represent the human family to God, are to weep over the sins of the people and over the mess we have made of the beautiful garden God intended this earth to be. The New Testament teaches that all believers in Jesus should consider themselves to be priests. John referred to all the people in the seven churches as “Priests.” Therefore, we should weep over sin and separation from God.
(4) God has poured out His “Spirit on all flesh.” All will not receive this outpouring of God. Nevertheless, it’s our responsibility as “sons,” “daughters,” “old men,” “young men” (women inferred), “Menservants” (all males), “Maidservants” (all females), to “Prophesy!” What is New Testament “prophecy”? “The testimony of Jesus is the “spirit of prophecy” (Revelation 19:10b). Sharing Jesus with the whole world is the primary responsibility of all believers who have opened their lives to receive the outpouring of God’s Spirit! Every time we share Jesus, know that the Holy Spirit is “on all flesh.” The Holy Spirit is doing His work! Are we doing our most important work of inviting people to give their lives to Jesus?
Lord God, I don’t know how to put fasting, weeping and mourning into the words of this brief prayer, but I’m committed to practicing those evidences of a heart that is torn up by the desperate human need I see on every hand. I pray for grace to keep on 24/7 being filled with Your Holy Spirit! I pray for the fulfillment of the dreams and visions You are giving me as prophesied by Joel and quoted by Peter on the birthday of Christ’s church here on earth! In the Name of the One who sounded “the trumpet in Zion” more loudly and more urgently that any other, the Lord Jesus Christ, Himself! Amen!!!
As a Pastor of local congregations in my early years, I would often take literally the call of Joel to weep “between the porch and the altar.” I would walk the aisles, between the pews, and at the church altar, praying early in the mornings for my members, their families, and for our community. I also did this on the road as an itinerate Evangelist, and I did this daily in the TV studios where later in the day we would “Blow the trumpet” of God’s message to our continent and beyond. From 11 p.m. last night to 5 a.m. this morning a group of prayer warriors gathered in the Chapel at the Crossroads Centre here in Burlington. The main reason for this was to pray for Crossroads Christian Communications Inc., 100 Huntley Street television, and associated outreaches for Christ. Please join me in strong intercessory prayer for the Board of Directors, for management personnel, all employees, the television networks, and for all who support this work of God!!! It’s His work and we all need Him desperately to step in and guide His Ministry.
Yours for the success of God’s cause!
What a wonderful blog I will also pray this morning for the continued ministry of 100 Huntley St. an amazing ministry, God Bless each and every person that is part of a amazing ministry.
A prayer request of this nature is not to be taken lightly. We bring before the Throne of God, and ask for Your great and mighty Hand, to step in and guide Your Ministry of Crossroads Christian Communications Inc., 100 Huntley Street television, associated outreaches for Christ, the Board of Directors, management personnel, all employees, the television networks, and all who support this work in You!!! Praying all week-end for this, dear David. Holding all saints on the blog in loving prayer and safety.
“Since mine eyes have looked on Jesus,
I’ve lost sight of all beside,
So enchained, my spirit’s vision,
Gazing on the Crucified.”
I Can Only Imagine, Mercy Me
Agreeing in prayer with you Beverlee!
Also thank you for the song.
Dear David
What an excellent blog this morning.!! We will be in prayer for all the ministries of Crossroads and personnel.
May the Lord’s kingdom come and His will be done in all of these ministries that are endeavoring to sound the trumpet in a dark and dying world. May the bride of Christ
come forth from the closet and arise in intercession for a powerful ministry
In these ever increasing urgent times !
Many are the plans of man but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. Prov 19:21
Right on, Janet. Much prayer needed for ministries and those in authority.
Yes indeed we need to pray and support this ministry and all those that are proclaiming your message!Thank you pastor David for doing this every morning.
What a powerful blog Joel 2 revealing God’s Love and heart He extends to His people!! His compassion and grief and faithfulness!
What powerful words and prayer you have spoken Pastor David as you cry out and share your heart and thoughts, not only for the 100 Huntley street and TV Ministry, but for all peoples and nations.
I join in prayer for the TV Ministry of 100 Huntley Street, and the extended ministries. Lord God I pray for your Word and Truth to continue being poured out through the air-waives in every corner of the world,and that many would hear and receive Jesus in their hearts, and the Truth of God’s Word would be revealed. In Your Mighty Name Jesus I pray. Amen!
In 1967 when my sister Rose found her 14 year old son Steven dead,in a pool of blood from a shot-gun wound; she tour her clothes in great grief, and pain in her heart.
Arms of an Angel, Sarah McLachlan
My Sister Rose passed into the hands of Jesus in 2012.
I should have said her son Steven was “15” years old.
Amen! Janet Elgie.
Yes, I agree in prayer with you fellow bloggers for the Crossroads Christian Communications, Inc. Ministries that your will Lord will be done and you will continue to bless and minister through them to this ever darkening world, in Jesus Name. Amen! Glad to hear of this overnight prayer meeting in Burlington. I remember when I used to attend some in a town near me and they were the turning point of some difficult times in our family. Been thinking that we need them again here in our area. Thank you David for your faithfulness!
Holding you close in prayer, Irene, as you think of your dear sister, Rose, and nephew, Steven. Angels are with you, dear sister-in-Christ.
Amen agreeing with all prayers today.
Thank you for your love and compassion Beverlee and Eleanor M.
Thank you David for explanation of the picture…thank you Reynold for taking that picture for us to meditate upon!
I count it a privilege to pray for this wonderful ministry and thank you Pastor David and all who continue to inspire us daily with their postings.
Blessings to all
Good morning David.
I’m enjoying your daily devotional. I signed up just recently as our church no longer puts a devotional with our bulletin. I am curious, because of your prayer for Crossroads, as to when you wrote these devotionals. Are these from year one and two and then repeated or are you in 2016 writing new material? Knowing you are a man a great energy, it would not surprise me if you are still writing new devotionals.
Thank you once again for the wonderful work you do for the Lord. This is a heart warming devotional with the included beautiful photos. I’m trusting the Lord to change me as I read these devotionals and prayer the prayers.