Today’s Reading: Isaiah 20-22
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

In Nazareth Village, a recreation of what 1st century life may have resembled, a 21st century actor playing a watchman stands guard, watching over his livestock and property from a watchtower. Five times in today’s reading we read the word “watchman.”
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Isaiah 21:11b-12
…”Watchman, what of the night?
Watchman, what of the night?”
The watchman said,
“The morning comes, and also the night.
If you will inquire, inquire;
Return! Come back!”
In Chapter 20, Isaiah, naked while he preaches his message, will surely guarantee that he gets attention! (wearing a small loin cloth was also considered being naked). It’s often not enough to merely speak our message. Our words are useless unless people stop and listen. The New Year of 2016 is not on Isaiah’s WATCH! It’s on our “WATCH!”
In Chapter 21 our key verses sum up the message to which Isaiah wants people to pay attention: “INQUIRE”…”RETURN”…”COME BACK!” Let us diligently watch for the moment of a turn-around decision in people’s lives. Let us keep a sharp eye out for that time when our family members and others with whom we come into contact are ready to inquire, return, and come back to God! We must not miss those opportunities; they may come only once!
In Chapter 22 Jerusalem is the focus. The Tyropean Valley is in the very heart of the city between Mount Zion and Mount Moriah. Today, it is filled with the rubble from the destructions caused by numerous invading armies. This filled-up valley is paved over now and forms the area in front of the famous Wailing Wall, where Jews pray fervently for the restoration of the Temple of God and for His coming Kingdom. It may have been in this valley that Isaiah received his visions of the future.
Lord God, I pray that I may be wide awake, watching carefully so as not to miss the moment of decision in precious lives. At that precise instant, may I get attention not for myself but to call for a decision for Christ! I pray for wisdom, because You said, “He [or she] who wins souls is wise” (Proverbs 11:30). I pray this in the Name of the One Who never missed an opportunity to call people to “inquire, return, and come back” to God, the Lord Jesus, Himself! Amen!!!
It was in Pembroke that I first gave the message of Jesus on TV (1962). There was only one TV signal people could receive and Crossroads was there at 11:30 Saturday nights. People paid attention and some inquired, turned to Jesus and were saved. Just prior to this, Syd Healey, a Pembroke businessman, had pushed a cheque for $300.00 across his desk to pay for the start-up of the Crossroads TV ministry. He surely got my attention! I knew for sure that God wanted to use television for His message to all people. I’m very thankful that God did not ask me to do what He asked Isaiah to do in order to draw attention to the message!!!
Yours for making sure we have people’s attention and then for driving home the message of Jesus!!!
P.S. Billions of precious people are watching television, their computer screens, laptops, iPads, smart phones, etc. Crossroads is all over the world in effective attention-getting ways. It’s our “WATCH!” Please pray fervently for God’s direction in the leadership of Crossroads.
What a wonderful message yes we must be alert, watchful for those of out family who we pray they will find God. All the people we know that do not follow our Lord. He is the redemmer. Amen
Always praying for the ministry and God’s choice of labourers, direction, along with favour. May God’s anointing be upon the programming and on the participants. Amen.
I agree we must stay alert and keep praying amen
A couple of days ago, someone asked about the religion of Islam. PLease look under Yesterday’s comments. I have written a fairly lengthy comment about what Islam teaches as well as some of Islam”s practices.
I want to say that the information in that article did not come from my knowledge. It came from a book compiled by Ravi Zacharis entitled, ” Beyond Opinion.” My article is not word for word from this book, but it was my only source for the information given except for the last paragraph .
With that acknowledgement, I trust you will find the article informative and helpful
JESUS SAID “WATCH and PRAY” for we know not the time nor the hour of His return, but to be on the ALERT…and WATCHMEN ON THE WALL…TO ‘WATCH AND PRAY”
Thank you David for your words of wisdom!
Have a blessed day all you saints!!
Amen, David!!! God’s continued blessings to you, your family, the Crossroads Ministry, 100 Huntley Street, the blog, all saints–everywhere–across Canada, the United States, Mexico, South America, Germany, Italy, England, France, the Ukraine, New Zealand, Australia, the Philippines, Asia, Africa, Syria, Egypt–to everyone, everywhere!!! God loves us so!!! He gave His beloved and sinless Son, Jesus Christ, so that we would be saved and forgiven and loved and receive eternal life!!! Oh, how truly blessed we are!!!! Let us love one another in the light and honour and reverence of our Splendid King!!! All for Your glory, Jesus!!!!!!
We Adore You, Tim Janis
Amen Beverlee!
Thank you for this Beverlee!
Have a blessed day everyone and Happy New Year to one and all!
Read your comments Donald Stubbs, thank you so much!
I posted a few times already encouraging people to send e mails to our Prime Minister offering words of encouragement, perhaps our opinions on any subjects; 50 years ago in my home town an issue erupted and upset everyone in the community, everyone was talking about the situation, it was very upsetting to all……one day I saw a man who was a Member of Parliament and I tore a stripe out of him about this issue, he happened to be my uncle, BUT HE SAID SOMETHING I’VE NEVER FORGOTTEN, he said “no one has talked to him about the issue, no one had telephoned and he was in the coffee shop and no one said a word, he ran the local Grain Elevators and certainly met a lot of farmers and AGAIN, NO ONE MENTIONED A WORD! I was the first person to do so!
That is whY I believe it is important to communicate with our elected officials! They can never say they never heard from a voting citizen about the present day situation regarding refugees because all MLA’s have heard from me and they acknowledged my concerns!
I believe the same goes with the question: How do people know that we are Christians?
Is it because of what we say, what we do, what we think, how we communicate with our neighbours! Going to church does not make a person a Christian! I am very thankful for this website, and thankful for all the comments…..God bless everyone