Monday, March 7, 2016


Today’s Reading: Ezekiel 26-27

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


This site was insignificant until Herod the Great began to develop it into a magnificent harbour befitting his kingdom. The harbour was built using materials that would allow the concrete to harden underwater. The forty-acre harbour would accommodate 300 ships, much larger than the modern harbour existing there today. Caesarea Maritima is a national park on the Israeli coastline, near the town of Caesarea. Our photographer, my son David Reynold Mainse, was unable to travel into the area of Lebanon where the city of Tyre once stood about 100 miles north of Caesarea along this coast. There are still buildings here, but at the site of ancient Tyre, which I have visited, there is absolutely nothing except bare rocks. Ezekiel prophesied about the coastal city of Tyre with amazing accuracy.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Ezekiel 26:14

“I will make you like the top of a rock; you shall be a place for spreading nets, and you shall never be rebuilt, for I the Lord have spoken,” says the Lord God.


What a judgment on proud Tyre! Throughout these two chapters we read of the judgment Tyre, a prosperous trading port, would bring upon itself. In our key verse, Ezekiel prophesies, “You shall never be rebuilt!” Today, at high tide, the waters cover the acres of bare rocks where Tyre once stood. Tyre has a long history. The wicked Queen of Israel, Jezebel, was the daughter of Ethbaal, King of Tyre. Tyre was the source of the worship of Baal, a religion to which King Ahab and many Israelites were converted during the time of Elijah the prophet (1 Kings 18:21-40).

The question was asked by Job, King David, and Jeremiah, who was a contemporary of Ezekiel, “Why do the wicked prosper?” (Jeremiah 12:1-3). They all concluded that in the big picture of history, wicked people and their civilizations lie in ruins. Ezekiel is prophesying in Babylon, an example of another city destroyed and never rebuilt.


Lord God, I pray that I will always stand with You and never against You! I quote Jeremiah in my prayer, “But You, O Lord, know me; You have seen me, and You have tested my heart toward You!” Keep me true, I pray. I ask these mercies in Jesus’ Name. Amen!!!


I find myself singing a chorus that prays, “Keep me true, Lord Jesus. Keep me true. There’s a race that I must run. There are victories to be won. Give me power every hour to be true” (click here to listen to the song sung by a South African singer named Jabu).

I visited Lebanon and stood on the very rocks of which Ezekiel wrote, which were once the city of Tyre. A short distance away was a fisherman “spreading nets” (see our key verse, Ezekiel 26:14). With me was Dr. Paul B. Smith of the People’s Church, Toronto. We read the words of today’s reading from the Bible and marvelled at the detailed accuracy of Scriptural prophecy. It is my understanding of history that Tyre was destroyed by the armies of Alexander the Great about 200 years after Ezekiel penned the words of today’s reading. At my age (79), I’m amazed that I can put “the city of Tyre, Lebanon” into “Google” and find all kinds of information in 2 or 3 minutes that would’ve taken me hours to find in the Toronto reference library 40 years ago. The last verse of today’s reading says of Tyre, “You will become a horror, and be no more forever!” (Ezekiel 27:36b). That’s exactly how I felt standing on those rocks where a proud city once stood.

Here’s a sad note about the present city of “Sidon,” Tyre’s sister city of ancient times. It is still a bustling city. However, while visiting there I was shown a cache of bombs stored, not in an ammunitions dump, as is the practice of most armies, but in the basement of a highrise building where many families live. Children were playing in and around the building. All war is horror, but this was particularly horrible to us. May God have mercy!

Yours for living as my Father would often pray, “With the smile of Your approval [God’s approval] upon our lives”,


10 thoughts on “Monday, March 7, 2016

  1. I pray your prayer Mr. Mainse! I thank God that He knows me and loves me unconditionally! That is a miracle! He loves me in spite of my blunders!
    Asking for prayers of healing for Dana, a mom/wife, dealing with a hernia/cyst on stomach; also prayers of healing for Ed who is getting a
    scan on his chest & lungs and on his colon, pray for complete healing for both these precious children of God.
    also please pray that I will have the right words to say to the above people, I am not very good at this kind of thing, my heart hurts for these people and I usually end up crying and can’t say to much, I do a lot of hugging!
    Blessings to everyone this Monday!

    • It sounds to me you are doing exactly what God created you to do. I know when I am in great distress all I want is to feel our Lord’s arms around me, so if you doing that for Him with all those hurting people He brings into your life your life that is your ministry and may God continue to bless you with His divine Compassion and Empathy.

  2. Amen may I speak and act the way God wants me to today and the rest of the days of my life. God bless you David Mainse . Your messages and so strong and righteous I looked forward to them each morning Thank You.

  3. Yes, we commit these two children of God into your hands today Lord for healing and complete recovery. You know them very well and love them. Also bless Sah who has a compassionate heart to request prayer for them. In Jesus Name, Amen! Also please pray for me as I am going through a little testing now that as you prayed David, we may have the approval of God on our lives. Bless you!

  4. Dear Lord God in the name of your precious Son Jesus , I pray for healing for Dana and Ed, touch them with your healing.
    Sah God Bless you for your tenderness and concern. He is using you in a special way to minister to people.
    Loved that song Pasto David.

  5. Blessings and love to all today…thank you Jesus, you hear and answer our cry even before we cry out to You. Praise Your Holy Name..Amen!!

  6. Reynold, thank you for the photo where Tyre no longer exists: You have captured God’s beauty in its vivid blue sky blending in with the deep blue waters, and the harbour in the distance.

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