SAVE ME O GOD! (Psalm 69:1a)
Today’s Reading: Psalm 69
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

My photographer son, David Reynold, placed his Bible on the stones on which Jesus stood in the Roman governor Pilate’s courtyard. Here they clothed Him in the old robe of royal purple and placed the crown of thorns on His head in order to mock His claim of being a King. Here Jesus was scourged with whips. The prophet Isaiah prophesied of this: “But He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). Through the centuries the city has been built up over the stone pavement, but these original stones can be seen in the lower area of the Sisters of Zion Convent.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Psalm 69:21
They also gave me gall for my food,
And for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.
Prophetic statements are found in many places in the writings of King David. The words of our key verse actually happened to Jesus as He hung on the Cross. Check out Matthew 27:34-48. In Psalm 22 David writes the most obvious prophesies fulfilled in Jesus’ suffering and death. David is a prophet! Only Isaiah is more detailed in his prophecies of the coming Messiah! David wrote around 1000 B.C. and Isaiah around 500 B.C. What are the odds of such prophesies being minutely fulfilled? Obviously God revealed in advance the future events that happened when Jesus took the sins of the whole world upon Himself.
There are two streams which flow together in David’s poems. One is the expression of deep inner emotion. The other stream is an outpouring of confidence in the love and providence of God! We all have trying times because we live in a world which is out of tune with God; and at the same time we can experience an inner peace by being personally in tune with God!!!
Lord God, I thank You for building such confidence in my heart and mind by revealing the future to Your prophets as You did to David and Isaiah! I pray that I will constantly remember that nothing takes You by surprise, and that You do all things after the counsel of Your will, and that also includes the events of my life! (read Ephesians 1:11&12). I pray this in the Name of the One “Who works all things according to the counsel of His will!” Amen!!!
I’m often downtown in major cities. My ears are bombarded with out-of-tune sounds. This world is not in harmony with its Creator. The maple leaves across the street are beginning to die and are just beginning to protest their demise with a variety of colours. The life of the trees will be buried underground shortly, but I expect a resurrection this Spring. My Bible and my laptop computer are open before me. All is quiet and a beautifully harmonious orchestra begins to play in my heart and mind. Our divine Conductor is in charge. Every instrument is playing in tune. I sense the Presence of God who alone creates and gives us life, bringing us into harmony with Himself through the Person and work of Jesus Christ!
I’m probably reflecting my age here, but Norma-Jean and I almost always listen to 96.3, New Classical Radio, Toronto. Magnificent orchestral masterpieces are delightful for our ears to hear. Of course Norma-Jean and I differ, in that I also love the Nashville sound of country and western music. Norma-Jean, not so much. All of us here in the blogosphere, if we could put our feelings into music, might sound like the orchestra tuning up, but after a while the Conductor takes charge and we make beautiful music together! God carries the melody line in the score of life, and we make the harmonies on a wide variety of human instruments. Amen???
Yours for hearing clearly God’s melody line, reading the notes found in Scripture, and playing them well, 24/7,
P.S. Here is the Burlington Skyway Bridge over which I often travel. Across the Hamilton harbour is the city of Hamilton, where the steel mills of Dofasco and Stelco are at work. The second photo shows how some of the trees are just beginning to change into their Fall colours. The Niagara escarpment is on the horizon. Thanks to my grandson, Adam Mainse, who took these pictures on an overcast day (you can click on them to enlarge the photos).
David, you and Norma-Jean love the same music as my husband and me, Classical 96.3 radio. What really thrills me is so often there are beautiful old hymns of the church on their playlist. How wonderful to hear Jesus being praised in song on a secular station! Praise Jesus!
we also listen to 96.3 and we also listen to many Dutch Chr.programs on ;ine as well and gotten to know the producers there as well via e-mail
The music I listen to is Darlene Zscheck I love her music and I love the worship
music at our church
Amen Pastor David. …”My Bible and my laptop computer are open before me. All is quiet and a beautifully harmonious orchestra begins to play in my heart and mind. Our divine Conductor is in charge. Every instrument is playing in tune. I sense the Presence of God who alone creates and gives us life, bringing us into harmony with Himself through the Person and work of Jesus Christ!…”
Blessings brothers and sisters in Christ
David, I have written your poem down in my prayer book “God carries the melody line in the score of life and we make the harmonies on a wide variety of human instruments.” You have such an anointed mind – to think the deep thoughts of God
Interesting observation David. My environment and view are much different than yours but the same music is playing in my heart and spirit and all is at peace. Was out on the highway yesterday and saw such beautiful trees. God bless you.
Thank you Reynold for that photo…emphasizing all that Jesus did to redeem us and give us eternal life!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!!
Thank you for your prayer and words of wisdom Rev. David. Listening to music which includes His Word, is healing to the soul.
In Alberta the colours are out in full bloom gorgeous is His creation…sadly the leaves are falling off…leaving the trees bare…to nourish the ground for the new life to begin in the Spring.
The colors of the leaves are wonderful! It is good that they fall off, it is also good that the trees are bare in the colder months, and THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! they burst out and begin to grow and become shade for us! It’s wonderful the job that trees do in our country. Come to think of it: that is how they were created, to clearn the air, provide shade, smell lovely, look heavenly……YEP! God made it all perfect!
I pray for anyone that goes through a down time when the Moon is full, I went through a harsh week-end with my mental illness, I tend to have more of a difficult time when fall approaches, and in British Columbia we have the time change in November, where we fall back one hour, that time just before is very difficult for some of us.
Please pray for the Holy Spirit to visit my neighbour; we never had a problem until 2 guys who are rennovating his mobile home came on the scene, they do not respect the neighbours, and I had a chat with my neighbour and he agreed and we hugged on it that he would see that the guys started later in the day. we are all seniors and moved here because it was quiet and that is how we want it to stay.
I’ve complemented my neighbour’s daughters over and over, I had an incident and they were marvelous in helping me out! I thanked them over and over and gave them a HUGH bouquet of flowers and crocheted a blanket for one of them as she was getting married.
Pray that my neighbour will be kind and understanding and respectful.
Praise and thank God that He gave me swimming for my broken leg! I am going tonight and the exercise is just what I need. Amen TO OUR LORD JESUS AMEN
Lord Jesus I pray for peace of mind for Sah and extra strength to go through the down times. Lord continue to bless her ministry within her neighborhood and with those where she goes swimming. Thank you Jesus!!!
Ditto on music for this husband and wife (:
I need to monitor a Christian station out put, so I get a Christian spectrum.
I remember having to pay a toll on that bridge. Its paid for like our salvation!
God bless you Irene and thank you for your prayers!
I really need people to pray for my neighbour, I pray the Holy Spirit will enter his heart and that he will be respectful of his neighbours of which I am one and that he will realize that he needs to be quiet. He was a good neighbour until the rennovations started!
Lord God I need Your Divine Intervention in this situation. Help me to be tolerant and help my neighbour to be aware of the noise. In Jesus Name I Pray AMEN