LET GOD ARISE! (Psalm 68:1a)
Today’s Reading: Psalms 67-68
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Mount Hermon in Northern Israel is snow capped year-round. In today’s reading King David’s poetry mentions snow and the mountain peaks (Psalm 68:14-16).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Psalm 68:3-4, 11
But let the righteous be glad;
Let them rejoice before God;
Yes, let them rejoice exceedingly.
Sing to God, sing praises to His name;
Extol Him who rides on the clouds,
By His name YAH,
And rejoice before Him.
The Lord gave the word;
Great was the company of those who proclaimed it.
God’s Name, “YAH” (Hebrew) is “JEHOVAH” in our language. There is one true Creator God! Our God is “the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” We may want to read from our translation from the Greek language the words of Paul in Ephesians 1:3-6. The “awesome” (to borrow from yesterday’s reading) plan of God for the salvation of the whole world is ours to communicate to every man, woman, and child.
In Psalm 67, the word “NATIONS” is repeated three times. God’s face is shining upon us so that God’s “way may be known on earth,” and so that there will be “salvation among all nations!” “ALL NATIONS!” Can we, the readers of this blog, possibly be a vital part of that great “company of those who proclaimed it?” How each of us answer this question will make a huge difference in accomplishing this task or, on the other hand, failing to do our part. Which will it be?
Lord God, here I am waiting before You. I pray for grace to be a part of that great company whose job it is to proclaim Your Word to all the “NATIONS ON EARTH!” I pray for unbending determination to never, never, never give up on the accomplishment of this mandate to which You, “the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,” have called me. I ask for a great company to join together with You to get the job done. Amen!!!
I am 100% in support of Crossroads’ Global Chief Executive Officer, Dr. John Hull. He served as Pastor during the 1990s (up to the year 2000) of one of the greatest missionary-sending local churches in the world throughout the 20th century, the People’s Church in Toronto. Then God called him to lead as President and CEO of the ministry known as “EQUIP.” The mandate of “EQUIP” is to train leaders for the work of Christ. He led a “Great Company” over 13 years in expanding the Equip ministry from 6 countries and 2 languages back in 2001 to 65 languages and dialects in 175 countries by 2013. Now with all those leaders in place, God has brought John to Crossroads Christian Communications to lead us forward to the glorious goal that, through all kinds of mass communications media, Psalm 67:2 will be accomplished…”THAT YOUR WAY MAY BE KNOWN ON EARTH, YOUR SALVATION AMONG ALL NATIONS!!!!”
Yours for the “company of those who proclaimed it,” (the Word) because “the Lord gave the Word!”
Oh, that the Christians on earth be an army of worshipers for God, amen! Thank You, Jesus, for Your undying love for us! In faith and grace, we grow stronger in You. We worship You, Lord! Wishing all saints a blessed day!
The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore. Psalm cxxi. 8.
“On to broader fields of holy vision;
On to loftier heights of faith and love;
Onward, upward, apprehending wholly,
All for which He calls thee from above.”
A. B. Simpson
With all I AM, Hillsong
Dear Pastor Mainse:
Canadians have until Oct 11 to make submissions to the government appointed external panel that will advise the next Canadian Federal Government on how to legalize suicide, as a result of the Supreme Court Ruling.
This is an appeal to please share through your Blog Gods view and how to argue in an impactful way for and to defend the right to life. Please also consider yourselves responding to the panel through the online survey they have established. http://www.ep-ce.ca/consultation .
Please also share this limited time opportunity with your audience, most of whom are unlikely aware this panel is seeking input.
You will note the questions on the survey are slanted strongly, yet essay input is possible!
Please consider this an urgent matter at this critical point in our history!!
Thank You Randy for directing me to the site. I submitted mine with plenty of comments regarding my opposition.
Me too!
Survey completed today, thanks for the link.
2012 Holy Land Yellow Bus.
Amen to proclaiming God’s Word to all nations! Thank you David. Like your input Beverlee of poem and song. Will check out your plea, Randy. God bless.
I joined in prayer to be a part of that great company whose job it is to proclaim “HIS WORD” to “ALL THE NATIONS ON EARTH”
Thanks for the tip, Randy, and the sight for input. Will follow through on this.
Just a comment on Psalm. 68:11, NIV translates this verse as follows: “The Lord announces the Word AND THE WOMEN who proclaimed it among the mighty throng.” An interesting verse stressing how God uses ‘women’ to proclaim His Word. Something to think about for those who just think men should do all the leadership and speaking in the Church. Yeaaa for women! ‘The Role of Women” was the subject of some discussion in one of the blogs last month. As a matter of interest, I will also check to see how translators went from ‘great was the company that proclaimed” to “and the women who proclaim it”. Just something to think about. Blessings to all bloggers. Samuel
Good point ” I believe God uses women very powerfully! They seem to obey more willingly then men.
One more comment on Psalm 68:11. Just type in this verse and see all the translations of this one verse. Out of the 49 translations, 21 translations translates
“company” to “women or female” The OJB translations says, ‘the lay evangelist”!
Just thought this was an interesting perspective. Samuel
oops. It should be: “the lady evangelist”. S.
Dear Pastor David- I just want to say how I enjoy Huntley Street and have a great admiration for Dr. John Hull. He is very sincere and has a good mind . I found at first all the changes difficult as I have followed Huntley St. from when you started but I realize things do change and the Lord is working through it all. God bless this ministry that you started.
I found the changes also difficult to follow!
pray for a person who feels ripped off from a mechanic regarding his car, it still does not work and he has a big debt pray that GOd will help this person to put a plan in place to forgive and pay off the debt and be the better person in the end FORGIVENESS is a wonderful gift from the Lord amen