Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Today’s Reading: Ezekiel 30-31

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Once standing 60 feet high, this colossal statue of Ramses II, carved from limestone, now lays on the ground. It looks like he is sleeping, perhaps dreaming. This statue once adorned the great temple of Ptah in Memphis, Egypt. Ramses the Great ruled for more than 60 years, roughly 1279 to 1213 BC (about 200 years after the exodus of the Israelites). This image may have already been toppled by the time of today’s reading, some 700 years after the reign of Rameses II. The empires of Babylon and Persia made Memphis the capital city of the province (satrap) of Egypt. The prophecies of the Bible predicted this.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Ezekiel 30:19

Thus I will execute judgments on Egypt,

Then they shall know that I am the Lord.


Ezekiel 30 mentions Egypt a dozen times with statements like our key verse. For example, 30:13 tells us of the destruction of the idols and images of Noph (ancient Memphis). Like the king of Tyre in yesterday’s reading, the Pharaohs and the Emperors claimed to be gods to be worshipped. Lucifer, the archangel who was exiled from Heaven because he desired to be worshipped instead of the true God, now seeks that worship on earth by convincing earthly rulers that they are gods to be worshipped. Satan still seeks to divert worship away from the Great Creator, the One and Only God of the cosmos.

Ezekiel 31 seems to reflect the hurt God experiences because of rejection by His creation. Ezekiel, speaking for God, refers to “the garden of God” three times, and the “trees of Eden” twice. God placed our first parents in a beautiful garden. There were trees there in Eden. The first three chapters of the Bible describe this garden God had lovingly prepared for His human family. We’ve messed up so horribly. Today we might consider repenting, not only for our own sins, but for the sin of rebellion against God throughout the years of recorded history. Again and again, because we have sided with Satan knowingly or unknowingly against God, we have been the cause of our own destruction.


Lord God, I’m sorry for my sins against You and for the sins of our human family for whom You have such great, joyous and peaceful plans to bless with a happy future. I pray that I will give myself to You in such a way that I will be, for all those whose paths cross mine, a source of hope for a better world, because of Your gift of restoration which You have given me in Your Son and our Saviour Jesus Christ, in Whose Name I pray. Amen!!!


My parents spent many years doing God’s work in Egypt. I’ve stood beside the great fallen image of Rameses in ancient Noph (Memphis) and wondered at the giant statue carved from one piece of granite. What gigantic self images must have been in the minds of the Pharaohs and their people who worshipped them as gods. One story my dad told in his autobiography, which he intended only for his family but which I published after his death, was of my mother and an Egyptian police officer. Mother, who died when I was 12, was praying at the altar in a church building when the officer carrying a rifle came to the front to investigate what was happening. Dad said that he heard this policeman tell this story several times. He said, as mother stood to her feet, a tear dropped from her eyes onto the man’s arm. He dropped the rifle, fell to his knees and was converted to Jesus Christ. I think that if I were to weep more over the spiritual condition of humanity, one of my tear drops could touch someone, and by the working of God’s Spirit, more people would come to know Jesus. Individuals, families, and nations could be changed by believers in Jesus all over the world. I pray that I will touch someone’s life for Jesus today.

Yours for loving God and loving people,


17 thoughts on “Wednesday, March 9, 2016

  1. It is so amazing how the Holy Spirit works in our lives! I believe the Holy Spirit can work through a tear drop! I know in my own life, I did absolutely nothing to bring people to know Jesus Christ but God did it all! And, He did this at times that were completely unexpected and certainly not on my time table! I’m also realizing that there is no place that is void of people needing to know Jesus as their Saviour! May God bless those people who witness the Love of Jesus Christ to the darkest corners of our communities! I am thinking of the Salvation Army and their mission to proclaim Jesus Christ to the world!
    Blessings to everyone this day and may God grant healing to friends and family who are having health issues!

  2. Yes, yours for loving God and people, David, amen. Thank you for sharing such a precious memory of your mom in Egypt from your father’s archives. The fallen statue of Ramses II is remarkable–to think of the arrogance of the Pharaohs and their people is rather mind blowing. How the Egyptians missed out on God, and still do, is very sad. But we rejoice in Him, amen! Blessings fellow saints in the Lord.

    Descend from the crest. Song of Songs 4:8

    Wind Beneath My Wings, Bette Midler

  3. Praising God for the Lord protecting my mom’s head and that he will use my mom and dad’s car accident for good. Asking for prayers of provision; a CD of the bible;they do not have internet nor a computer, so mom can hear the bible read, for a safe car they can afford and continued healing for my Mom(68) and dad (78), who have concussions and whiplash from a car accident they were in on Sunday.
    Lord you know our days, praying we will use this day to bear fruit for you. You are a Good, Good, Father. IN Jesus Name I pray. Amen.
    I cannot thank you enough David M., for this blog, your teaching has helped me to develop a healthy, loving relationship with God, My Father.

  4. In reading Bruce Marchiano’s book ‘In the footsteps of Jesus’, I was moved to
    tears when Jesus revealed to him the compassion He felt seeing people living lives away from His love,away from His care, outside of His goodness, His embrace,plans,purposes and hopes for them.They were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd .I am so thankful that there are people like you David,that bring the helpless to the Saviour and His love.
    God Bless You David.

    • Anna. I will also pray for your dear parents. Praise God they have a wonderful daughter like you , who cares for them spiritually as well as physically.
      Blessings to all. Eleanor M.

  5. Anna, may your Lord help them to recover well and meet their needs in a new car and spiritually. Thank you David as you continue to inspire me every day with your comments and prayer. Thank you for your songs Beverlee. Put yesterday’s on my facebook page. Praying for my community this morning that more people could be reached for the Lord. Blessings everyone!

  6. David. What a beautiful story of your mom’s ‘tear drop’. Thank you for sharing this. It was inspiring and challenging. I am also challenged by your words, to not only have a repentant heart for our sins but the sins of rebellion against God over the ages.

    These chapters are hard to read and receive. But, it again, conveys how serious and devastating are the judgments of God.

    Prayers for your mom & dad, Anna. For physical and emotional healing. spiritual encouragement as well as provisions that will be helpful to them – and the peace of God in your heart, Anna, as you try to be there for your parents.

  7. Yes, what a beautiful story David, what a precious memory to have of her and your Dad!!

    Praise God for all the input and prayer in this early morning spiritual awakening. Blessings to all!!

  8. Thanking you all for prayers for my daughter-in-law, Anne. She stopped breathing on the operating table but was quickly revived. She will be seeing the doctors soon for results of biopsy. thanks again. May your parents be quickly healed from the accident Anna.

  9. Our bible study is doing a book on Lord change my attitude. Wow everything is coming together. We are rebelling against God with our attitude. Love your encouragement every morning David. Also praising God for answered prayer in my husbands pain. He still has the cancer but is pain free and on no medication for pain. Amen

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